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  1. I've made a makeshift universal pause function hack, which works by an external script controlling AutoIt's tray pause capability. Here's how it works,,, You Include the GlobalPause.au3 in your script, when you do that and run your script, it writes Pause.au3 to your script folder. Pause.au3 is the binary string which you see in GlobalPause.au3, it's just much neater to write it this way, The actual code of Pause.au3 is below. Your script (shown below as TestingPause.au3) needs everything you see in it except the Sleep and ConsoleWrite which is just there for demonstration purposes. It's pretty self explanatory really, you hit pause key and it should pause your script immediately, you press it again and it will resume it as though you hit the pause button in the system tray. That is all it is, automating that button and a bit of logic, the reason is just convenience and I've seen many people wanting a boil in the bag pause function. Most of the automation code comes from M32 / rover in >this post, or one similar to it (cannot quite remember, I found a few), with a few adjustments. Here is the setback, your script's system tray icon must be visible in the tray and not hidden, I simply cannot find a way to automate the hidden ones. You can make it stay there by using the customize icon link in the hidden tray. The Code The Include: GlobalPause.au3 The test script: TestingPause.au3 The code which the included binary resolves to: Pause.au3 It's trivial to get all this working with your compiled scripts, or have the Pause.au3 compiled, in fact that's how I started it, but then thought about non compiled scripts and changed it. Probably mostly just help noob botters, but I hope someone at least gets some use from it, basically just saves you writing your embedded pause function. And this probably won't even work on a machine other than my own. EDIT: This thread now includes other more general Pause implementations. >General pause function for hot key. >General pause function for gui button. >Classic MsgBox pause. >Pause via Tray Menu. Please feel free to add any other pause implementations. The Zip for global pause: GlobalPause.zip
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