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Found 10 results

  1. Hi guys Looking to automate...I have PDF files...Need to convert them all to 2 pages each but more specifically, retain only the first and last. Searched a lot and hitting the wall....Any ideas? Just directions would do... Not sure how to "print to file" and I believe |ShellExecuteWait($sFilePath, " /h /p", "", "print", @SW_HIDE)| doesn't give options of what pages...
  2. Hi. I want to get the page with socks 5. I has been search for 2 days but didnot found I see winHttp but it only support proxy Any one can help me please? Socks 5 or 4 not proxy please Thank for reading and im sorry about my stupid English
  3. Hey I made this to convert data to PHP's serialize() function return format. This is for those who, somewhy [?], can't use JSON, for example. Just two simple functions: Serialize() and Unserialize(). Data may be all accepted types in PHP (array, float, int, string), except objects. Examples (included in package): #include 'serialize.au3' Dim $otherArray[4] = ["hai", "halo", "apa", "kabar"] Dim $aArray[7] = ['test', 'lol', 'cool', 'amazing', 123, $otherArray, 2.50] $sSerialized = Serialize($aArray) MsgBox(0, "", $sSerialized)It will show: a:7:{i:0;s:4:"test";i:1;s:3:"lol";i:2;s:4:"cool";i:3;s:7:"amazing";i:4;i:123;i:5;a:4:{i:0;s:3:"hai";i:1;s:4:"halo";i:2;s:3:"apa";i:3;s:5:"kabar";}i:6;d:2.5;}Now, if we want to do the contrary, which is, converting from serialized string back to original data: #include 'serialize.au3' #include <Array.au3> ; Needed only to use _ArrayDisplay. Not required to use serialize. $aUnserialized = Unserialize('a:7:{i:0;s:4:"test";i:1;s:3:"lol";i:2;s:4:"cool";i:3;s:7:"amazing";i:4;i:123;i:5;a:4:{i:0;s:3:"hai";i:1;s:4:"halo";i:2;s:3:"apa";i:3;s:5:"kabar";}i:6;d:2.5;}') _ArrayDisplay($aUnserialized) _ArrayDisplay($aUnserialized[6])As _ArrayDisplay doesn't support multidimensional array (and, in the previous example, we converted a multidimensional array to serialized data), we must use it twice. So we will see: Please notice the differences between AutoIt and PHP's approach of arrays. It is different. Be careful, mainly when getting arrays from PHP and putting into AutoIt. I really recommend using only integer array keys, or switching to JSON. License: CC BY 4.0 Download: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/files/file/348-unserialize-in-autoit-php-compatible/
  4. Version 1.0.0


    UDF for serializing and unserializing data. Serializing is converting any data to an easily storable format (you can convert an array to a string to save in a database, then convert it back to array).
  5. Jefrey


    Version 1.0.0


    Class using AutoItObject to generate PDF or image (JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG...) files from webpages or HTML files through wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage.
  6. Hello everyone, the title is pretty much what I want to do but I'll elaborate below for details. I'm currently using a script to ease out my workload, it uses StringRegExp to extract certain bits of info out of a text file that I make and then makes a neat record with whatever it got that I can easily check out later. The only manual labor that I'm forced to do is open a web page in my browser, press ctrl+a ctrl+c, paste it in notepad, replace every double tab character with a semicolon and save the text file. Unfortunately sometimes things get too hectic and I don't get the chance to sit down and sort that out, and while I'm busy somewhere else those precious bits of info just go to waste. That's why I've decided to make the script completely autonomous, but after about two hours of searching through the forums, I've yet to find a definite solution for two reasons: -I can't rely on _InetGetSource because it would be more than a nightmare to figure out a reliable regular expression to get my info out of the page's source code; it would be impossible, considering how complex and dynamic it is, whereas the displayed text on the browser is perfectly manageable. -The pc is always being used, even when I'm not around and especially on hectic times, so automatically opening up the browser and making the mouse and keyboard fetch the displayed text into the clipboard would be a very unreliable approach (I tried it once, with BlockInput and everything, never again). If you could please help me or point me to the right thread where they can help me with my problem, I'd be forever in your debt. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hello AU3Forum, I have a Internet Explorer window opened( I thinks its somehow a control class in IE,but anyway ) and I need to retrieve or take all the links from that page. How can I do this ??
  8. Hi, Somebody can help to find solution to ignore some part of html and css code? in example.css we have this part: div#page { display: block !important; text-align: left !important; width: 960px !important; //<<-- How to ignore this code in loaded page with _IENavigate ($oIE, "http://www.example.com") margin: 0 auto !important; } also in example.com/index.html code we have this part: <td valign="top" align="center" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-left:10px;"> <iframe src="http://www.game-advertising-online.com/index.php?section=serve&id=321&output=html" name="iframe" width="170" height="620" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe> </td> how to remove this part of code? Thank you.
  9. Hey everyone, I am working on a script for which I have a webpage saved. At the start of the program, the program loads the source code into a variable, removes all script and noscript, and then it must cut out a div called product (<div id="product">). The problem is that each time I try to write this function, I have problems detecting how many child divs it has nested in it. I have tried also writing a function that determines the amount of characters in the div, for trimming to the right of the div, but this has not worked. I dont wish to use an embedded browser for my program, I just want to work with the strings. Could anybody give me any pointers? Thanks. EDIT I have found the following forum post: The problem is though, that (as far as I am aware) it requires you to use the embedded browser or just use internet explorer, which will not help me as I just want to read the source code. I am aware that I can load the source into the browser and then hide the browser, but I would rather just "cut" the div out of the source. Thanks. SOLUTION Thanks to thanlankon. Please note that this also returns the div tags (opening and closing) for the specified div. It also removes the " character from either side of the ID name.
  10. Hi, somebody can help to find solution to remove ads from website in IE
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