Hello all, this is what I got so far .. it opens and It won't put in words, I need to log in,, oops didnt put in code. LOL
#include <IE.au3>
Local $oUser, $oPass, $oSubmit
Local $sUser = "lit"
Local $sPass = "abc"
Local $url = "http://woodstock:9090/login.jsp?url=%2Findex.jsp"
Local $oIE = _IECreate($url, 1)
$oInputs = _IETagNameGetCollection($oIE, "input")
for $oInput in $oInputs
if $oInput.type = "text" And $oInput.name = "userid" And $oInput.size = "12" Then $oUser = $oInput
if $oInput.type = "password" And $oInput.name = "password" And $oInput.size = "12" Then $oPass = $oInput
if $oInput.type = "submit" And $oInput.value = "loginformtable" Then $oSubmit = $oInput
if isObj($oUser) And isObj($oPass) And isObj($oSubmit) then exitloop
$oUser.value = $sUser
$oPass.value = $sPass
_IEAction($oSubmit, "click")