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  1. Hello what is the best way to secure autoit scripts right now? People say prebuild stripper in SciTE is not high secure. Other problem is if I use stripper in my program I use a lot of _Timer_SetTimer functions. After stripping timers not work. I seen this but now it not work https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/autoit/2708576-release-tool-prevent-decompilation-your-autoit-code.html Next thing is https://www.pelock.com Is it better than stripper builded in SciTE and got more secure? Please write me ur knowledge about how to make scripts secure. I know its hard to recieve but tell me ur thoughts
  2. Where can i find it ? TD
  3. 1/22/2014: re-Uploaded a new SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer with the new SciTE v3.3.7 release. This version contains a version of AutoIt3Wrapper and SciTEConfig which are recompiled with AutoIt3 v to avoid te hardcrash with Athlon CPU's. There are a couple of major changes: - Updated our version of SciTE from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7 - AutoIt3Wrapper will now use "c:users<userName>AppdataLocalAutoit v3Aut2Exe" as Temp directory. - Updated syntax files. Enjoy, Jos Addition/Changes/Fixes in the current installer: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/22/2014 *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.5 (Jos) - Fixed issue with undecleared variable error when using /Versioning_Commit - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash. *** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.1 (Jos) - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/29/2013 *** Fixed missing SciTEConfig in SciTE4AutoIt3 installer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/28/2013 *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.7 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) *** Updated Production config files to *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.0 (Jos) - Use "c:\users\<userName>\Appdata\Local\Autoit v3\Aut2Exe" as Temp directory for compiling and resource updating like aut2exe. - Fixed issue with Compile both and Pragma(x64,true) - Fixed inputfile in case Obfuscator needs to run but is skipped due to unsupported utf format. - Fixed UPX selection option to default to N and adding the Directive when checkbox is checked. *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.1 (Jos) - Changed the code to leave #include statements that include a a3x file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/14/2013 *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) - Added check to avoid double shelling of the script via shortcuts of the tools menu items. - Added Properties option to set the default encoding of new files: NewFileEncoding=CodePage/UTF8/UTF8BOM/UTF16BE/UTF16LE - Fixed issue in AU3 lexer to show the last correctly when the previous line is a commentline, commentblock, Special and Directives. *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.3.0 (Jos) - Fixed issue where a tempfile was left behind when files was checked by au3check and UTF encoded. - Added support for the #PRAGMA statement to avoid any conflicts. Warnings are now displayed in the Console output. - Added SciTE version to the displayed info in the Console Output. - Added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove (wraithdu) - Added File compression for Resource Files (wraithdu) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, 10, UNCOMPRESSED #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, -10, COMPRESSED - Updated option to change the TempDir in the INI file. Default changed to @UserProfileDir. (wraithdu) - Fixed adding /Beta to the Obfuscator line when using the /Beta on the commandline of Autoit3wrapper. - Fixed to ensure UPX is ran when needed. - Fixed: Allow | in run_before and Run_After directives. *** Updated Tidy v2.4.0.0 (Jos) - Added support for 3.3.9.x changes. - Changed default EOF setting to add the CRLF. (End_With_NewLine=1) - Fixed removal of spaces for new Var/Func notation - Fixed crash caused by Function table load. *** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.0 - Updates for Abbrev manager and User Calltip Manager (Melba23) *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.0 (Jos) - Fixed ensure #pragma statements are not stripped. - Fixed Regression internal code cleanup done before. The Obfuscation was broken - Fixed #include logic for #Include not first checking the Directory where the file containing the include is located. - Added check for max 4100 character record len without causing a crash. *** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in your @UserProfileDir subdir for details. *** Updated SciTEJump to the latest version v2.13.103.227 (guinness) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates. ==> Visit the SciTE4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions ==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.
  4. Can I use directives to AutoIt3Wrapper and Obfuscator in a include file ? For me it is important to me because I lead a lot of different projects and I would like everywhere standardize the use of these directives.
  5. in my scritp i using this directive #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=Y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo Script Error gives a message like: "Subscript used with non-array variable" "Line Number 55931" Of course I know what the problem is, ie where there is an error in my script, I find after a while searching for the error and corrects him. Unfortunately, at some cases, given the line of code is not in line with what is in the file: MyProgram_Obfuscated.au3 I mean. as it turns out the error "MyProgram_Obfuscated.au3" is included in the line number 55939. Questions: 1 Did anyone happened to specified line was wrong, but so little, that the difference is only 8 lines of code? 2 Does anyone know the reason for this? 3 Can anyone steer me however to solve this problem? EDIT: topic change from #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo to #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo - problem with script line number in AutoIt Error message
  6. Referring to: and /?do=embed#entry1102929'' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I would like to present AU3 Tools - Quick Updater : Global $URL_Scite = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/' _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("AutoIt3Wrapper.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("Obfuscator.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciTE.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciteConfig.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("Tidy.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciLexer.dll") Func _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual($fFileToDownlad) Local $fLocalDestination If _INET_CompareSize_IsEqual($fFileToDownlad) = False Then $fLocalDestination = _INET_GetUpdate($fFileToDownlad) FileMove($fLocalDestination, @ScriptDir & '\' & $fFileToDownlad, 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_INET_DownloadIfNotEqual Func _INET_CompareSize_IsEqual($fFileToDownlad) Local $nWebSize = InetGetSize($URL_Scite & $fFileToDownlad) Local $nLocalSize = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & '\' & $fFileToDownlad) If $nWebSize = $nLocalSize Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_INET_CompareSize_IsEqual Func _INET_GetUpdate($fFileToDownlad) Local $fLocalDestination = @TempDir & "\" & $fFileToDownlad Local $hDownload = InetGet($URL_Scite & $fFileToDownlad, $fLocalDestination, 1, 1) Do Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) ; Check if the download is complete. Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload) ; Close the handle to release resources. Return $fLocalDestination EndFunc ;==>_INET_GetUpdate HOW TO USE: Simply compile and run waiting to download current updates tools If You want to replace file in SciTE4AutoIt dir then run it script from directory where SciTE4AutoIt is instaled ps. This is a really fast set up, update tool contains no error checking requires no configuration requires that the target downloaded files were not used by other Windows processes EDIT: CAUTION: EDIT: WORD JOKE : as they say on the commercial "before use, read the label or contact your doctor or pharmacist"
  7. In some scripts, I use as follows Obfuscator parameters: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=Y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/sf /sv /om /cs=0 /cn=0 /mo In some other scripts, I use as follows Obfuscator parameters: #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=Y #Obfuscator_Parameters=/sf #Obfuscator_Parameters=/sv #Obfuscator_Parameters=/om #Obfuscator_Parameters=/cs=0 #Obfuscator_Parameters=/cn=0 #Obfuscator_Parameters=/mo I do not know why I have such a distinction, perhaps I used some example. QUESTION: Are both indicated examples correct?
  8. Hi guys, this script: #include <MouseOnEvent.au3> ;External UDF #NoTrayIcon Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) ShellExecute("notepad.exe") Global $bPaused = 0 Global $Flag = True While 1 If WinActive("[CLASS:Notepad]") And $Flag Then _MouseSetOnEvent($MOUSE_WHEELDOWN_EVENT, "_WheelPressed", 0, 1) $Flag = False EndIf If Not ProcessExists("notepad.exe") Then _Exit() EndIf WEnd Func _WheelPressed() Send("Test") EndFunc ;==>_Remapping_WHEELDOWN Func _Exit() Exit 0 EndFunc ;==>_Exit You need Work fine like .au3 Work fine like .exe Not work if i'll try to obfuscate, this is the output: -### Obfuscation Error: Found DllCallbackRegister() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: _Timer_SetTimer C:\Programmi\AutoIt3\include\Timers.au3(275,1) Warning for line:$hCallBack = DllCallbackRegister($sTimerFunc, "none", "hwnd;int;uint_ptr;dword") -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(341,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1], $iEvent, $a__MSOE_Events[$i][4]) -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(344,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1], $iEvent) -### Obfuscation Error: Found Call() statement using unsolvable Func, which will/could lead to problems running your obfuscated script. >### current Func: __MouseSetOnEvent_MainHandler C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\MouseOnEvent.au3(347,1) Warning for line:$iRet = Call($a__MSOE_Events[$i][1]) -############################################################################################# -#### Obfuscator Found 4 Error(s)!!!! This means your script could have problems running properly. #### -############################################################################################# +> Obfuscator v1.0.29.5 finished obfuscating 4112 lines, stripped 7916 comment lines. created:C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Desktop\TestScript_Obfuscated.au3 I don't know if it is a Obfuscator bug or a UDF bug, anyway there is a incompatibility between Obfuscator and MouseSetOnEvent Solutions? Thanks
  9. When using the Obfuscator option "/striponly" or "/striponlyincludes" when compiling with AutoIt3Wrapper in SciTE, is there a way to keep it from stripping Global Enums from UDFs? I'm getting errors, such as WARNING: $_IEStatus_Success: possibly used before declaration.
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