I have spent the past day fooling with StringRegExp to no avail attempting to get what would be a simple solution to an issue using StringRegExp.
I will post the code in a sec. The string 'Java x Update y' where x and y are numeric values ONLY if a letter is mixed in anywhere then it should fail. I have been able to successfully deal with the x value so if x = 1234 or a1234 or 1a234 or 1234a would result in a fail if 'a' was in the string. However, when y = 1a234 then I get an output of 1 and when y = 1234a then the output = 1234 when both should fail. I am probably overlooking something simple and in looking through all the material and experimenting I am unable to figure it out and my experience with stringregexp and trying to find examples of this proved difficult. If someone could assist or point me to a thread ? Here is my code ; prob a simple fix. I am also trying to avoid white spaces.
Thanks in advance
#include <array.au3>
$aArray = StringRegExp('Java 3009 Update 1a21', '(?i)Java (\d+) Update (\d+)', $STR_REGEXPARRAYGLOBALMATCH)
If @error Then Exit