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Sometimes I wondered how many keywords were used in my particular script. When I was trying to persuade one of my friends to learn coding, I told him that a few hundred words were all he had to learn to speak a decent computer language, while he had to learn several thousand words to speak a decent English as a foreign language. As a proof I counted the number of keywords used in my zPlayer.au3 with the following code and it was 185. As only standard UDF files were used in the script, I think this is a pretty close count. My question: Is there a simpler and more accurate way of counting the number of keywords used in a script, especially when external UDFs are included, in which case the function names are not listed in file? #include <Array.au3> $sPath = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\autoit3.exe", "") $allKeywords = FileReadToArray(StringReplace($sPath, "autoit3.exe", "SciTE\")) $sScript = FileRead("d:\zplayer\zplayer.au3") Local $aKeywordsUsed[1] For $i = 1 To UBound($allKeywords)-1 $sLine = StringStripWS($allKeywords[$i], 3) If StringInStr($sLine, "=") Then $sLine = StringMid($sLine, StringInStr($sLine, "=")+1) EndIf $sLine = StringReplace($sLine, " \", "") $aLine = StringSplit($sLine, " ") For $j = 1 To $aLine[0] If StringInStr($sScript, $aLine[$j]) Then _ArrayAdd($aKeywordsUsed, $aLine[$j]) EndIf Next Next $aKeywordsUsed[0] = UBound($aKeywordsUsed)-1 _ArraySort($aKeywordsUsed, 0, 1) _ArrayDisplay($aKeywordsUsed)