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  1. Hello Again Legends of AutoIT I am immensely grateful for the help I was given in creating my first script which works (almost) perfectly when logged on to a PC with admin rights. The problem is that I need to silently install the application on to 50 PCs that do not have admin rights. We have a homemade distribution tool but basically a log on script runs, checks if your in an AD group and if you are it installs the application. The problem I have is that the user that installs the application is actually a service run as a user and this means that there is no UI. My script doesn't seem to run correctly or at least the application is not installed and I don't know enough about AutoIT basics (yet) to know whether it can be used in this context. I'm more than happy to give more information or share my script if this is not enough information to go on. Thanks in advance
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