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"Nimps" is a regional slang word, which means easy or simple or basic and such. I made a quick little script the other day to backup the visual studio project folder I was actively working on. Thought I'd generalise it for use with the current active windows explorer folder. When this script is running, and you hit "Ctrl and Shift and b", if a folder is open in windows explorer, it will copy the contents of it to your desired location ($GENERAL_BACKUP_FOLDER) including subfolders and its files and folders (so beware on deep directories) If you have command line version of 7zip (7za.exe) you can choose to compress the folder rather than just copy it ($ZIP_FOLDER = True), or both I suppose. Think that's all. Reading the code should tell you anything else. Oh, success or failure is indicated by a high or low frequency Beep(). #include <AutoItConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> HotKeySet("^+b", _Backup) ; ctrl and shift and b HotKeySet("!+b", _Exit) ; alt and shift and b Global Const $GENERAL_BACKUP_FOLDER = @ScriptDir & "Backup\" Global Const $ZIP_FOLDER = False Global Const $PATH_TO_7ZA = "D:\7za.exe" While 3 Sleep(300) WEnd ; High frequency beep if successful ; Low frequency beep if failed Func _Backup() Local $FOLDER_TO_BACKUP = "" Local $BACKUP_FOLDER = "" Local $CURRENT_BACKUP_FOLDER Local $WIN_TITLE = WinGetTitle("[Active]") Local $WIN_TEXT = WinGetText("[Active]") ; If text of window has no address, it is not a windows explorer If StringInStr($WIN_TEXT, "Address: ") Then Local $ACTIVE_EXPLORER_ADDRESS = _StringBetween($WIN_TEXT, "Address: ", @LF) If Not IsArray($ACTIVE_EXPLORER_ADDRESS) Then Beep(400, 150) Return @ScriptLineNumber EndIf $FOLDER_TO_BACKUP = $ACTIVE_EXPLORER_ADDRESS[0] Else Return MsgBox(0, "Info", "The active window is not explorer") EndIf ; Check to see if root drive is backup source If StringRight($FOLDER_TO_BACKUP, 2) = ":\" Then $Answer = MsgBox(4, "Warning", "You are about to attempt to backup a whole disk" & @CRLF & "Are you sure?") If $Answer <> 6 Then Return EndIf ; Date and time to append to backup zip file or folder $APPEND = "_" & @YEAR & "_" & @MON & "_" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & "_" & @MIN & "_" & @SEC Local $CURRENT_BACKUP_FOLDER = $GENERAL_BACKUP_FOLDER & $WIN_TITLE & $APPEND ; Zip to backup folder and return, 7za.exe required If $ZIP_FOLDER Then ; Buile command for 7za $command = $PATH_TO_7ZA & ' a ' & '"' & $GENERAL_BACKUP_FOLDER & $WIN_TITLE & $APPEND & '"' & '.zip ' & '"' & $FOLDER_TO_BACKUP & '"' $pid = Run($command, "", @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) While ProcessExists($pid) Sleep(10) WEnd $out = StdoutRead($pid) ; Indicate if successfull If StringInStr($out, "Everything is Ok") Then Beep(700, 200) Return EndIf Beep(400, 200) Return EndIf ; Copy folder and beep when complete, no 7zip needed. Local $RTN = DirCopy($FOLDER_TO_BACKUP, $CURRENT_BACKUP_FOLDER, 1) ? Beep(700, 500) : Beep(400, 500) EndFunc ;==>_Backup Func _Exit() Exit EndFunc ;==>_Exit