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Hello Here is my network UDF. Do not yell at me if it already exists ... I hope it will be useful to someone. Please, let me know if you have any problem. All functions that perform modifications required administrator rights Functions list : Internal functions only : Examples : #Include "network.au3" ; List of availables connections/cards #Include <array.au3> ; only for _ArrayDisplay() $infos = _GetNetworkAdapterList() _ArrayDisplay($infos) ; Network card informations for the network connection called "Local Area Network" $infos = _GetNetworkAdapterInfos("Local Area Network") _ArrayDisplay($infos) ; Disable a network connection _DisableNetAdapter("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet") ; OR _DisableNetAdapter("Local Area Network") ; Enable a network connection _EnableNetAdapter("Local Area Network") ; OR _EnableNetAdapter("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet") ; Enable DHCP (for IP Address) _EnableDHCP("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet") ; OR _EnableDHCP("Local Area Network") ; Configure a static IP adress _EnableStatic("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet", "", "") ; OR _EnableStatic("Local Area Network", "", "") ; Configure the default gateway _SetGateways("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet", "") ; OR _SetGateways("Local Area Network", "") ; Configure DNS servers Local $DNS_SERVERS[4] = [ "", "", "", "" ] _SetDNSServerSearchOrder("Local Area Network", $DNS_SERVERS) ; OR _SetDNSServerSearchOrder("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet", $DNS_SERVERS) ; Configure the DNS domain name _SetDNSDomain ("Local Area Network", "mondomain.loc") ; OR _SetDNSDomain ("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet", "mondomain.loc") ; Configure the DNS suffixes for all connections : Local $DNS_SUFFIXES[2] = [ "mondomain.loc", "mydomain.priv" ] _SetDNSSuffixSearchOrder($DNS_SUFFIXES) ; Clear the DNS cache (like ipconfig /flushdns) _FlushDNS() ; Remove an entry from the DNS cache _FlushDNSEntry("") ; Configure the WINS servers (very old, now ...) _SetWINSServer("Local Area Network", "", "") ; OR _SetWINSServer("Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet", "", "") ; Enable the two options : ; - Register this connection's address in DNS ( first parameter) ; - Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration (second parameter) _SetDynamicDNSRegistration("Local Area Network", True, True) ; Release the DHCP lease _ReleaseDHCPLease() ; Renew the DHCP lease _RenewDHCPLease() ; Sets the Private category to the network connection called "LAN" _SetCategory("LAN", 1) Download link : Network.au3