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  1. My solution is to write nested arrays without copying. The problem was described hier. Function: #include <Array.au3> ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _ArrayNestedSet ; Description ...: Assigns a value to an element of a nested 1D array. ; Syntax ........: _ArrayNestedSet(ByRef $aArray, $vIndex, $vValue) ; Parameters ....: $aArray - an array of arrays. ; $vIndex - an index or 1d-array of indexes; ; a size if $vValue not defined (zero to delete). ; $vValue - a value (create, resize or delete if not defined). ; ; Return values .: on success - 1 ; @extended - nesting level of operation ; on failure - 0 ; @extended - nesting level of error ; @error = 1 - invalid array ; @error = 2 - invalid index ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: kovlad ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/185638-assign-a-value-to-an-array-in-array-element/ ; https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/ticket/3515?replyto=description ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _ArrayNestedSet(ByRef $aArray, $vIndex, $vValue = Default) Local $extended = @extended + 1 If IsArray($vIndex) Then If UBound($vIndex, 0) <> 1 Then _ Return SetError(2, $extended) If UBound($vIndex) > 1 Then If UBound($aArray, 0) <> 1 Then _ Return SetError(1, $extended) ; keep index for this array Local $i = $vIndex[0] If $i < 0 Or UBound($aArray) <= $i Then _ Return SetError(2, $extended) ; delete index of this array _ArrayDelete($vIndex, 0) ; recursive function call Local $return = _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[$i], $vIndex, $vValue) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended + 1, 0) Else Return SetExtended(@extended + 1, 1) EndIf Else $vIndex = $vIndex[0] EndIf EndIf If $vValue = Default Then If $vIndex < 0 Then _ Return SetError(2, $extended) If $vIndex = 0 Then ; delete array and free memory $aArray = 0 Return SetExtended($extended, 1) EndIf If UBound($aArray, 0) = 1 Then ; resize array keeping data ReDim $aArray[$vIndex] Return SetExtended($extended, 1) Else ; create new nested array Local $aTmp[$vIndex] $aArray = $aTmp Return SetExtended($extended, 1) EndIf Else If UBound($aArray) <= $vIndex Then _ Return SetError(2, $extended + 1) ; set value of array entry $aArray[$vIndex] = $vValue Return SetExtended($extended, 1) EndIf EndFunc Examples: ; write value to 1st nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : write value to 1st nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aTmp1[4] = [1,2,3,4] _ArrayDisplay($aTmp1, "$aTmp1") Local $aArray[2] = [$aTmp1] ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 3, 14) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 3, 14) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($aArray[0], "$aArray[0]") ; resize 1st nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : resize 1st nested array" & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 8) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 8) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay($aArray[0], "$aArray[0]") ; write array to 1st nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : write array to 1st nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aTmp11[4] = [11,12,13,14] _ArrayDisplay($aTmp11, "$aTmp11") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 2, $aTmp11) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], 2, $aTmp11) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay(($aArray[0])[2], "($aArray[0])[2]") ; write value to 2nd nested array using index array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : write value to 2nd nested array using index array" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex1[2] = [2,3] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex1, "$aIndex1") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex1, 140) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex1, 140) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay(($aArray[0])[2], "($aArray[0])[2]") ; resize 2nd nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : resize 2nd nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex1[2] = [2,8] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex1, "$aIndex1") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex1) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex1) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay(($aArray[0])[2], "($aArray[0])[2]") ; create new 3rd nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : create new 3rd nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex2[3] = [2,7,6] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex2, "$aIndex2") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex2) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex2) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF & @CRLF) _ArrayDisplay((($aArray[0])[2])[7], ")($aArray[0])[2])[7]") ; delete 3rd nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : delete 3rd nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex3[3] = [2,7,0] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex3, "$aIndex2") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex3) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex3) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("IsArray((($aArray[0])[2])[7]) = " & IsArray((($aArray[0])[2])[7]) & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; write 0 in 1st nested array to delete the 2nd nested array ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : write 0 in 1st nested array to delete the 2nd nested array" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex4[1] = [2] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex4, "$aIndex4") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex4, 0) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex4, 0) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("IsArray(($aArray[0])[2]) = " & IsArray(($aArray[0])[2]) & @CRLF & @CRLF) ; delete 1st nested array (same as '$aArray[0] = 0') ConsoleWrite("@@ Debug(" & @ScriptLineNumber & ") : delete 1st nested array (same as '$aArray[0] = 0')" & @CRLF) Local $aIndex5[1] = [0] _ArrayDisplay($aIndex5, "$aIndex5") ConsoleWrite( _ "_ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex5) = " & _ArrayNestedSet($aArray[0], $aIndex5) & @CRLF & _ " @error = " & @error & @CRLF & _ " @extended = " & @extended & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite("IsArray($aArray[0]) = " & IsArray($aArray[0]) & @CRLF & @CRLF)
  2. I'm trying to pass a nested array to a function, such that the function alters the inner array. I was surprised to find that this minimal reproducible example, despite its use of ByRef, seems to pass a copy of the inner array to the function: #include <Array.au3> ; a boring old array Local $aInnerArray[5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ; a one-element array containing a reference to the other array Local $aOuterArray[1] = [$aInnerArray] ; intention: take a nested array and alter its inner array ; reality: the inner array seems to be getting copied Func ChangeIt(ByRef $aOuter) Local $aInner = $aOuter[0] $aInner[2] = 0 EndFunc ; Expected: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ; Actual: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ✔ _ArrayDisplay($aInnerArray, 'Before') ; $aOuterArray passed by-ref, should receive reference to $aInnerArray ; Therefore should change $aInnerArray to [1, 2, 0, 4, 5] ChangeIt($aOuterArray) ; Expected: [1, 2, 0, 4, 5] ; Actual: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ✘ _ArrayDisplay($aInnerArray, 'After') I suspect that either: the copy is taking place in the first line of the function (I couldn't find a way to access the inner array without first assigning it to a variable though); or ByRef doesn't propagate into inner levels of the data structure being passed, which seems less likely to me. Could someone please point me in the right direction to get this working as intended? Update: the answer ; WRONG: ; a one-element array containing a reference to the other array Local $aOuterArray[1] = [$aInnerArray] The assumption I made about this code is wrong—it actually copies $aInnerArray into $aOuterArray, so there are now two unrelated $aInnerArray instances. It is not possible to store arrays in other arrays by reference. If it is necessary to refer to a mutable array in multiple places, consider holding it in a global variable. Where a collection of mutable arrays needs to be accessed in multiple places (as in my case), consider storing them in a global array and referring to each sub-array by index (also known as the Registry pattern).
  3. Hello, <edit> In this posting below you will find a script to get an Active Directory User's Group Memberships including nested Group Memberships: </edit> quite a while ago I started this thread: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/193984-ad-member-of-group-in-group/ #include <AD.au3> _AD_Open() $user=_AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN("ASP") $group=_AD_SamAccountNameToFQDN("daten-Bestellung-QS_lesen") $result=_AD_IsMemberOf($group,$user,false,True) ; $Group is the 1st, $User the 2nd param ConsoleWrite('@@ Debug(' & @ScriptLineNumber & ') : $result = ' & $result & @CRLF & '>Error code: ' & @error & @CRLF) ;### Debug Console _AD_Close() this works fine, thanks for the help in the other thread. Howto to get the "chain" of groups for nested group memberships? In AD.AU3 I found the function _AD_RecursiveGetMemberOf(), which might be an approach, (get all the group content then sort out what's needed), just wondering if there is another function that I've overlooked, that directly would give me the "nested membership chain" *ONLY*? Regards, Rudi.
  4. Afternoon! I have a requirement to return both a string and an array from a function so as a result I put them both into an array and returned that. I can access them in their entirety after returning them but then I can't seem to access the array elements after this. Should I be able to or is there a prettier way? #include <Array.au3> ;Memory info returned as a string and an array $memoryInfo = _getMemoryInfo() msgbox(0,"Memory Info",$memoryInfo[0]) _ArrayDisplay($memoryInfo[1],"Memory as an Array") Local $newArray[7] $memoryInfo[1] = $newArray msgbox(0,"Test element",$newArray[0]) _ArrayDisplay($newArray) Func _getMemoryInfo() Local $newArray[7] Local $array = MemGetStats() $newArray[0] = $array[0] ;% of memory in use $newArray[1] = Round($array[1]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Total physical RAM $newArray[2] = Round($array[2]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Availaible physical RAM $newArray[3] = Round($array[3]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Total pagefile $newArray[4] = Round($array[4]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Available pagefile $newArray[5] = Round($array[5]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Total virtual $newArray[6] = Round($array[6]/1024 * 0.001,2) ;Available virtual $memoryUsage = $newArray[1] - $newarray[2] $pagefileUsage = $newArray[3] - $newarray[4] ;Output/Return Local $returnArray[2] $returnArray[0] = "Memory: " & $memoryUsage & " GB/" & $newArray[1] & " GB " & @CRLF & "Pagefile: " & $pagefileUsage & " GB/" & $newArray[3] & " GB " $returnArray[1] = $newArray return $returnArray EndFunc A bit messy but hopefully it's understandable what I'm trying to achieve. Thanks!
  5. Hello, I am trying to updated a autoit app that moves files from one location to another. What Ia m trying to do is exclude specified sub directories from being moved/copied or files within the sub-folders As of now the code doesn't want to execute the nested for loop Global $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt Global $File = "*" func File_mover($Src,$File,$Dst) ; GET DIRECTORY EXCLUDES ; ###################### ; Create blank 2 dem array Local $ExArray[0][1] ; load ini file Local Const $sFilePath = "exclude.ini" ; Check to see if ini exists Local $iFileExists = FileExists($sFilePath) ; If the INI file is not found, output error message If not $iFileExists Then msgbox(0,"Oh NO!", $sFilePath & " not found!") endif ; Read ini file Local $aArray = IniReadSection($sFilePath, "test") ; Start the array loop If Not @error Then for $i = 1 to $aArray[0][0] ; Add Ini values into array _ArrayAdd($ExArray, $aArray[$i][1]) next endif ; Display array ;_ArrayDisplay($ExArray, "test Label") ProgressOn("Moving Scanned File(s)", "Moving scans into citrix...", "0%") $aFiles = _FileListToArray3($Src, $File, 1, 1, 0, 0) For $i = 1 To $aFiles[0] call("_PathSplit",$aFiles[$i], $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) $SrcFile = $Src & "\" & $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & $szExt $DstFile = $Dst & "\" & $szDir & $szFName & $szExt $NumFiles = DirGetSize($Src,1) ; If File Exsists copy and rename file If FileExists($DstFile) Then $DstFile = call("_IfIdenticalIncrement", $SrcFile, $DstFile) If $DstFile <> "" Then For $ii = $NumFiles[1] To 100 Step 10 ProgressSet($ii, $ii & "%","Moving Files...") ; Move Scans ; List Dir in srouce dir $dirEx = _FileListToArray($Src,"*",2) If UBound($dirEx) > 1 Then ; Look in the dir list array For $dir In $dirEx ; Find and compaire dir in exclude array For $exclude In $ExArray If ($dir = $exclude) Then ; if exclude dir found go to top loop and skip ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next FileMove($SrcFile, $DstFile, 8) Next endif Sleep(100) Next EndIf ; File doesnt exists so copy the file over Else For $ii = $NumFiles[1] To 100 Step 10 ProgressSet($ii, $ii & "%","Moving Files...") ; Move Scans ; List Dir in srouce dir $dirEx = _FileListToArray($Src,"*",2) If UBound($dirEx) > 1 Then ; Look in the dir list array For $dir In $dirEx ; Find and compaire dir in exclude array For $exclude In $ExArray If ($dir = $exclude) Then ; if exclude dir found go to top loop and skip ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next FileMove($SrcFile, $DstFile, 8) Next endif Sleep(100) next EndIf ProgressSet(100, "Scans Moved...Successfully!", "Done!") sleep(2000) ProgressOff() Next endfunc Func _IfIdenticalIncrement($vSrcFile, $vDstFile) Local $Count = 0 ; Get the modified date of the source file. $ScrVer = FileGetTime($vSrcFile, 0, 1) ; To get all elemnt of the distination file (in plan to add incremental number). call("_PathSplit",$vDstFile, $szDrive, $szDir, $szFName, $szExt) ; Loop to increment the name of the file. While FileExists($vDstFile) $Count += 1 $vDstFile = $szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & "(" & $Count & ")" & $szExt WEnd ; If file(1), it assume that is the first copy. If $Count = 1 Then Return $vDstFile ; If file(x-1) is identical then assume the file is already duplicated. ElseIf $ScrVer = FileGetTime($szDrive & $szDir & $szFName & "(" & $Count - 1 & ")" & $szExt, 0, 1) Then Return "" ; Else assume it is a new version. Else Return $vDstFile EndIf EndFunc ;==>_IfIdenticalIncrement This part is skipped and not sure why For $exclude In $ExArray If ($dir = $exclude) Then ; if exclude dir found go to top loop and skip ContinueLoop 2 EndIf Next INI file is this [test] EXCLUDE1=test1 EXCLUDE2=test2 EXCLUDE3=test3
  6. I was having some problems with Progressbar with nested "FOR" Loop but I was using it unnecessarily so I end up with only one "FOR" Loop. Here I'm sharing with you two ways of solve the progressbar problem, this is not for advanced users, this is for reference and newbies like me. And about the progressbar using GUICtrlSetData() with one FOR Loop and variable cicles(for example cicles base of elements on Array with variable size) you can do it as fallow: Note: Does not matter if the Array size is 50 or 5000 the progressbar will work properly. $progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress() Local $count = UBound($Array) Local $imove = ((1 / $count) * 100) ; One is because you will SetData to Progress each 1 cicle. Local $itemp = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($Array) - 1 ; Your Code could be here $itemp += $imove GUICtrlSetData($progress, $itemp) ; Or your code could be here. Next Another way to do it and I think is more elegant or fancy is like this: $progress = GUICtrlCreateProgress() Local $itemp = 0 Local $count = 0 Local $intcount = Floor(Ubound($Array)/100) For $i = 0 To UBound($Array) - 1 ; Your Code could be here If Mod($i, $intcount) == 0 Then $count = $count+1 GUICtrlSetData($progress, $count) EndIf ; Or your code could be here. Next Kind Regards Alien.
  7. Hello programmers it's been awhile since my last topic but I stumbled on something strange.. make an Autoitscript and put this in it: soundplay("file.wav",1) then make a bunch of folders inside of other folders and put the script with the wav file into the deepest folder: new folder000new folder001new folder002new folder003new folder003new folder005new folder006new folder007new folder008new folder009new folder010my_autoitscript.au3 file.wav then try to play the sound file with your autoitscript... the sound does not play but if i place the script with the sound file a few folders up, it works. hope you can help me and thanks for reading my post, TheAutomator
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