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  1. Hello, I face an Excel related error right after doing an _Excel_BookOpen. This is an EXCEL worksheet with filters defined, quite simple sheet. Once a week at Friday there is a scheduled task running on the file server "printing" the content to a PDF file for documentation puposes. As this is running 100% unattended it's a show stopper, if such dialog boxes show up. Already when I did that script a month ago I faced the issue, that to dialog boxes showed up telling something about a "name conflict", once for "_FilterDatabase", and a 2nd time for "PrintingArea" (maybe _PrintingArea). When some new name is entered, the script is going on with the PDF creation. But the autoit script is hanging with the _Excel_BookOpen, so I would need to start a 2nd. script to look for such bogus name conflict message boxes. While trying do track down what's going on in detail, the issue vanished again, I answerd the two boxes with "xxxx" and "yyyy" for new fiel names, the file seems to have been saved by me myself without intention (or automatically by EXCEL.AU3?) several other postings point into the direction of "this is an Excel Bug", seems to be not strictly Autoit related. Facts: Windows 7 Pro x64 Office 2010 SP2 32bit Localization = German (Win & Office) Autoit v3.3.14.5 Excel Workbook with three sheets without any Macros: "TBx Projektliste.xlsx", just 82 kByte Export-Excel-to-PDF-Projektstatus.au3 Any suggestions howto take care, that these "name conflicts" cannot occure?
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