I made this just for the heck of it, it's a GUI for UPX and MPress. MPress is actually a pretty neat packer for PE files, it compresses your AutoIt interpreter a little more than UPX does but it doesn't have an option to preserve overlay data (I.E., the script appended to the autoit interpreter when compiling) so I made a GUI that will help out with using MPress by saving the script and appending it after the compression operation is completed. Additionally, I added functionality to use res hacker to strip some optional resources if the user wishes to do so. Options include stripping the resource debug strings table if the use feels they are unnecessary and stripping the tray icon resource if the application has the #NoTrayIcon option set. You can also remove the "Input Dialog" resource but be warned that stripping this resource will render a script that uses the "InputBox()" function useless. This html links to a rar archive that comes with the MPress (v2.1.9.0) and UPX (v3.8.0.0) executables and application source script of the early version. Download.html Source code, latest version without MPress and UPX. UPX and MPress Wrapper.au3.rar Download the compiled version (exe) here. [269kb] Download links: UPX, MPress and ResHacker.