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Found 16 results

  1. BeepSongEditor v1.0.2.4 Create easily Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones After >Beep Song Creator by Paulie, mine is more intended to hobbyists musicians ( based on a TT22 idea ) Now you can easily create Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones without being musician ! Source and Executable are available in the Download Section See Tray menu for options and help. If somes includes are missing : Bass Includes.rar Somes examples of ini files : Ini files.rar Thanks to Brett Francis, Prog@ndy and Eukalyptus for Bass Udf and trancexx for >DSBeep.au3 As usual several files are downloaded at first execution. Beep Party is back !!! Hope you like it !
  2. Hello, all! Today I present to you an updated version of Easy Mp3. After releasing version 1.0, I found several bugs that I fixed and added a few new features. Details can be found in the Changelog (check the Help menu). What makes Easy Mp3 special? Ease of use. I started this project because I love FLAC, but my car stereo does not and the transcoding programs out there are tedious to work with, have confusing settings, you cannot drop multiple folders into it and get a good result and finally, the nagging to buy it or check for updates. When you drag & drop a folder full of music, this program adds every supported file into the list of things to encode. All you have to do is select an output folder (personally, I have one folder called Mp3s). By default, it will create the same folder structure of the one that you dropped into it and it will place all of the encoded files in the respective folders. You also have the option to create folders from the metadata contained in the media. Here's what will convince you that this is the best Mp3 transcoder: download an entire discography by your favorite band and drop it into the program, select your output folder and click Encode. It's so simple, you will be amazed. By default, it uses the highest quality settings possible. It makes use of FFMpeg's built-in LAME codec. The download links are at the bottom of the screen. This package includes 32 & 64 bit executables, a user guide, a changelog and source code. I use this program all the time and I hope you love it as much as I had fun scripting it! Enjoy! Download from MEGA: Full package (includes FFMpeg): https://mega.nz/file/SXwUBK7L#aAN_6rDKi1tauQ0ngA4L0pUtD7S7rg66a9IUsl1say0 Lite Package (no FFMpeg): https://mega.nz/file/WLhynA5I#jEg-hnXCTEiWwM21vID9jUgZjaIKihl4pwEe4eQ2FV8 Download from FileFactory: Full package: http://www.filefactory.com/file/5gen99g7hsr6/Easy_Mp3_v1.1_Full.zip Lite package: http://www.filefactory.com/file/74xq8b69gso/Easy_Mp3_v1.1_Lite.zip
  3. DirectSound UDF play audio files, record microphone, apply effects or create your own sound - check out the examples Download: https://autoit.de/index.php/Attachment/69-DirectSound-7z/ Or visit the original topic at the german forum - link in my signature
  4. <snip> for the most similar result and convert and download the mp3. Script asks for the user to write or paste the song name in the text file, or a list of them, then starts downloading line by line
  5. ..so I upgraded to Win10 and a script I use to rename mp3's didn't work. Looked around, and looked around, so I said f** it. So I open the file and see a bunch of null terminated data, so I made an array and got what I wanted. Func mp3RawRead_Comment($f) If Not FileGetSize($f) Then Return "" Local $a, $s, $h = FileOpen($f, 16) Local $b = FileRead($h, 4096) FileClose($h) $s = BinaryToString($b) $a = StringSplit($s, Chr(0)) If UBound($a) < 73 Then Return "" Return $a[71] _ArrayDisplay($a) EndFunc ;==>mp3RawRead_Comment So what is my burning question ?, ...I can't find a "proper" definition that explains why / how / ??, that is there. All I find, is just not congruent to what I see in the file. So no hurry, no big need. Just curious. If you know, let me know
  6. Mp3SearchEngine v2.0.0.6 May be some of you know Songr . This script do the same job, it can find more mp3 files but is not as fast as Songr. Sites used are music search engine Websites designed for LEGAL entertainment purposes only. Thanks to Brett Francis, Prog@ndy and Eukalyptus for >Bass Udf, trancex for >WinHttp Udf and the AutoIt Community for his help. Changes of v1.0.8.5 Three websites replaced cause they are dead or use now js. All search engines updated ( not without difficulties for audiodump) I use RAGrid.dll for the first listview (more fast and stable, but with some inconvenients to manage the no-edit of cells) Input queries are saved ( the twenty latest) I use now an mp3 pre-Load management before playing and a double progressbar for visualize pre-load and play, where you can click for directly go play in the loaded part. Most includes needed are embedded and all external files are embedded in script with >BinaryToAu3Kompressor . Multi downloads available with embedded downloader.exe Changes of v1.0.8.8 Search on audiodump and myfreemp3 fixed. New buttons. Added Gui Menu. Titles are no more editable. New "About" with >TaskDialog (Thanks Prog@andy) Query button permit now to check / uncheck all checkboxes And some few fixes and cleaning. Really more stable now. Changes of v1.0.9.2 Dilandau is replaced by mp3chief and mp3ili by mp3clan Search on mp3juices, baseofmp3 and soundcloud fixed. Soso now provide m4a (aac) instead of mp3 ( m4a can be played by MSE) Added possibility to encode automaticaly to mp3, aac or ogg ( at the end of download) using bassenc.dll and command line tools : lame, faac and oggenc. Changes of v1.0.9.3 mp3skull fixed mp3chief fixed myfreemp3 fixed mp3clan changed to tusmp3 mp3juices changed to emp3world baseofmp3 changed to imp3 and some minor improvements. Version Most previous websites used are dead or have changed the way to get links, so instead of try to repair the previous version, i have created a complete new version. The main tendency is the simplification : Only one website : audiodump (Up to 500 results by request) Script use now the little pearl created by Ward : curl.au3 It permit to create tasks (get source and get multi mp3) in asynchronous mode. So now, no need to use several executables and no more gui who do not respond in case of connection problems. Script use Bass.dll X86 loaded in memory for play songs. Result is light and fast, but don't abuse of audiodump servers who are not beasts of race. Warning : For avoid errors with curl.au3, you'll need to comment the line 63 : ;~ #Include <BinaryCall.au3> @AutoItX64 not supported and only tested on Win7X64 and Win8.1X64. As your browser, use Ctrl+w for remove the current Tab.(if there is no search or download running from it) And also Ctrl+q for set/remove Gridlines. Events are displayed to the bottom of the Gui. Version Added a Paste Button. Querry list is now correctly saved. Querry Combo is now sorted in alphabetical order After a 'No match', the next search will use the previous empty listview. Bug when removing tabs is corrected. Added string correction for the request that, in the previous version, was not always able to return a correct result. A big thanks to Ward for his great UDF, and Nina my favorite tester, (who between us is also my third daughter), for his precious advices . previous downloads : 1703 As there is no more script downloads count, source and executable are available in the downloads section Enjoy ! July 2017 Project Discontinued due to website changes
  7. Version


    Mp3SilenceRemover can trim a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, automatically. Script scans each file for when the sound starts and ends, by detecting a pre-determined silence threshold, then reencode them without silent parts found. Usefull if you want use mp3 files for a mix or avoid long silences between tracks. Multiple settings are available for preserving mp3 quality. Mp3Gain can be used for avoid a too big difference in sound level between 2 tracks. Main Id3 Tags can be preserved and the fade at end of the track too. Script use : bass.dll, bassenc.dll, bassext.dll, tags.dll, lame.exe and mp3gain.exe.
  8. Version


    Create easily Beep Songs and Mp3 Ringtones
  9. Version


    Search and Get mp3 from Internet : Topic If UAC enabled, Run it as Administrator for the first execution.
  10. Hi all.. I have no code ready yet, so this is more of a 'what are your thoughts' post. I have a large music collection that is barely organized. I want to make an app that will make a catalog of all the music, rename the files, and organize them in the proper folders by artist / album / song. I plan on using the Mp3 UDF floating around to fix the Tags as needed, and I have the script to scour the directories. What I am wondering about is what format to keep the music data in. I have over 170,000 tracks, and I am afraid if I just have the data in a csv file or something, it will be slow or crash. I am thinking either SQLite, or XML or something like that. I would like something easy to deploy so if anyone else wants to use it, its an easy install. Does anyone have any experience using autoit with large amounts of data? I wrote an asset tool that manages around 5000 items with an SQL backend (not lite) and works flawlessly, thats why I was thinking SQLite... Any thoughts on this idea, or was this already done and I am just reinventing the wheel? Thanks!!
  11. Here is the result of my playing around with Subsonic's REST API tonight. This script searches for a song in the Subsonic library, queues it in the jukebox playlist, starts it playing on the server, then stops it and clears the playlist. This requires Subsonic. At present, they include the REST API that this script uses in the 30-day trial, but then it goes away unless you upgrade to Subsonic Premium. Change the variables at the beginning to represent your server URL and user account. (My server happened to be running on the same machine on port 85.) The account must exist in Subsonic and must have permission to play files in jukebox mode (which is not a default permission). Lastly, you probably want to change the parameters in the _SubsonicJukeboxAddSong function call to represent a song that is actually on the server. #cs ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- AutoIt Version: Author: ToasterKing Script Function: #ce ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Region ; --- Include files #include <Array.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #EndRegion ; --- Include files Global $sSubsonicAddr = "http://localhost:85" Local $sSubsonicJukeboxName = "BlabberBox" Local $sSubsonicUsername = "jukeboxuser" Local $sSubsonicPassword = "j00kthis!" Global $sSubsonicBaseParams = "u=" & $sSubsonicUsername & "&p=" & $sSubsonicPassword & "&c=" & $sSubsonicJukeboxName ; Add a song to the jukebox playlist _SubsonicJukeboxAddSong("catch a fire","haddaway") ; Start playing _SubsonicCmd($sSubsonicAddr & "/rest/jukeboxControl.view?" & $sSubsonicBaseParams & "&v=1.10.2&action=start") ; Wait Sleep(15000) For $x = 1 To 5 If _SubsonicJukeboxIsPlaying() Then MsgBox(0,"","Subsonic jukebox is still playing!",2) Else MsgBox(0,"","Subsonic jukebox is no longer playing.",2) Exit EndIf If $x = 3 Then _SubsonicCmd($sSubsonicAddr & "/rest/jukeboxControl.view?" & $sSubsonicBaseParams & "&v=1.10.2&action=clear") ; Clear playlist and stop playing Sleep(5000) Next ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SubsonicCmd ; Description ...: Makes a general REST API request. ; Syntax ........: _SubsonicCmd($sRequest) ; Parameters ....: $sRequest - The complete request URL. ; Return values .: Success: 1 ; Failure: 0 and sets @error to 1 ; Author ........: Your Name ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SubsonicCmd($sRequest) Local $bSubsonicResult,$sSubsonicResult,$sSubsonicReqStatus ConsoleWrite("Sending REST API request: " & $sRequest & @CRLF) $bSubsonicResult = InetRead($sRequest,1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in InetRead." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf $sSubsonicResult = BinaryToString($bSubsonicResult,4) ; Convert the XML response to a string so it can be parsed ;~ ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic:" & @CRLF & $sSubsonicResult & @CRLF) ; Remove the first "xmlns" attribute for the namespace because I can't figure out how to make the XML parse otherwise Local $iToRemovePosStart = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult," xmlns=""") Local $iToRemovePosEnd = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult,"""",0,1,$iToRemovePosStart + 8) Local $sSubsonicResultEdited = StringLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosStart - 1) & StringTrimLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosEnd) ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic after editing:" & @CRLF & StringStripWS($sSubsonicResultEdited,$STR_STRIPTRAILING) & @CRLF) ;~ _Setdebug(True) ; Turn on XML debugging _XMLLoadXML($sSubsonicResultEdited) ; Load the XML response for parsing If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in _XMLLoadXML" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf ConsoleWrite("Using MSXML version " & _XMLGetDomVersion() & " for parsing." & @CRLF) $sSubsonicReqStatus = _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response","status") ; Get the "status" attribute to see if the command worked. If $sSubsonicReqStatus = "ok" Then ConsoleWrite("The REST API returned success for this request!" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("Status 'ok' not found in response! See the debug entries for the full XML response." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf Return SetError(0,0,1) ; Success! EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SubsonicJukeboxAddSong ; Description ...: Searches for a song on the Subsonic server and adds it/them to the jukebox playlist. ; Syntax ........: _SubsonicJukeboxAddSong($sSong[, $sArtist = ""[, $sAlbum = ""[, $iSongsToAddMax = 1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $sSong - Complete, exact name of the song to find (case insensitive) ; $sArtist - [optional] Complete name of the artist name to match (case insensitive) ; $sAlbum - [optional] Complete name of the album name to match (case insensitive) ; $iSongsToAddMax - [optional] Maximum number of songs to match and add to the playlist. Default is 1. ; 0 means no limit, although there is a hardcoded limit on number of search results ; returned in the function. ; Return values .: Success: 1 ; Failure: 0 and sets @error: ; 1 - General error (check the log) ; 2 - Zero search results ; Author ........: ToasterKing ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SubsonicJukeboxAddSong($sSong,$sArtist = "",$sAlbum = "",$iSongsToAddMax = 1) Local $bSubsonicResult,$sSubsonicResult,$sRequest,$sSubsonicReqStatus ConsoleWrite("Searching for requested song '" & $sSong & "', artist '" & $sArtist & "', album '" & $sAlbum & "'." & @CRLF) ; Assemble the request URL (note: hardcoded here to 50 search results) $sRequest = $sSubsonicAddr & "/rest/search3.view?" & $sSubsonicBaseParams & "&v=1.10.2&query=%22" & _URLEncode($sSong) & "%22&songCount=50&artistCount=0&albumCount=0" ConsoleWrite("Sending REST API request: " & $sRequest & @CRLF) ; Make the HTTP request $bSubsonicResult = InetRead($sRequest,1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in InetRead." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf $sSubsonicResult = BinaryToString($bSubsonicResult,4) ; Convert the XML response to a string so it can be parsed ;~ ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic:" & @CRLF & $sSubsonicResult & @CRLF) ; Remove the first "xmlns" attribute for the namespace because I can't figure out how to make the XML parse otherwise Local $iToRemovePosStart = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult," xmlns=""") Local $iToRemovePosEnd = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult,"""",0,1,$iToRemovePosStart + 8) Local $sSubsonicResultEdited = StringLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosStart - 1) & StringTrimLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosEnd) ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic after editing:" & @CRLF & StringStripWS($sSubsonicResultEdited,$STR_STRIPTRAILING) & @CRLF) ;~ _Setdebug(True) ; Turn on XML debugging _XMLLoadXML($sSubsonicResultEdited) ; Load the XML response for parsing If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in _XMLLoadXML" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf ConsoleWrite("Using MSXML version " & _XMLGetDomVersion() & " for parsing." & @CRLF) $sSubsonicReqStatus = _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response","status") ; Get the "status" attribute to see if the command worked. If $sSubsonicReqStatus = "ok" Then ConsoleWrite("The REST API returned success for this request!" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("Status 'ok' not found in response! See the debug entries for the full XML response." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf ; Get ready to loop through all the search results. Dim $aAttrName[1], $aAttrValue[1], $aStats[0][5], $iCurrentId, $iSongMatched = 0 for $x = 1 to 5000 _XMLGetAllAttrib ("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]",$aAttrName,$aAttrValue ); by index, show all attribs. xml indexes are 0 based. if @error Then ExitLoop ; No more results found. ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aAttrName,"Attrib Names") ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aAttrValue,"Attrib Value") $iCurrentId = _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","id") ; Get the ID attribute of the current search result. ; Compare song of the attributes of the search result to the ones specified. If _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","type") = "music" And _ _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","title") = $sSong And _ ($sArtist = "" Or _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","artist") = $sArtist) And _ ($sAlbum = "" Or _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","album") = $sAlbum) And _ _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/searchResult3/*["&$x&"]","type") = "music" Then ConsoleWrite("Song " & $iCurrentId & " matches the criteria." & @CRLF) $iSongMatched += 1 ; Increment the counter If _SubsonicCmd($sSubsonicAddr & "/rest/jukeboxControl.view?" & $sSubsonicBaseParams & "&v=1.10.2&action=add&id=" & $iCurrentId) Then ConsoleWrite("Song " & $iCurrentId & " added to the jukebox playlist." & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("Song " & $iCurrentId & " could not be added to the jukebox playlist." & @CRLF) EndIf If $iSongsToAddMax > 0 And $iSongMatched >= $iSongsToAddMax Then ExitLoop ; If the number of matching songs to add has been satisfied, stop adding. Else ConsoleWrite("Song " & $iCurrentId & " doesn't match the criteria; continuing." & @CRLF) EndIf next If $iSongMatched Then Return SetError(0,0,1) Else ConsoleWrite("No songs were found matching the criteria." & @CRLF) Return SetError(2,0,0) EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SubsonicJukeboxIsPlaying ; Description ...: Check whether Subsonic jukebox is playing music. ; Syntax ........: _SubsonicJukeboxIsPlaying() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success: 1 - Playing ; 0 - Paused/stopped ; Failure: 0 and sets @error to 1. ; Author ........: ToasterKing ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: No ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SubsonicJukeboxIsPlaying() Local $bSubsonicResult,$sSubsonicResult,$sRequest,$sSubsonicReqStatus ConsoleWrite("Querying whether Subsonic jukebox is playing." & @CRLF) ; Assemble the request URL (note: hardcoded here to 50 search results) $sRequest = $sSubsonicAddr & "/rest/jukeboxControl.view?" & $sSubsonicBaseParams & "&v=1.10.2&action=status" ConsoleWrite("Sending REST API request: " & $sRequest & @CRLF) ; Make the HTTP request $bSubsonicResult = InetRead($sRequest,1) If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in InetRead." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf $sSubsonicResult = BinaryToString($bSubsonicResult,4) ; Convert the XML response to a string so it can be parsed ;~ ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic:" & @CRLF & $sSubsonicResult & @CRLF) ; Remove the first "xmlns" attribute for the namespace because I can't figure out how to make the XML parse otherwise Local $iToRemovePosStart = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult," xmlns=""") Local $iToRemovePosEnd = StringInStr($sSubsonicResult,"""",0,1,$iToRemovePosStart + 8) Local $sSubsonicResultEdited = StringLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosStart - 1) & StringTrimLeft($sSubsonicResult,$iToRemovePosEnd) ConsoleWrite("REST API response from Subsonic after editing:" & @CRLF & StringStripWS($sSubsonicResultEdited,$STR_STRIPTRAILING) & @CRLF) ;~ _Setdebug(True) ; Turn on XML debugging _XMLLoadXML($sSubsonicResultEdited) ; Load the XML response for parsing If @error Then ConsoleWrite("Error " & @error & " in _XMLLoadXML" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf ConsoleWrite("Using MSXML version " & _XMLGetDomVersion() & " for parsing." & @CRLF) $sSubsonicReqStatus = _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response","status") ; Get the "status" attribute to see if the command worked. If $sSubsonicReqStatus = "ok" Then ConsoleWrite("The REST API returned success for this request!" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("Status 'ok' not found in response! See the debug entries for the full XML response." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,"") EndIf If _XMLGetAttrib("//subsonic-response/jukeboxStatus","playing") = "true" Then ConsoleWrite("Subsonic Jukebox is playing." & @CRLF) Return SetError(0,0,1) Else ConsoleWrite("Subsonic Jukebox is not playing." & @CRLF) Return SetError(0,0,0) EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; _URLEncode() ; Description: : Encodes a string to be URL-friendly ; Parameter(s): : $toEncode - The String to Encode ; : $encodeType = 0 - Practical Encoding (Encode only what is necessary) ; : = 1 - Encode everything ; : = 2 - RFC 1738 Encoding - http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt ; Return Value(s): : The URL encoded string ; Author(s): : nfwu ; Note(s): : - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _URLEncode($toEncode, $encodeType = 0) Local $strHex = "", $iDec Local $aryChar = StringSplit($toEncode, "") If $encodeType = 1 Then;;Encode EVERYTHING For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 0 Then;;Practical Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $iDec = Asc($aryChar[$i]) if $iDec <= 32 Or $iDec = 37 Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex($iDec, 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 2 Then;;RFC 1738 Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] If Not StringInStr("$-_.+!*'(),;/?:@=&abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", $aryChar[$i]) Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex EndIf EndFunc This script uses _XMLDomWrapper.au3 by Stephen Podhajecki. Since it's been a bit hard to track down a working link to this in the past, I've just included the version I used here. #include-once ; #INDEX# ====================================================================== ; Title .........: _XMLDomWrapper ; AutoIt Version : 3.2.3++ ; Language ......: English ; Description ...: Functions to use for reading and writing XML using msxml. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki Eltorro ; ============================================================================== ; XML DOM Wrapper functions #cs defs to add to au3.api _XMLCreateFile Creates an XML file with the given name and root. _XMLFileOpen Creates an instance of an XML file. _XMLSaveDoc Save the xml doc, use $iForce = 1 to force save if AutoSave is off. ; ========================================================================== _XMLGetChildNodes Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetNodeCount Get node count for specified path and type. _XMLGetPath Returns a nodes full path based on XPath input from root node. ; ========================================================================== _XMLSelectNodes Selects XML Node(s) based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetField Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetValue Get XML Field based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetChildText Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. _XMLUpdateField Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs. _XMLReplaceChild Replaces a node with a new node. ; ========================================================================== _XMLDeleteNode Delete specified XPath node. _XMLDeleteAttr Delete attribute for specified XPath _XMLDeleteAttrNode Delete attribute node for specified XPath ; ========================================================================== _XMLGetAttrib Get XML attribute based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetAllAttrib Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. _XMLGetAllAttribIndex Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpathn and specific index. _XMLSetAttrib Set XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. ; ========================================================================== _XMLCreateCDATA Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root. _XMLCreateComment Create a COMMENT node at specified path. _XMLCreateAttrib Creates an attribute for the specified node. ; ========================================================================== _XMLCreateRootChild Create node directly under root. _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr Create a child node under root node with attributes. _XMLCreateChildNode Create a child node under the specified XPath Node. _XMLCreateChildWAttr Create a child node under the specified XPath Node with Attributes. ; ========================================================================== _XMLSchemaValidate Validate a document against a DTD. _XMLGetDomVersion Returns the XSXML version currently in use. _XMLError Sets or Gets XML error message generated by XML functions. _XMLUDFVersion Returns the UDF Version number. _XMLTransform Transfroms the document using built-in sheet or xsl file passed to function. _XMLNodeExists Checks for the existence of the specified path. ; ========================================================================== _XMLSetAutoFormat Turn auto indenting on or off. _XMLSetAutoSave Set the automatic save to on or off. #ce ; #VARIABLES# ================================================================== Global Const $_XMLUDFVER = "" Global Const $NODE_ELEMENT = 1 Global Const $NODE_ATTRIBUTE = 2 Global Const $NODE_TEXT = 3 Global Const $NODE_CDATA_SECTION = 4 Global Const $NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE = 5 Global Const $NODE_ENTITY = 6 Global Const $NODE_PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION = 7 Global Const $NODE_COMMENT = 8 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT = 9 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 10 Global Const $NODE_DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT = 11 Global Const $NODE_NOTATION = 12 Global $strFile Global $oXMLMyError ;COM error handler OBJ ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler Global $sXML_error Global $fDEBUGGING Global $DOMVERSION = -1 Global $objDoc Global $fXMLAUTOSAVE = True ;auto save updates Global $fADDFORMATTING = True ;auto indent ; ============================================================================== ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLFileOpen ; Description ...: Creates an instance of an XML file. ; Syntax.........: _XMLFileOpen($strXMLFile[, $strNameSpc = ""[, $iVer = -1[, $fValOnParse = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXMLFile - the XML file to open ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; $fValOnParse - validate the document as it is being parsed ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and set @error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Parse error, @Extended = MSXML reason ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLFileOpen($strXMLFile, $strNameSpc = "", $iVer = -1, $fValOnParse = True) ;==== pick your poison If $iVer <> -1 Then If $iVer > -1 And $iVer < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $iVer & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $iVer EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $iVer) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("Error: MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf ;Thanks Lukasz Suleja $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $oXMLMyError = "" Then $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_XMLCOMEerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler EndIf $strFile = $strXMLFile $objDoc.async = False $objDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True $objDoc.validateOnParse = $fValOnParse If $DOMVERSION > 4 Then $objDoc.setProperty("ProhibitDTD", False) $objDoc.Load($strFile) $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", $strNameSpc) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode > 0 Then ConsoleWrite($objDoc.parseError.reason & @LF) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error opening specified file: " & $strXMLFile & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) $objDoc = 0 Return -1 EndIf ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLFileOpen ; ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLLoadXML ; Description ...: Creates an instance for a string of XML . ; Syntax.........: _XMLLoadXML($strXML[,$strNameSpc=""[, $iVer = -1[, $fValOnParse = True]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXML - The XML to load into the document ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; $fValOnParse - Set the MSXML ValidateOnParse property ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and set @error to ; |1 - failed to create object, @Extended = MSXML reason ; |2 - no object found (MSXML required for _XML functions ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com>,Lukasz Suleja,Tom Hohmann ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLLoadXML($strXML, $strNameSpc = "", $iVer = -1, $fValOnParse = True) If $iVer <> -1 Then If $iVer > -1 And $iVer < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $iVer & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $iVer EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $iVer) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("Error: MSXML not found. This object is required to use this program.") SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf ;Thanks Lukasz Suleja $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error") If $oXMLMyError = "" Then $oXMLMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "_XMLCOMEerr") ; ; Initialize SvenP 's error handler EndIf $objDoc.async = False $objDoc.preserveWhiteSpace = True $objDoc.validateOnParse = $fValOnParse If $DOMVERSION > 4 Then $objDoc.setProperty("ProhibitDTD", False) $objDoc.LoadXml($strXML) $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionLanguage", "XPath") $objDoc.setProperty("SelectionNamespaces", $strNameSpc); "xmlns:ms='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt'" If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error loading the XML data: " & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) Return -1 EndIf ;Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLLoadXML ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateFile ; Description ...: Create a new blank metafile with header. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateFile($strPath, $strRoot[, $fOverwrite = False[, $fUTF8 = False[, $ver = -1]]]) ; Parameters ....: $strPath - The xml filename with full path to create ; $strRoot - The root of the xml file to create ; $fOverwrite - boolean flag to auto overwrite existing file of same name. ; $fUTF8 - boolean flag to specify UTF-8 encoding in header. ; $iVer - specifically try to use the version supplied here. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Failed to create file ; |2 - No object ; |3 - File creation failed MSXML error ; |4 - File exists ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateFile($strPath, $strRoot, $fOverwrite = False, $fUTF8 = False, $ver = -1) Local $retval, $fe, $objPI, $rootElement $fe = FileExists($strPath) If $fe And Not $fOverwrite Then $retval = (MsgBox(4097, "File Exists:", "The specified file exits." & @CRLF & "Click OK to overwrite file or cancel to exit.")) If $retval = 1 Then FileCopy($strPath, $strPath & @YEAR & "-" & @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "_" & @HOUR & "-" & @MIN & "-" & @SEC & ".bak", 1) FileDelete($strPath) $fe = False Else _XMLError("Error failed to create file: " & $strPath & @CRLF & "File exists.") SetError(4) Return -1 EndIf Else FileCopy($strPath, $strPath & ".old", 1) FileDelete($strPath) $fe = False EndIf If $fe = False Then If $ver <> -1 Then If $ver > -1 And $ver < 7 Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $ver & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $ver EndIf Else MsgBox(266288, "Error:", "Failed to create object with MSXML version " & $ver) SetError(3) Return 0 EndIf Else For $x = 8 To 0 Step -1 If FileExists(@SystemDir & "\msxml" & $x & ".dll") Then $objDoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $x & ".0") If IsObj($objDoc) Then $DOMVERSION = $x ExitLoop EndIf EndIf Next EndIf If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then Return SetError(2) EndIf If $fUTF8 Then $objPI = $objDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""") Else $objPI = $objDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=""1.0""") EndIf $objDoc.appendChild($objPI) $rootElement = $objDoc.createElement($strRoot) $objDoc.documentElement = $rootElement $objDoc.save($strPath) ;_XMLSaveDoc (,1) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error Creating specified file: " & $strPath) ; Tom Hohmann 2008/02/29 SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) Return -1 EndIf Return 1 Else _XMLError("Error! Failed to create file: " & $strPath) SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateFile ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSelectNodes ; Description ...: Selects XML Node(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSelectNodes($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and set @Error = 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSelectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLSelectNodes") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError("\nNo matching nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.length < 1 Then _XMLError("\nNo matching nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf For $objNode In $objNodeList _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.nodeName) _DebugWrite($objNode.nodeName) _DebugWrite($objNode.namespaceURI) Next $arrResponse[0] = $objNodeList.length Return $arrResponse _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLSelectNodes ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetField ; Description ...: Get XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetField($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of fields text values(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error = 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetField($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetField") Return SetError(1, 2, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr, $szNodePath $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError("\nNo Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then Local $count = $objNodeList.childNodes.length For $x = 1 To $count $objChild = $objNodeList.childNodes($x) _DebugWrite("ParentNode=" & $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType) If $objNodeList.parentNode.nodeType = $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $szNodePath = "/" & $objNodeList.baseName & "/*[" & $x & "]" Else $szNodePath = $objNodeList.baseName & "/*[" & $x & "]" EndIf $aRet = _XMLGetValue($szNodePath) If IsArray($aRet) Then If UBound($aRet) > 1 Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $aRet[1]) _DebugWrite("GetField>Text:" & $aRet[1]) EndIf Else _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, "") _DebugWrite("GetField>Text:" & "") EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse Else $arrResponse[0] = 0 _XMLError("\nNo Child Nodes found") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetField ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetValue ; Description ...: Get XML values based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetValue($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of fields text values(count is in first element) ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error = 1, @Extended to: ; |0 - No matching node. ; |1 - No object passed. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetValue($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetValue") Return SetError(1, 1, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $objNodeChild, $xmlerr _DebugWrite("GetValue>$strXPath:" & $strXPath) $objNodeList = $objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes($strXPath) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then _DebugWrite("GetValue list length:" & $objNodeList.length) For $objNode In $objNodeList If $objNode.hasChildNodes() = False Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNode.nodeValue) Else For $objNodeChild In $objNode.childNodes() If $objNodeChild.nodeType = $NODE_CDATA_SECTION Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNodeChild.data) _DebugWrite("GetValue>CData:" & $objNodeChild.data) ElseIf $objNodeChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objNodeChild.Text) _DebugWrite("GetValue>Text:" & $objNodeChild.Text) EndIf Next EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse Else $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!" Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _XMLError("Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetValue ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteNode ; Description ...: Deletes XML Node based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteNode($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Deletion error ; |2 - No object passed ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteNode") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNode) Then $xmlerr = @CRLF & "Node Not found" If @error = 0 Then For $objChild In $objNode If $objChild.hasChildNodes Then For $objGrandChild in $objChild.childNodes If $objGrandChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then If StringStripWS($objGrandChild.text,7) = "" Then $objChild.removeChild($objGrandChild) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf $objChild.parentNode.removeChild($objChild) Next _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error Deleting Node: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteAttr ; Description ...: Delete XML Attribute based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteAttr($strXPath, $strAttrib) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttribute - The attribute node to delete ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Error removing attribute ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteAttr($strXPath, $strAttrib) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteAttr") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $objAttr = $objNode.getAttributeNode($strAttrib) If Not (IsObj($objAttr)) Then _XMLError("Attribute " & $strAttrib & " does not exist!") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objNode.removeAttribute($strAttrib) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error Removing Attribute: " & $strXPath & " - " & $strAttrib & @CRLF & $xmlerr) $xmlerr = "" Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLDeleteAttrNode ; Description ...: Delete XML Attribute node based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLDeleteAttrNode($strXPath, $strAttrib) ; Parameters ....: $strXpath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute node to delete ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Error removing node ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLDeleteAttrNode($strXPath, $strAttrib) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLDeleteAttrNode") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $xmlerr $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNode) Then _XMLError("\nSpecified node not found!") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objNode.removeAttributeNode($objNode.getAttributeNode($strAttrib)) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) If Not (IsObj($objAttr)) Then _XMLError("\nUnspecified error:!") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLDeleteAttrNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAttrib ; Description ...: Get XML Field based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib[, $strQuery = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute node to read. ; $strQuery - The query string in xml format ; Return values .: Success - The attribute value. ; Failure - -1 and sets @Error to: ; |0 - No error ; |1 - Attribute not found. ; |2 - No object ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib, $strQuery = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAttrib") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) EndIf ;Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse, $i, $xmlerr, $objAttr $objNodeList = $objDoc.documentElement.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQuery) _DebugWrite("Get Attrib length= " & $objNodeList.length) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $objAttr = $objNodeList.item($i).getAttribute($strAttrib) $arrResponse = $objAttr _DebugWrite("RET>>" & $objAttr) Next Return $arrResponse EndIf $xmlerr = "\nNo qualified items found" _XMLError("Attribute " & $strAttrib & " not found for: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAttrib ; Description ...: Set XML Field(s) based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib[, $strValue = ""[, $iIndex =-1]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrib - The attribute to set. ; $strValue - The value to give the attribute defaults to "" ; $iIndex - Used to specify a specific index for "same named" nodes. ; Return values .: Success - Anarray of fields text values ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrib, $strValue = "", $iIndex = -1) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLSetAttrib") Return SetError(1, 8, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $i $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) _DebugWrite(" Node list Length: " & $objNodeList.length) If @error = 0 And $objNodeList.length > 0 Then If $iIndex > 0 Then $arrResponse[0] = $objNodeList.item($iIndex).SetAttribute($strAttrib, $strValue) Else ReDim $arrResponse[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $arrResponse[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).SetAttribute($strAttrib, $strValue) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndIf If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error setting attribute for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $objDoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError(1, $objDoc.parseError.errorCode, -1) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) Return $arrResponse EndIf _XMLError("Error failed to set attribute for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return -1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAllAttrib ; Description ...: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAllAttrib($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue[, $strQry = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $aName - The array to return the attrib names ; $aValue - The array to return the attrib values ; $strQuery - DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes part of the path) ; Return values .: Success - array of fields text values(number of items is in [0][0]) ; Failure - @error set to 1 and returns -1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAllAttrib($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue, $strQry = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAllAttrib") Return SetError(1, 9, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $objQueryNodes, $objNode, $arrResponse[2][1], $i $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then For $objNode In $objQueryNodes $objNodeList = $objNode.attributes If ($objNodeList.length) Then _DebugWrite("Get all attrib " & $objNodeList.length) ReDim $arrResponse[2][$objNodeList.length + 2] ReDim $aName[$objNodeList.length] ReDim $aValue[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 $arrResponse[0][$i + 1] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $arrResponse[1][$i + 1] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value $aName[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $aValue[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value Next Else _XMLError("No Attributes found for node") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0][0] = $objNodeList.length Return $arrResponse EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving attributes for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAllAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLUpdateField ; Description ...: Update existing node(s) based on XPath specs. ; Syntax.........: _XMLUpdateField($strXPath, $strData) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Path from root node. ; $strData - The data to update the node with. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and sets @error to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLUpdateField($strXPath, $strData) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLUpdateField") Return SetError(1, 9, -1) EndIf Local $objField, $fUpdate, $objNode #forceref $objField $objField = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objField) Then If $objField.hasChildNodes Then For $objChild In $objField.childNodes() If $objChild.nodetype = $NODE_TEXT Then $objChild.Text = $strData $fUpdate = True ExitLoop EndIf Next EndIf If $fUpdate = False Then $objNode = $objDoc.createTextNode($strData) $objField.appendChild($objNode) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objField = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to update field for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLUpdateField ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateCDATA ; Description ...: Create a CDATA SECTION node directly under root. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateCDATA($strNode, $strCDATA[, $strNameSpc = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - name of node to create ; $strData - CDATA value ; $strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the xml uses one. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 1 and sets @Error to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: fixme, won't append to exisiting node. must create new node. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateCDATA($strNode, $strCDATA, $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateCDATA") Return SetError(1, 10, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objNode $objNode = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objNode) Then If Not ($objNode.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objNode) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createCDATASection($strCDATA) $objNode.appendChild($objChild) $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objNode) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to create CDATA Section: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateCDATA ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateComment ; Description ...: Create a COMMENT node at specified path. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateComment($strNode, $strComment) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The name of node to create. ; $strComment - The comment to add the to the xml file. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateComment($strNode, $strComment) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateComment") Return SetError(1, 11, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objNode $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strNode) If IsObj($objNode) Then If Not ($objNode.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objNode) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createComment($strComment) $objNode.insertBefore($objChild, $objNode.childNodes(0)) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to root child: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateComment ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateAttribute ; Description ...: Adds an XML Attribute to specified node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrName[, $strAttrValue = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $strAttrName - The attribute to set. ; $strAttrValue - The value to give the attribute, defaults to "". ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - 0 or @error set to 0 and return -1 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateAttrib($strXPath, $strAttrName, $strAttrValue = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateAttrib") Return SetError(1, 12, -1) EndIf Local $objNode, $objAttr, $objAttrVal, $err $objNode = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($strAttrName);, $strNameSpc) $objNode.SetAttribute($strAttrName, $strAttrValue) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objAttr = 0 $objAttrVal = 0 $objNode = 0 $err = $objDoc.parseError.errorCode If $err = 0 Then Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating Attribute: " & $strAttrName & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateAttrib ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateRootChild ; Description ...: Create node directly under root. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateRootChild($strNode[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The name of node to create. ; $strData - The optional value to create ; $$strNameSpc - the namespace to specifiy if the file uses one. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateRootChild($strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateRootChild") Return SetError(1, 14, -1) EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("_XMLCreateRootChild:"&$strNode&@LF) Local $objChild If Not ($objDoc.documentElement.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc) EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objChild) Then If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objChild) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = 0 Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to root child: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateRootChild ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr ; Description ...: Create a child node under root node with attributes. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr($strNode, $aAttr, $aVal[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strNode - The node to add with attibute(s) ; $aAttr - The attribute name(s) -- can be array ; $aVal - The attribute value(s) -- can be array ; $strData - The optional value to give the node. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to: ; |1 - Could not create node. ; |2 - Mismatch between attribute name and value counts. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function requires that each attribute name has a corresponding value. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr($strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr") Return SetError(1, 15, -1) EndIf Local $objChild, $objAttr, $objAttrVal $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If IsObj($objChild) Then If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData If Not ($objDoc.documentElement.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc) EndIf If IsArray($aAttr) And IsArray($aVal) Then If UBound($aAttr) <> UBound($aVal) Then _XMLError("Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") Return SetError(2, 15, -1) Else Local $i For $i = 0 To UBound($aAttr) - 1 If $aAttr[$i] = "" Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & " Attribute Name Cannot be NULL." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr[$i]);, $strNameSpc) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr[$i], $aVal[$i]) Next EndIf Else $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr, $aVal) EndIf $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objChild) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _AddFormat($objDoc) $objChild = 0 Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Failed to create root child with attributes: " & $strNode & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateRootNodeWAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateChildNode ; Description ...: Create a child node under the specified XPath Node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateChildNode($strXPath, $strNode[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The node from root. ; $strNode - Node name to add. ; $strData - Value to give the node ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateChildNode($strXPath, $strNode, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateChildNode") Return SetError(1, 16, -1) EndIf Local $objParent, $objChild, $objNodeList $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If IsObj($objNodeList) And $objNodeList.length > 0 Then For $objParent In $objNodeList If Not ($objParent.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) EndIf If $strNameSpc = "" Then If Not ($objParent.namespaceURI = 0 Or $objParent.namespaceURI = "") Then $strNameSpc = $objParent.namespaceURI EndIf ;ConsoleWrite("$strNameSpc=" & $strNameSpc & @LF) $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData $objParent.appendChild($objChild) _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) Next _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) $objParent = "" $objChild = "" Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateChildNode ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCreateChildWAttr ; Description ...: Create a child node(s) under the specified XPath Node with attributes. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCreateChildWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal[, $strData = ""[, $strNameSpc = ""]]) ; Parameters ....: $sPath - Path from root ; $sNode - The node to add with attibute(s) ; $aAttr - The attribute name(s) -- can be array ; $aVal - The attribute value(s) -- can be array ; $strData - The optional value to give the child node. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1, @error set to: ; |1 - Could not create node. ; |2 - Mismatch between attribute name and value counts. ; |3 - Attribute Name cannot be empty string. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: This function requires that each attribute name has a corresponding value. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCreateChildWAttr($strXPath, $strNode, $aAttr, $aVal, $strData = "", $strNameSpc = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLCreateChildWAttr") Return SetError(1, 18, -1) EndIf Local $objParent, $objChild, $objAttr, $objAttrVal, $objNodeList $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) _DebugWrite("Node Selected") If IsObj($objNodeList) And $objNodeList.length <> 0 Then _DebugWrite("Entering if") For $objParent In $objNodeList If Not ($objParent.hasChildNodes()) Then _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) EndIf _DebugWrite("Entering for") If $strNameSpc = "" Then If Not ($objParent.namespaceURI = 0 Or $objParent.namespaceURI = "") Then $strNameSpc = $objParent.namespaceURI EndIf $objChild = $objDoc.createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $strNode, $strNameSpc) If @error Then Return -1 If $strData <> "" Then $objChild.text = $strData If IsArray($aAttr) And IsArray($aVal) Then If UBound($aAttr) <> UBound($aVal) Then _XMLError("Attribute and value mismatch" & @CRLF & "Please make sure each attribute has a matching value.") Return SetError(2, 0, -1) Else Local $i For $i = 0 To UBound($aAttr) - 1 _DebugWrite("Entering inside for") If $aAttr[$i] = "" Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & " Attribute Name Cannot be NULL." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite($aAttr[$i] & " " & $strNameSpc) $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr[$i]);, $strNameSpc) If @error Then ExitLoop $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr[$i], $aVal[$i]) If @error <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite("Looping inside for") Next EndIf Else If IsArray($aAttr) Or IsArray($aVal) Then _XMLError("Type non-Array and Array detected" & @LF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $aAttr = "" Then _XMLError("Attribute Name cannot be empty string." & @LF) Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf _DebugWrite($aAttr & " " & $strNameSpc) $objAttr = $objDoc.createAttribute($aAttr);, $strNameSpc) $objChild.SetAttribute($aAttr, $aVal) EndIf $objParent.appendChild($objChild) _DebugWrite("Looping for") Next _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent) _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) _DebugWrite("Saved") $objParent = "" $objChild = "" _DebugWrite("Returning") Return 1 EndIf _XMLError("Error creating child node: " & $strNode & @CRLF & $strXPath & " does not exist." & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLCreateChildWAttr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildText ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildText($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildText($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildText") Return SetError(1, 19, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@CRLF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType = $NODE_ELEMENT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) ElseIf $objChild.nodeType = $NODE_TEXT Then _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.text) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0] = 0 $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No Child Text Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildText ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildNodes ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildNodes($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of Nodes, count in [0] element. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildNodes($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildNodes") Return SetError(1, 20, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@LF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType() = $NODE_ELEMENT Then _DebugWrite($objChild.NamespaceURI & "::" & $objChild.baseName & @LF) _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) EndIf Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0] = 0 $xmlerr = @LF & "No Child Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildNodes ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetChildren ; Description ...: Selects XML child Node(s) of an element based on XPath input from root node and returns there text values. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetChildren($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array where: ; |$array[0][0] = Size of array ; |$array[1][0] = Name ; |$array[1][1] = Text ; |$array[1][2] = NameSpaceURI ; |... ; |$array[n][0] = Name ; |$array[n][1] = Text ; |$array[n][2] = NamespaceURI ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetChildren($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetChildren") Return SetError(1, 21, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1][3], $xmlerr $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectSingleNode($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objNodeList) Then _XMLError(@LF & "No Matching Nodes found") $arrResponse[0][0] = 0 Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf If $objNodeList.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChild In $objNodeList.childNodes() If $objChild.nodeType() = $NODE_ElEMENT Then If $objChild.hasChildNodes() Then For $objChildNode in $objChild.childNodes() If $objChildNode.nodeType() = $NODE_TEXT Then Local $dims = UBound($arrResponse, 1) ReDim $arrResponse[$dims + 1][3] $arrResponse[$dims][0] = $objChildNode.parentNode.baseName $arrResponse[$dims][1] = $objChildNode.text $arrResponse[$dims][2] = $objChildNode.NamespaceURI ;_XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $objChild.baseName) EndIf Next EndIf EndIf Next $arrResponse[0][0] = UBound($arrResponse, 1) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $arrResponse[0][0] = 0 $xmlerr = @LF & "No Child Nodes found" _XMLError("Error Selecting Node(s): " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetChildren ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetNodeCount ; Description ...: Get Node Count based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetNodeCount($strXPath[, $strQry = ""[, $iNodeType = 1]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child.. ; $strQry - A DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes part of the path ; $iNodeType - The type of node to count. (element, attrib, comment etc.) ; Return values .: Success - Number of nodes found (can be 0) ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> & DickB ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetNodeCount($strXPath, $strQry = "", $iNodeType = 1) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetNodeCount") Return SetError(1, 22, -1) EndIf Local $objQueryNodes, $objNode, $nodeCount = 0, $errMsg $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If @error = 0 And $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then For $objNode In $objQueryNodes If $objNode.nodeType = $iNodeType Then $nodeCount = $nodeCount + 1 Next Return $nodeCount Else $errMsg = "No nodes of specified type found." EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving node count for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF & $errMsg & @CRLF) SetError(1) Return -1 ; EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetNodeCount ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetAllAttribIndex ; Description ...: Get all XML Field(s) attributes based on Xpath and specific index. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetAllAttribIndex($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue[, $strQry = ""[, $iNodeIndex = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $strXpath - The xml tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; $aNames - The array to return the attrib names in. ; $aValue - The array to return the attrib values in. ; $strQry - DOM compliant query string (not really necessary as it becomes ; $iNodeIndex - The index of node to retrieve. ; Return values .: Success - The number of elements. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetAllAttribIndex($strXPath, ByRef $aName, ByRef $aValue, $strQry = "", $iNodeIndex = 0) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetAllAttribIndex") Return SetError(1, 23, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $objQueryNodes, $i ;, $arrResponse[2][1] $objQueryNodes = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath & $strQry) If $objQueryNodes.length > 0 Then $objNodeList = $objQueryNodes.item($iNodeIndex).attributes _DebugWrite("GetAllAttribIndex " & $objNodeList.length) ;ReDim $arrResponse[2][$objNodeList.length + 1] ReDim $aName[$objNodeList.length] ReDim $aValue[$objNodeList.length] For $i = 0 To $objNodeList.length - 1 ;$arrResponse[0][$i] = $objNodeList.item ($i).nodeName ;$arrResponse[1][$i] = $objNodeList.item ($i).Value $aName[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).nodeName $aValue[$i] = $objNodeList.item($i).Value Next ;Return $arrResponse Return $objNodeList.length EndIf _XMLError("Error retrieving attributes for: " & $strXPath & @CRLF) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetAllAttribIndex ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetPath ; Description ...: Return a nodes full path based on XPath input from root node. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetPath($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - The XML tree path from root node (root/child/child..) ; Return values .: Success - An array of node names from root, count in [0] element. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetPath($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetPath") Return SetError(1, 24, -1) EndIf If $DOMVERSION < 4 Then _XMLError("Error DOM Version: " & "MSXML Version 4 or greater required for this function") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Local $objNodeList, $arrResponse[1], $objNodeChild, $xmlerr, $nodepath, $ns $objNodeList = $objDoc.selectNodes($strXPath) If $objNodeList.length > 0 Then _DebugWrite("GetPath list length:" & $objNodeList.length) For $objNode In $objNodeList Local $objNode1 = $objNode $nodepath = "" $nodepathtag = "" If $objNode.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objNode.namespaceURI() If $ns <> "" Then $ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" EndIf If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objNode.nodeName() & $nodepath EndIf Do $objParent = $objNode1.parentNode() _DebugWrite("parent " & $objParent.nodeName() & @LF) If $objParent.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objParent.namespaceURI() If $ns <> "" Then ;$ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" $ns &= ":" EndIf If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objParent.nodeName() & $nodepath $objNode1 = $objParent Else $objNode1 = 0 EndIf $objParent = 0 Until (Not (IsObj($objNode1))) _DebugWrite("Path node> " & $nodepath & @LF) _XMLArrayAdd($arrResponse, $nodepath) Next $arrResponse[0] = UBound($arrResponse) - 1 Return $arrResponse EndIf $xmlerr = @CRLF & "No matching node(s)found!" _XMLError("Error Retrieving: " & $strXPath & $xmlerr) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetPath ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Function Name : _XMLGetPathInternal ; Description ...: Returns the path of a valid node object. ; Syntax ........: _XMLGetPathInternal($objNode) ; Parameters ....: $objNode - A valid node object ; Return values .: Success - Path from root as string. ; Failure - An empty string and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc.com/> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetPathInternal($objNode) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLGetPathInternal") Return SetError(1, 25, "") EndIf Local $nodepath, $na, $objParent If IsObj($objNode) Then $nodepath = "/" & $objNode.baseName Do $objParent = $objNode.parentNode() _DebugWrite("parent" & $objParent.nodeName() & ">" & @LF) If $objParent.nodeType <> $NODE_DOCUMENT Then $ns = $objParent.namespaceURI() If $ns = 0 Then $ns = "" If $ns <> "" Then $ns = StringRight($ns, StringLen($ns) - StringInStr($ns, "/", 0, -1)) & ":" EndIf $nodepath = "/" & $ns & $objParent.nodeName() & $nodepath $objNode = $objParent Else $objNode = 0 EndIf $objParent = 0 Until (Not (IsObj($objNode))) _DebugWrite("Path node>" & $nodepath & @LF) Return ($nodepath) Else Return SetError(1, 0, "") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetPathInternal ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLReplaceChild ; Description ...: Replaces a node with another ; Syntax.........: _XMLReplaceChild($objOldNode, $objNewNode[, $ns = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $objOldNode - The node to replace ; $objNewNode - The replacement node. ; Return values .: Success - 1. ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> adapted from ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLReplaceChild($objOldNode, $objNewNode, $ns = "") If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLReplaceChild") Return SetError(1, 26, -1) EndIf If $objOldNode = "" Or $objNewNode = "" Then Return SetError(1) Local $nodeRoot Local $nodeOld Local $nodeNew Local $nodeTemp Local $fSuccess = False ;No error handling done With $objDoc ;;.Load "c:\books.xml" $nodeRoot = .documentElement $oldNodes = $nodeRoot.selectNodes($objOldNode) ;'For each Node For $nodeOld In $oldNodes ;Create a New element $nodeNew = .createNode($NODE_ELEMENT, $objNewNode, $ns) ;Copy attributes For $nodeTemp In $nodeOld.Attributes $nodeNew.Attributes.setNamedItem($nodeTemp.cloneNode(True)) Next ;Copy Child Nodes For $nodeTemp In $nodeOld.childNodes $nodeNew.appendChild($nodeTemp) Next ;Replace with the renamed node If IsObj($nodeOld.parentNode.replaceChild($nodeNew, $nodeOld)) Then $fSuccess = 1 If Not ($objDoc.parseError.errorCode = 0) Then _XMLError("_XMLReplaceChild:" & @LF & "Error Replacing Child: " & _ $objDoc.parseError.errorCode & _ " " & $objDoc.parseError.reason) $fSuccess = False ExitLoop Else $fSuccess = True EndIf Next .save($strFile) EndWith $nodeRoot = 0 $nodeOld = 0 $nodeNew = 0 $nodeTemp = 0 If ($fSuccess = False) Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLReplaceChild ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSchemaValidate ; Description ...: Validates a document against a dtd. ; Syntax.........: _XMLSchemaValidate($sXMLFile, $strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) ; Parameters ....: $sXMLFile - The file to validate ; $strNameSpc - xml namespace ; $sXSDFile - DTD file to validate against. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSchemaValidate($sXMLFile, $strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) Local $cache, $xmldoc $cache = ObjCreate("Msxml2.XMLSchemaCache." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") If Not IsObj($cache) Then MsgBox(266288, "XML Error", "Unable to instantiate the XML object" & @LF & "Please check your components.") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $cache.add($strNameSpc, $sXSDFile) $xmldoc = ObjCreate("Msxml2.DOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") If Not IsObj($xmldoc) Then MsgBox(266288, "XML Error", "Unable to instantiate the XML object" & @LF & "Please check your components.") Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf $xmldoc.async = False $xmldoc.schemas = $cache $xmldoc.load($sXMLFile) If Not ($xmldoc.parseError.errorCode = 0) Then _XMLError("_XMLSchemaValidate:" & @LF & "Error: " & $xmldoc.parseError.errorCode & " " & $xmldoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError($xmldoc.parseError.errorCode) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_XMLSchemaValidate ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLGetDomVersion ; Description ...: Returns the version of msxml that is in use for the document. ; Syntax.........: _XMLGetDomVersion() ; Parameters ....: none ; Return values .: Success - msxml version ; Failure - 0 ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLGetDomVersion() Return $DOMVERSION EndFunc ;==>_XMLGetDomVersion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLError ; Description ...: Sets or Gets error message that may be generated by the UDF functs. ; Syntax.........: _XMLError($sError = "") ; Parameters ....: $sError - Error message to set. ; Return values .: Success - one of the following: ; |$sError <> "" - Nothing. ; |$sError = "" - Last error set. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats@netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLError($sError = "") If $sError = "" Then $sError = $sXML_error $sXML_error = "" Return $sError Else $sXML_error = StringFormat($sError) EndIf _DebugWrite($sXML_error) EndFunc ;==>_XMLError ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLCOMEerr ; Description ...: Displays a message box with the COM Error. ; Syntax.........: _XMLCOMEerr() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: ; Author ........: SvenP 's error handler ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLCOMEerr() _ComErrorHandler() Return EndFunc ;==>_XMLCOMEerr ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _ComErrorHandler ; Description ...: A COM error handling routine. ; Syntax.........: _ComErrorHandler($quiet = "") ; Parameters ....: $quiet - Work silently ; Return values .: None ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _ComErrorHandler($quiet = "") Local $COMErr_Silent, $HexNumber ; ============================================================================== ;added silent switch to allow the func returned to the option to display custom ;error messages If $quiet = True Or $quiet = False Then $COMErr_Silent = $quiet $quiet = "" EndIf ; ============================================================================== $HexNumber = Hex($oXMLMyError.number, 8) If @error Then Return Local $msg = "COM Error with DOM!" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "err.description is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.description & @CRLF & _ "err.windescription:" & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.windescription & @CRLF & _ "err.number is: " & @TAB & $HexNumber & @CRLF & _ "err.lastdllerror is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.lastdllerror & @CRLF & _ "err.scriptline is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.scriptline & @CRLF & _ "err.source is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.source & @CRLF & _ "err.helpfile is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.helpfile & @CRLF & _ "err.helpcontext is: " & @TAB & $oXMLMyError.helpcontext If $COMErr_Silent <> True Then MsgBox(0, @AutoItExe, $msg) Else _XMLError($msg) EndIf SetError(1) EndFunc ;==>_ComErrorHandler ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _DebugWrite ; Description ...: Writes a message to console with a crlf on the end ; Syntax.........: _DebugWrite($strMsg[, $sLineEnding = @LF]) ; Parameters ....: $strMsg - The message to display ; $sLineEnding - Line ending to add ; Return values .: On Succes - None. ; Failure - None. ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _DebugWrite($strMsg, $sLineEnding = @LF) If $fDEBUGGING Then ConsoleWrite(StringFormat($strMsg) & $sLineEnding) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_DebugWrite ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _SetDebug ; Description ...: Turn debugging info on or off ; Syntax.........: _SetDebug($fDbug = True) ; Parameters ....: $fDbug - Boolean value for debugging. ; Return values .: Success - The debugging state. ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _SetDebug($fDbug = True) $fDEBUGGING = $fDbug _DebugWrite("Debug = " & $fDEBUGGING) Return $fDEBUGGING EndFunc ;==>_SetDebug ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLUDFVersion ; Description ...: Returns UDF version number ; Syntax.........: _XMLUDFVersion() ; Parameters ....: None ; Return values .: Success - The UDF version number ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLUDFVersion() Return $_XMLUDFVER EndFunc ;==>_XMLUDFVersion ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLTransform ; Description ...: ; Syntax.........: _XMLTransform([$oXMLDoc = ""[, $Style = ""[, $szNewDoc = ""]]]) ; Parameters ....: $oXMLDoc - The document to transform ; $Style - The stylesheet to use ; $szNewDoc - Save to this file. ; Return values .: Success - Returns True ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats at netmdc dot com>, Modified by WeaponX ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Default stylesheet is used for indenting. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLTransform($oXMLDoc = "", $Style = "", $szNewDoc = "") If $oXMLDoc = "" Then $oXMLDoc = $objDoc EndIf If Not IsObj($oXMLDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLTransform") Return SetError(1, 29, -1) EndIf Local $fIndented = False Local $xslt = ObjCreate("MSXML2.XSLTemplate." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xslDoc = ObjCreate("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xmldoc = ObjCreate("MSXML2.DOMDocument." & $DOMVERSION & ".0") Local $xslProc $xslDoc.async = False If FileExists($Style) Then _DebugWrite("LoadXML:1:" & $xslDoc.load($Style) & @LF) Else _DebugWrite("LoadXML2:" & $xslDoc.loadXML(_GetDefaultStyleSheet()) & @LF) EndIf If $xslDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("Error Transforming NodeToObject: " & $xslDoc.parseError.reason) EndIf $xslt.stylesheet = $xslDoc $xslProc = $xslt.createProcessor() $xslProc.input = $objDoc $oXMLDoc.transformNodeToObject($xslDoc, $xmldoc) If $oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Transforming NodeToObject: " & $oXMLDoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False Else $fIndented = True EndIf If $fIndented Then ;Write transformed xml to a file if a filename is given If $szNewDoc <> "" Then $xmldoc.save($szNewDoc) If $xmldoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Saving: " & $xmldoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False EndIf Else ;Overwrite original object with transformed object $objDoc = $xmldoc _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) If $oXMLDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLTransform:" & @LF & "Error Saving: " & $oXMLDoc.parseError.reason) $fIndented = False EndIf EndIf EndIf $xslProc = 0 $xslt = 0 $xslDoc = 0 $xmldoc = 0 If $fIndented = False Then Return SetError(1, 0, -1) Return $fIndented EndFunc ;==>_XMLTransform ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _GetDefaultStyleSheet ; Description ...: Internal function, returns the default indenting style sheet. ; Syntax.........: _GetDefaultStyleSheet() ; Parameters ....: ; Return values .: Success - The default stylesheet. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Hew Wolff - Art & Logic, Inc. ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Posted all over the web. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _GetDefaultStyleSheet() Return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' & _ '<!--' & _ 'Converts XML into a nice readable format.' & _ 'Tested with Saxon 6.5.3.' & _ 'As a test, this stylesheet should not change when run on itself.' & _ 'But note that there are no guarantees about attribute order within an' & _ 'element (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath#dt-document-order), or about' & _ 'which characters are escaped (see' & _ 'http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt#disable-output-escaping).' & _ 'I did not test processing instructions, CDATA sections, or' & _ 'namespaces.' & _ 'Hew Wolff' & _ 'Senior Engineer' & _ 'Art & Logic, Inc.' & _ 'www.artlogic.com' & _ '-->' & _ '<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0">' & _ '<!-- Take control of the whitespace. -->' & _ '<xsl:output method="xml" indent="no" encoding="UTF-8"/>' & _ '<xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>' & _ '<xsl:preserve-space elements="xsl:text"/>' & _ '<!-- Copy comments, and elements recursively. -->' & _ '<xsl:template match="*|comment()">' & _ '<xsl:param name="depth">0</xsl:param>' & _ '<!--' & _ 'Set off from the element above if one of the two has children.' & _ 'Also, set off a comment from an element.' & _ 'And set off from the XML declaration if necessary.' & _ '-->' & _ '<xsl:variable name="isFirstNode" select="count(../..) = 0 and position() = 1"/>' & _ '<xsl:variable name="previous" select="preceding-sibling::node()[1]"/>' & _ '<xsl:variable name="adjacentComplexElement" select="count($previous/*) &gt; 0 or count(*) &gt; 0"/>' & _ '<xsl:variable name="adjacentDifferentType" select="not(($previous/self::comment() and self::comment()) or ($previous/self::* and self::*))"/>' & _ '<xsl:if test="$isFirstNode or ($previous and ($adjacentComplexElement or $adjacentDifferentType))">' & _ '<xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '<!-- Start a new line.' & _ '<xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text> -->' & _ '<xsl:call-template name="indent">' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth"/>' & _ '</xsl:call-template>' & _ '<xsl:copy>' & _ '<xsl:if test="self::*">' & _ '<xsl:copy-of select="@*"/>' & _ '<xsl:apply-templates>' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth + 1"/>' & _ '</xsl:apply-templates>' & _ '<xsl:if test="count(*) &gt; 0">' & _ '<xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>' & _ '<xsl:call-template name="indent">' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth"/>' & _ '</xsl:call-template>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '</xsl:copy>' & _ '<xsl:variable name="isLastNode" select="count(../..) = 0 and position() = last()"/>' & _ '<xsl:if test="$isLastNode">' & _ '<xsl:text>&#xA;</xsl:text>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '</xsl:template>' & _ '<xsl:template name="indent">' & _ '<xsl:param name="depth"/>' & _ '<xsl:if test="$depth &gt; 0">' & _ '<xsl:text> </xsl:text>' & _ '<xsl:call-template name="indent">' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="depth" select="$depth - 1"/>' & _ '</xsl:call-template>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '</xsl:template>' & _ '<!-- Escape newlines within text nodes, for readability. -->' & _ '<xsl:template match="text()">' & _ '<xsl:call-template name="escapeNewlines">' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="text">' & _ '<xsl:value-of select="."/>' & _ '</xsl:with-param>' & _ '</xsl:call-template>' & _ '</xsl:template>' & _ '<xsl:template name="escapeNewlines">' & _ '<xsl:param name="text"/>' & _ '<xsl:if test="string-length($text) &gt; 0">' & _ '<xsl:choose>' & _ '<xsl:when test="substring($text, 1, 1) = ' & "'#xA;'" & '">' & _ '<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&amp;#xA;</xsl:text>' & _ '</xsl:when>' & _ '<xsl:otherwise>' & _ '<xsl:value-of select="substring($text, 1, 1)"/>' & _ '</xsl:otherwise>' & _ '</xsl:choose>' & _ '<xsl:call-template name="escapeNewlines">' & _ '<xsl:with-param name="text" select="substring($text, 2)"/>' & _ '</xsl:call-template>' & _ '</xsl:if>' & _ '</xsl:template>' & _ '</xsl:stylesheet>' EndFunc ;==>_GetDefaultStyleSheet ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _AddFormat ; Description ...: ; Syntax.........: _AddFormat($objDoc[, $objParent = ""]) ; Parameters ....: $objDoc - Document to format ; $objParent - Optional node to add formatting to ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to 1. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats a t netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Just break up the tags, no indenting is done here. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _AddFormat($objDoc, $objParent = "") If $fADDFORMATTING = True Then If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLAddFormat") Return SetError(1, 30, -1) EndIf Local $objFormat = $objDoc.createTextNode(@CR) If IsObj($objParent) Then $objParent.appendChild($objFormat) Else $objDoc.documentElement.appendChild($objFormat) EndIf _XMLSaveDoc($strFile) EndIf Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_AddFormat ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAutoSave ; Description ...: Set the automatic save to on or off ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAutoSave($fSave = True) ; Parameters ....: $fSave - Boolean value to set automatic saving. ; Return values .: Success - Previous state of autosave. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats a t netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Defaults to true. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAutoSave($fSave = True) Local $oldSave = $fXMLAUTOSAVE $fXMLAUTOSAVE = $fSave Return $oldSave EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAutoSave ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSetAutoFormat ; Description ...: Turn auto formatting on or off ; Syntax.........: _XMLSetAutoFormat($fAutoFormat = True) ; Parameters ....: $fAutoFormat - Boolean flag for automatic formatting ; Return values .: Success - The previous state. ; Failure - Nothing. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSetAutoFormat($fAutoFormat = True) Local $oldFormat = $fADDFORMATTING $fADDFORMATTING = $fAutoFormat Return $oldFormat EndFunc ;==>_XMLSetAutoFormat ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLSaveDoc ; Description ...: Save the current xml doc ; Syntax.........: _XMLSaveDoc([$sFile=""[,$iForce = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFile - The filename to save the xml doc as. ; $iForce - If true, save the file regardless of autosave state. ; Return values .: Success - 1 ; Failure - -1 and @error set to the following: ; |1 - error trying to save. ; |2 - Autosave is off. ; |3 - No filename given for save and default is blank. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki {gehossafats at netmdc. com} ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Defaults to the current filename. ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLSaveDoc($sFile = "", $iForce = 0) If ($fXMLAUTOSAVE = True) Or ($iForce = 1) Then If $sFile = "" Then $sFile = $strFile If $sFile <> "" Then $objDoc.save($sFile) If $objDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0 Then _XMLError("_XMLSaveDoc: Saving " & $sFile & " failed.:" & @LF & _ $objDoc.parseError.errorCode & _ " " & $objDoc.parseError.reason) Return SetError(1, 0, -1) EndIf Return 1 Else _XMLError("_XMLSaveDoc:" & " Error Saving: No Filename given") Return SetError(3, 0, -1) EndIf EndIf Return SetError(2, 0, 1) EndFunc ;==>_XMLSaveDoc ; #FUNCTION# =================================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLNodeExists ; Description ...: Checks for the existence of a node or nodes matching the specified path ; Syntax.........: _XMLNodeExists($strXPath) ; Parameters ....: $strXPath - Path to check for. ; Return values .: Success - 1 or Higher , 0 ; Failure - 0 and @Error set to: ; |0 - No error. ; |1 - No XML object @extended = 31. ; |2 - Node not found. ; Author ........: Stephen Podhajecki <gehossafats a t netmdc.com> ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Returns the number of nodes found (could be greater than 1) ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLNodeExists($strXPath) If Not IsObj($objDoc) Then _XMLError("No object passed to function _XMLNodeExists") Return SetError(1, 31, 0) EndIf Local $objNode, $iCount Local $objNode = $objDoc.SelectNodes($strXPath) If IsObj($objNode) Then $iCount = $objNode.length $objNode = 0 If $iCount Then Return $iCount Return SetError(2, 0, 0) EndFunc ;==>_XMLNodeExists ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY#========================================================== ; Name ..........: _XMLArrayAdd ; Description ...: Adds an item to an array. ; Syntax.........: _XMLArrayAdd(ByRef $avArray, $sValue) ; Parameters ....: $avArray - The array to modify. ; $sValue - The value to add to the array. ; Return values .: Success - 1 and value added to array. ; Failure - 0 and @error set to 1 ; Author ........: ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: Local version of _ArrayAdd to remove dependency on Array.au3 ; Related .......: ; Link ..........; ; Example .......; [yes/no] ; ============================================================================== Func _XMLArrayAdd(ByRef $avArray, $sValue) If IsArray($avArray) Then ReDim $avArray[UBound($avArray) + 1] $avArray[UBound($avArray) - 1] = $sValue SetError(0) Return 1 Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>_XMLArrayAdd EDIT: Removed a script comment related to one of my other projects.
  12. Hi I wanted to share with you guys this automatic lyric snippet grabber that uses mainly LyricWiki API to get lyrics for you music. It can also identify your untagged music by the song's unique acoustic fingerprint using the AcoustID database and API. Additionally it will write the lyrics snippets and any missing artist and title ID3 tags to the mp3 files. This script will only get you a small part of the full lyrics for each song. This is because the LyricWiki API only returns part of the lyrics due to licensing restrictions. In order to view the full lyrics you have to click the "View full lyrics" button which will take you the lyric.wikia song page with the full lyrics. It *might* be possible to allows this script to fetch the whole lyrics if I show the mobile version of the lyric.wikia lyrics page inside a web panel in the script (source: link). But I have no experience with the IE commands in autoit so I won't be working on that any time soon. That's it, hope you like what you see Screenshot Credits LyricWiki API AcoustID API + fpcalc tool >GUIFrame by Melba >ID3 by joeyb1275 >JSMN by Ward WinHttp by trancexx and ProgAndy Silk icons by famfamfam Linecons by Designmodo Others included in source files Download here
  13. I use a USB key or an FM transmitter in my car to listen mp3. Two problems have emerged: long silences or a different sound level between different tracks or between tracks and FM radio. Seeking a software that could solve automatically these problems, for multiple files, I returned empty-handed ! All i have found who could be interesting were some examples about remove silence on un4seen.com (the bass audio library website) After much research I managed to adapt it, here is the result : Mp3SilenceRemover can trim a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, automatically. Script scans each file for when the sound starts and ends, by detecting a pre-determined silence threshold, then reencode them without silent parts found. Usefull if you want use mp3 files for a mix or avoid long silences between tracks. Multiple settings are available for preserving mp3 quality. Mp3Gain can be used for avoid a too big difference in sound level between 2 tracks. Main Id3 Tags can be preserved and the fade at end of the track too. Script use : bass.dll, bassenc.dll, bassext.dll, tags.dll, lame.exe and mp3gain.exe. The default settings I have choosen are the ones who give me the best results during my numerous tries. Free to you to adapt them to your needs, they are saved automatically. New mp3 files will be located in the same folder with "_SR1" at the end of the name. Buttons were made online with chimply.com the easy and free buttons generator ! No external files or includes needed, they are embbeded in script. source and executable are available in the Download Section Hope you like it !
  14. Hi everyone, Using this script (it has a broken link but here are the files) I'm trying to record a short clip 1 second or shorter longer (although you can assume it's always 1 second) and every time I record the clip (mp3 however it's the same on wav) it ends up with an extremely short static sound at the start of each clip even with the highest quality sound. Is there anyway you can trim the file down, also using bass, for example taking the first 100 miliseconds off the start (it has to be mp3 though)? Or on the other hand, does anyone know of another bass recording tool that allows that diversity of options, e.g quality (not essential but preferable), volume and microphone choices (these two are important) which doesn't have this issue? Thanks Apples292
  15. Download Bible in 3 different languages in MP3 format. Bible downloader.zip Russian from 2 servers Ukrainian from 2 servers English KJV from 1 server (Sorry could not find another one) Latest version has a small button to download entire Bible only in Russian language that i collected my self. There some mp3s downloaded that other servers dont have. Hope someone finds this a blessing as i did when i learned Autoit to a level enough to make this application. Big thanks to many people who brought me to where i am in coding right now. I dont remember their names, but i know One who does.
  16. TinyMp3Player : A basic Mp3 player Hold left shift key and click load music button for select a mp3 directory, instead of a single mp3 file. A random check box for listen randomly. An automatic random config set the type of Audio meter display at each start or each click on the Next button. Previous downloads : 447 TinyMp3Player v Update of 2012-07-28 Source : TinyMp3Player v executable : TinyMp3Player.exe.html (Once this html file downloaded, double click on it for start the download) Changes : mp3 and m3u can be associated to compiled script. ( Double click ) Contextual menu can be added for mp3, m3u and folder. ( Right Click ) How to proceed : Once compiled, run it, and in tray menu click on "Add Context Menu" Once done, you can double click on any mp3 or m3u ( or Right Click on mp3 folder, mp3 or m3u ) and it will be played by compiled script. You can also Remove Context Menu ( by tray menu ) and your previous association will be restored. Gui do not close if you start a new play... Added a new skin and did a lot of cleaning ! Tested on XP sp3 32 bit and Seven 64 bit. Bass.au3 and ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>WinApiEx.au3 are needed. As usual some external files ( dll and icons ) are downloaded at the first execution to @TempDir & 'TMP'. Thanks to Brett Francis for his Bass.au3 ( external download link on Eukalyptus Topic on AutoIt.de ) Thanks to Eukalyptus, Prog@ndy for their BassExt.au3 Thanks to Melba for his _StringSize function Thanks again to Eukalyptus for his AudioMeter.au3 Thanks to Yashield for his ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>WinAPIEx UDF Hope you like it !
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