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  1. Hi Guys, I've noticed that the SoundGetWaveVolume UDF in an older topic isn't working on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. It's probably a Windows XP UDF. The UDF below does work. It successfully returns the volume set by SoundSetWaveVolume. It might need checking by the AutoIt community for some synthax finetuning. ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _SoundGetWaveVolume ; Description....: Returns app volume of script, Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10 only ; Syntax.........: _SoundGetWaveVolume([$iValueOnError = -1]) ; Parameters.....: $iValueOnError - Value to return when an error occurs ; Return values..: App volume of script or $iValueOnError at an error ; Error values...: @error = 1 - Unable to create Struct ; @error = 2 - Dll file not found ; @error = 3 - Wrong call so not on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 ; @error = 4 - Internal error, array not returned ; @error = 5 - Volume wasn't received ; @error = 6 - Volume couldn't read ; Author.........: Peter Verbeek ; Modified.......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _SoundGetWaveVolume($iValueOnError = -1) Local $LPDWORD,$aMMRESULT,$iVolume $LPDWORD = DllStructCreate("dword") If @error <> 0 Then SetError(1) ; 1 = unable to create Struct Return $iValueOnError EndIf ; get app volume of this script $aMMRESULT = DllCall("winmm.dll","uint","waveOutGetVolume","ptr",0,"long_ptr",DllStructGetPtr($LPDWORD)) Switch @error Case 1 SetError(2) ; 2 = dll file not found Return $iValueOnError Case 2,3,4,5 SetError(3) ; 3 = wrong call so not on Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10 Return $iValueOnError EndSwitch If not IsArray($aMMRESULT) Then SetError(4) ; 4 = internal error, array not returned Return $iValueOnError EndIf If $aMMRESULT[0] <> 0 Then SetError(5) ; 5 = volume wasn't received Return $iValueOnError EndIf $iVolume = DllStructGetData($LPDWORD,1) If @error <> 0 Then SetError(6) ; 6 = volume couldn't read Return $iValueOnError EndIf Return Round(100*$iVolume/4294967295) ; return in range 0 to 100 as SoundSetWaveVolume() EndFunc
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