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  1. i just got a new windows 7 64 bit machine at work. I get a error when complilling with #include <AD.au3> excerpt from console: xxxAuto ItIncludeAD.au3(423,15) : ERROR: undefined macro. If @OSArch = ~~~~~~~~~~~^ xxxAuto ItIncludeAD.au3(423,35) : ERROR: undefined macro. If @OSArch = "IA64" Or @OSArch = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ xxxAuto ItIncludeAD.au3(1290,66) : ERROR: _ArrayToString() called with wrong number of args. $aAD_Objects[$iCount2][$iCount1 - 1] = _ArrayToString($aTemp) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3(808,87) : REF: definition of _ArrayToString(). Func _ArrayToString(Const ByRef $avArray, $sDelim, $iStart = Default, $iEnd = Default) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ xxxAuto ItIncludeAD.au3(1306,51) : ERROR: _ArrayToString() called with wrong number of args. $aAD_Objects[$iCount2] = _ArrayToString($aTemp) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ even if all i am compiling is th eincludes #include <Word.au3> #include <Excel.au3> #include <AD.au3> it has always worked fine XP, so this must have something to do with window 7 or being 64 bit.
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