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  1. $sQueryUpdateTime = "select intUpdateTime from tblStudies " . $where . " ORDER BY intUpdateTime DESC limit 1"; $rs = mysqli_query($conn, $sQueryUpdateTime); $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs); the above used to take 300+ ms. to query. Then I set it as index and takes 30 ms. Cool. $sQuery = "select * from tblStudies " . $where . " ORDER BY StudyDate DESC limit $offset,$rows"; // takes 30 ms. on the indexed int $sQuery = "select * from tblStudies " . $where . " ORDER BY StudyDate DESC , PatientName ASC limit $offset,$rows"; // takes 300 ms. due to "PatientName" been a text field, even as I did index it So my observation is that "PatientName" takes a long time to sort, even tho "$rows = 20". Sorting text in 20 rows should be fast. ..tho, I find that any 2nd argument in the ORDER BY is just slow. Is there a way to query this in a way to have a faster result back ? Thanks PS: added ADD INDEX `StudyDate_2` (`StudyDate`, `PatientBirthDate`) USING BTREE; and searched by those two with not much speed change ( StudyDate and PatientBirthDate are integer ).
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