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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Sir, While searching for the solution to my problem, I have just gone through some of your old post. My name is Alok Arora Email id is *snip* I am writing a code to store logs for each script I run. This I did by using FileWriteLog function and it is successfully storing logs in txt file. Now, I have to work on to read the log file and if any script has been mistakenly clicked twice in a day script will pop up a message that task already done for the day by verifying entries in the log file. I have the logic for it.. I mean a variable will read the log file and will search for the entry and will perform action if entry found or not. I believe for reading the file I can write a code like $i =fileread("logfile.txt") Now I am stuck on how to compare the log entry in log file. Can you please help me in this?
  2. Hello, first time poster here I am working on a project that has to parse a log file in real time. The thing is I know it's hard for Autoit to attach itself to log files when they're already in use by other programs, at least in my experience. I was taking a look at this thread because the log file is quite large and I think Autoit might be a little slow on it's own. The thing is I don't know how to use this properly to extract all data out of a log file or is there a native way to do this using Autoit. Basically , I just need a log parser that is able to read from a log that is 'already opened' and 'being written to' Thanks!
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