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Found 4 results

  1. I need to change user's passwords remotely for Linux devices. I was recommended using plink for achieving the same, but I am facing little issue while resetting the passwords. Sharing the command using which I change password via cmd (working): echo 'y' | plink.exe admin@X.X.X.X -pw Old-password -no-antispoof "echo -e 'Old-password\nNew-password\nNew-password'|(passwd)" > passwdChange.log When I integrated it with AutoIT, I embedded the above command in a batch file as below. @echo off echo 'y' | plink.exe %1@%2 -pw %3 -no-antispoof "echo -e '%3\n%4\n%4'|(passwd)" > passwdChange.log When I try to execute the above batch file via AutoIT Run/ShellExecute command it doesn't work properly (doesn't change password). $DOS = Run(@ComSpec & " /c "&@ScriptDir &"\chpasswd.bat "&$sUser&" "&$sIP&" "&$sOldPwd&" "&$pwd, "", @SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) Where I am going & what changes I need to make in order for this to work Thank you in advance.
  2. Hello, have anyone ever tried to start the editor on linux-Ubuntu ? I tried some scripts and some of them works like notepad, while other doesn't. I do use wine, but i might don't know how to configure it to start autoit. I uploaded a file with the error i got (the program SciTe.exe has encountered a serious problem and needs to close. we are sorry for the inconvenience.) backtrace.txt
  3. Hello, I think your Autoit's language is perfect with clever syntax without unnecessary things (";" at the end for each line like C based languages,PHP ). Many languages force developers to reinvent basic things (for example, so as to create a directory whatever if this one exist AutoIt do it with only 2 words, many other language must have 6 lines or more: I think many developers become exhausted to do poor things because of this principle). I encourage AutoIT for Windows (I regret that it is not bult-in in Windows so as to help to deploy softwares). I want to be proactive to learn a language which would be compatible with other OS than Windows (linux, Mac OS) but according to me no language reach the AutoIt's level. I began to use PHP wich is interesting but I think this language is a draft and they could have better syntax (especially for different comment when we switch from HTML to PHP in the same file). Is there a project for a Linux or MAC AutoIt? (except the famous Wine for Linux) Thanks As regards Arnaud (France)
  4. Is there any way to run AutoIT scripts to run on Linux machines.
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