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Found 5 results

  1. Hello, I have a problem with getting first 10 characters with a big txt file, about 50k lines. I only want 10 characters of each line and save it into another file. I tried to use Stringleft every line and save it into another file but it was really slow to do it. I tried to save it into a variation like $var=$var&stringleft($file,10)&@CRLF. It's faster but still really slow. Can anybody help me with this Thank you so much
  2. Draw Path Points allows you to make line paths for drawing with gdi You can even load an image and trace the outline Save and load functionality undo and redo zoom and scale; Don't Forget Rotate! ;Draw Path Points BILGUS 2018 ;Includes #include <File.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GuiEdit.au3> #include <GuiListView.au3> #include <GuiTab.au3> #include <Misc.au3> If OnAutoItExitRegister("_Exit") <> 0 Then _GDIPlus_Startup() ;initialize GDI+ ConsoleWrite("GDI+ Started" & @CRLF) EndIf Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2) ;Relative coords to the client area of the active window Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2) ;Relative coords to the client area of the active window Global $g_iXScale = 8 Global $g_iYScale = $g_iXScale Global $g_sFileSave = @ScriptDir & "\DrawPath.txt" ;Default Global $g_bClosePath = False Global $g_bShowImage = False Global $g_sImagefile = "" Global $g_iUndo_Max = 50 Global $g_asUndo_Files[1] = [""] Global $g_asRedo_Files[1] = [""] Global $g_aPath_Points[1][2] = [[0, 0]] Global $g_aPath_Rot_Points Global $g_hForm1 = GUICreate("Draw Path Points", 615, 437, 192, 124) Global $g_hSelSquare = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 0, 0, 0, 0, $SS_BLACKFRAME, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE) ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Enum $eC1_delete, $eC1_del_all, $eC1_update, $eC1_shift_dn, $eC1_shift_up, _ $eC1_closepath, $eC1_showimg, $eC1_lock, $eC1_undo, $eC1_redo, $aCtl1_LAST Global $g_ahCtl1[$aCtl1_LAST] Control_Create_Group1() ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global Enum $eC2_zin, $eC2_zout, $eC2_dgroup, $eC2_decx, $eC2_incx, $eC2_decy, _ $eC2_incy, $eC2_edit_rot, $eC2_rot, $eC2_ud_rot, $eC2_rev, $eC2_toall, $aCtl2_LAST Global $g_ahCtl2[$aCtl2_LAST] Control_Create_Group2() ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $g_hBtn_load = GUICtrlCreateButton("Load", 5, 1, 35, 20) Global $g_hBtn_save = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 40, 1, 35, 20) Global $g_hBtn_arr_disp = GUICtrlCreateButton("Array", 75, 1, 35, 20) Global $g_hEdit_encoded = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 115, 2, 50, 18, $ES_READONLY + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_EX_STATICEDGE + $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT) Global $g_hList1 = GUICtrlCreateListView("#|x|y", 5, 24, 161, 201, $LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS Or $LVS_SINGLESEL) Global $g_hList1_LVN = GUICtrlCreateDummy() ;listview notifications Global $g_hImage1 = GUICtrlCreatePic("", 200, 16, 400, 400, -1, $WS_EX_LAYERED) Global $g_hTab1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(1, 225, 20, 500, $TCS_VERTICAL) GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" ") GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW) ; will be display first GUICtrlCreateTabItem(" ") GUICtrlCreateTabItem("") ; end tabitem definition For $i = 0 To UBound($g_ahCtl2) - 1 GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl2[$i], $GUI_HIDE) Next GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "WM_NOTIFY") List_Update() List_Index() GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) State_Save($g_aPath_Points) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points) Global $g_nMsg = 0 While 1 $g_nMsg = GUIGetMsg() If $g_nMsg > 0 And $g_nMsg <> $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_ud_rot] And $g_nMsg <> $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot] And GUICtrlRead($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot]) <> 0 Then ;ConsoleWrite("Cancel_Rotate? " & $g_nMsg & @CRLF) If MsgBox($MB_ICONQUESTION + $MB_OKCANCEL + $MB_DEFBUTTON2, "Save?", "Save Rotated Points?", 10) == $IDOK Then _GUICtrlEdit_SetText($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot], "0") $g_aPath_Points = $g_aPath_Rot_Points State_Save($g_aPath_Points) List_Update(List_Index()) Else _GUICtrlEdit_SetText($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot], "0") Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage, List_Index()) ;, True) EndIf EndIf Switch $g_nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $g_hTab1 Tab1_Select() Case $g_hSelSquare ;ConsoleWrite("SelSquare" & @CRLF) SelSquare_Drag() Case $g_hList1 ;ConsoleWrite("List1 " & $g_nMsg & @CRLF) Local $iIndex = List_Index() If $iIndex <> -1 Then Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage, $iIndex) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected($g_hList1, $iIndex, True, True) EndIf Case $g_hList1_LVN Point_Selected($g_aPath_Points, $g_hImage1, List_Index()) Case $g_hList1_LVN Case $g_hImage1 Image1_Clicked() Case $g_hBtn_save Btn_save_Clicked() Case $g_hBtn_load Btn_load_Clicked() Case $g_hBtn_arr_disp _ArrayDisplay($g_aPath_Points) ;------------------------------------------------------------------- Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_shift_up] $iIndex = List_Index() Point_Swap($iIndex, -1) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_shift_dn] $iIndex = List_Index() Point_Swap($iIndex, 1) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_del_all] $g_aPath_Points = 0 Global $g_aPath_Points[1][2] = [[0, 0]] List_Update() Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_delete] $iIndex = List_Index() Point_Delete($iIndex) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, $iIndex) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo] $g_aPath_Points = State_Restore($g_aPath_Points, False) List_Update() Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo] $g_aPath_Points = State_Restore($g_aPath_Points, True) List_Update() Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_update] List_Update(List_Index()) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Ascii_Points($g_aPath_Points) _GUICtrlEdit_SetSel($g_hEdit_encoded, 0, -1) Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_closepath] $g_bClosePath = Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_closepath]) List_Update(List_Index()) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) If $g_bClosePath Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_rev], $GUI_DISABLE) Else GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_rev], $GUI_ENABLE) EndIf Case $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_showimg] If Not $g_bShowImage Then $g_sImagefile = FileOpenDialog("Select an image", SplitDir($g_sImagefile), "All Files(*.*)", 0, SplitFileName($g_sImagefile), $g_hForm1) EndIf $g_bShowImage = Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_showimg]) List_Update(List_Index()) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) ;------------------------------------------------------------------- Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_zin] If Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall]) Then Points_Scale(1, 1) Else $g_iXScale += 1 $g_iYScale += 1 Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, List_Index()) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_zout] If Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall]) Then Points_Scale(-1, -1) Else $g_iXScale -= 1 $g_iYScale -= 1 Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, List_Index()) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_rev] $iIndex = List_Index() $g_aPath_Points = Points_Reverse($g_aPath_Points) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage, $iIndex) ;, True) List_Update($iIndex) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot] ;ConsoleWrite("Rotate" & @CRLF) $iIndex = List_Index() Local $iDegrees = GUICtrlRead($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot]) $g_aPath_Rot_Points = Points_Rotate($g_aPath_Points, $iDegrees) Points_Update($g_aPath_Rot_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage, $iIndex) ;, True) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_incx] Point_Adjust(1, 0, Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall])) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_decx] Point_Adjust(-1, 0, Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall])) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_incy] Point_Adjust(0, 1, Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall])) Case $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_decy] Point_Adjust(0, -1, Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall])) EndSwitch WEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _Exit() _GDIPlus_Shutdown() ConsoleWrite("GDI+ Stopped" & @CRLF) State_Destroy() EndFunc ;==>_Exit Func Ascii_Points($aPts) ;encodes points into an ascii string Local Const $iChrOffset = 33 Local Const $iMaxOffset = 126 - $iChrOffset If Not IsArray($aPts) Then Return Local $sAscEnc = StringFormat("%03i%05i", $iChrOffset, UBound($aPts) * 2 + 8) If _ArrayMin($aPts) >= 0 And (_ArrayMax($aPts) - _ArrayMin($aPts)) <= $iMaxOffset Then For $i = 0 To UBound($aPts) - 1 $sAscEnc = $sAscEnc & Chr($aPts[$i][0] + $iChrOffset) & Chr($aPts[$i][1] + $iChrOffset) Next EndIf _GUICtrlEdit_SetText($g_hEdit_encoded, $sAscEnc) EndFunc ;==>Ascii_Points Func Btn_load_Clicked() ConsoleWrite("Load: " & SplitDir($g_sFileSave) & @CRLF) $g_sFileSave = FileOpenDialog("Select a save file", SplitDir($g_sFileSave), "All Files(*.*)", 0, SplitFileName($g_sFileSave), $g_hForm1) _FileReadToArray($g_sFileSave, $g_aPath_Points, 0, ",") If @error Then Dim $g_aPath_Points[1][2] = [[0, 0]] Else State_Destroy() State_Save($g_aPath_Points) EndIf List_Update() Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndFunc ;==>Btn_load_Clicked Func Btn_save_Clicked() List_Update(List_Index()) $g_sFileSave = FileOpenDialog("Select a save file", SplitDir($g_sFileSave), "All Files(*.*)", 0, SplitFileName($g_sFileSave), $g_hForm1) _FileWriteFromArray($g_sFileSave, $g_aPath_Points, 0, Default, ",") EndFunc ;==>Btn_save_Clicked Func Control_Create_Group1() Local $iX = 30 Local $iY = 225 $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_delete] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete", $iX + 0, $iY + 0, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_shift_dn] = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", $iX + 70, $iY + 0, 20, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_shift_up] = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", $iX + 95, $iY + 0, 20, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_del_all] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Delete All", $iX + 0, $iY + 25, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_update] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Update", $iX + 70, $iY + 25, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Undo", $iX + 0, $iY + 50, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Redo", $iX + 70, $iY + 50, 50, 20) GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo], $GUI_DISABLE) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_closepath] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Complete", $iX + 0, $iY + 70, 65, 25) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_showimg] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Image", $iX + 0, $iY + 90, 65, 25) $g_ahCtl1[$eC1_lock] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Locked", $iX + 0, $iY + 110, 65, 25) EndFunc ;==>Control_Create_Group1 Func Control_Create_Group2() Local $iX = 30 Local $iY = 225 $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_rev] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reverse", $iX + 0, $iY + 0, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_edit_rot] = GUICtrlCreateInput("0", $iX + 0, $iY + 25, 40, 20) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_ud_rot] = GUICtrlCreateUpdown(-1) GUICtrlSetLimit($eC2_ud_rot, 360, -360) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_rot] = GUICtrlCreateButton("", $iX + 40, $iY + 25, 10, 20) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_dgroup] = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Coords", 5 + $iX + 70, $iY + 0, 55, 70) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_decy] = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 24 + $iX + 70, 16 + $iY + 0, 17, 17) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_incy] = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 24 + $iX + 70, 48 + $iY + 0, 17, 17) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_decx] = GUICtrlCreateButton("-", 8 + $iX + 70, 32 + $iY + 0, 17, 17) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_incx] = GUICtrlCreateButton("+", 40 + $iX + 70, 32 + $iY + 0, 17, 17) GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_zout] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Zoom -", $iX + 0, $iY + 75, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_zin] = GUICtrlCreateButton("Zoom +", $iX + 75, $iY + 75, 50, 20) $g_ahCtl2[$eC2_toall] = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Apply to all", $iX + 0, $iY + 100, 80, 25) EndFunc ;==>Control_Create_Group2 Func Control_IsChecked($IdCtrl) Return (BitAND(GUICtrlRead($IdCtrl), $GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED) EndFunc ;==>Control_IsChecked Func GDI_Draw_ArrayPoints(ByRef $aPts, $hImage, $g_bClosePath, $iX, $iY, $sFileName, $iSelected = -1) Local $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hImage) If UBound($aPts) > 1 Then Local $aPoints = GDI_Points($aPts, $iX, $iY) Else Local $aPoints[1][2] = [[0, 0]] EndIf Local $hGraphics = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hWnd) ;create a graphics object from a window handle _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hGraphics, 0xFFFFFFFF) If FileExists($sFileName) Then Local $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromFile($sFileName) Local Const $iWidth = ScaleX(_GDIPlus_ImageGetWidth($hBitmap)) Local Const $iHeight = ScaleY(_GDIPlus_ImageGetHeight($hBitmap)) Local $hBitmap_Scaled = _GDIPlus_ImageResize($hBitmap, $iWidth, $iHeight) ;resize image _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap) ;Done with initial bitmap _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage($hGraphics, $hBitmap_Scaled, 0, 0) _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose($hBitmap_Scaled) EndIf Local $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0xFFFF0000, ScaleX(1)) Local $hEndCap = _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate(1, 1) _GDIPlus_PenSetCustomEndCap($hPen, $hEndCap) If $g_bClosePath Then _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPolygon($hGraphics, $aPoints, $hPen) Local $iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1 For $i = 1 To $aPoints[0][0] If Not $g_bClosePath And $i < $aPoints[0][0] Then $iX0 = $aPoints[$i][0] $iY0 = $aPoints[$i][1] $iX1 = $aPoints[$i + 1][0] $iY1 = $aPoints[$i + 1][1] _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($hGraphics, $iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1, $hPen) EndIf Next _GDIPlus_ArrowCapDispose($hEndCap) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($hPen) _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphics) Point_Selected($aPts, $hImage, $iSelected) EndFunc ;==>GDI_Draw_ArrayPoints Func GDI_Line_hPath_From_Points($aPts, $iXorig, $iYorig) ;Returns hpath object be sure to delete it when finished Local $hPath = _GDIPlus_PathCreate() ;Create new path object Local $aPoints = GDI_Points($aPts, $iXorig, $iYorig) Local $iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1 If IsArray($aPoints) Then For $i = 1 To $aPoints[0][0] - 1 $iX0 = $aPoints[$i][0] $iY0 = $aPoints[$i][1] $iX1 = $aPoints[$i + 1][0] $iY1 = $aPoints[$i + 1][1] _GDIPlus_PathAddLine($hPath, $iX0, $iY0, $iX1, $iY1) Next EndIf Return $hPath ;_GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) EndFunc ;==>GDI_Line_hPath_From_Points Func GDI_Points($aPts, $iXo, $iYO) Local $aGDIPts If IsArray($aPts) And UBound($aPts) > 1 Then Local $aGDIPts[UBound($aPts) + 1][2] $aGDIPts[0][0] = UBound($aPts) For $i = 1 To $aGDIPts[0][0] ;Build points list $aGDIPts[$i][0] = ScaleX($aPts[$i - 1][0]) + $iXo $aGDIPts[$i][1] = ScaleY($aPts[$i - 1][1]) + $iYO Next Else Local $aGDIPts[1][2] = [[0, 0]] EndIf Return $aGDIPts EndFunc ;==>GDI_Points Func Image1_Clicked() If Not Control_IsChecked($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_lock]) Then Local $aCPos = ControlGetPos(GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hImage1), "", 0) Local $aPos = MouseGetPos() If IsArray($aPos) And IsArray($aCPos) Then Local $iXn = Int(($aPos[0] - $aCPos[0] + ScaleX(1) / 2) / ScaleX(1)) Local $iYn = Int(($aPos[1] - $aCPos[1] + ScaleY(1) / 2) / ScaleY(1)) Point_Add(List_Index(), $iXn, $iYn) EndIf Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) Else ToolTip("Locked") Sleep(500) ToolTip("") EndIf EndFunc ;==>Image1_Clicked Func List_Index() Static Local $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1) Local $iIndex = _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark($hWndList1) If _GUICtrlListView_GetItemSelected($g_hList1, $iIndex) Then Return $iIndex Return -1 EndFunc ;==>List_Index Func List_Update($iIndex = -1) Static $hWnd_List1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1) _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($g_hList1) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems($hWnd_List1) For $i = 0 To UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($i & "|" & $g_aPath_Points[$i][0] & "|" & $g_aPath_Points[$i][1], $g_hList1) Next If $iIndex > -1 Then _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, $iIndex) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($g_hList1, $iIndex) EndIf _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($g_hList1) EndFunc ;==>List_Update Func Point_Add($iIndex, $iX, $iY) If $iIndex <> -1 Then _ArrayInsert($g_aPath_Points, $iIndex, $iX & "|" & $iY, 0) _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem($g_hList1, $iIndex, $iIndex) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $iX, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $iY, 2) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($g_hList1, $iIndex) Else _ArrayAdd($g_aPath_Points, $iX & "|" & $iY, 0) GUICtrlCreateListViewItem(UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 & "|" & $iX & "|" & $iY, $g_hList1) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($g_hList1, UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1) EndIf State_Save($g_aPath_Points) EndFunc ;==>Point_Add Func Point_Adjust($iX, $iY, $bToAll) If Not $bToAll Then Local $iIndex = List_Index() If $iIndex == -1 And IsArray($g_aPath_Points) Then $iIndex = UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 If $iIndex == -1 Then Return $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][0] += $iX $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][1] += $iY _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][0], 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][1], 2) If $iIndex <> UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 Then _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, $iIndex) Else For $i = 0 To UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 $g_aPath_Points[$i][0] += $iX $g_aPath_Points[$i][1] += $iY Next List_Update(List_Index()) EndIf State_Save($g_aPath_Points) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndFunc ;==>Point_Adjust Func Point_Delete($iIndex) If $iIndex <> -1 Then _ArrayDelete($g_aPath_Points, $iIndex) _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem($g_hList1, $iIndex) State_Save($g_aPath_Points) ;List_Update($iIndex) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Point_Delete Func Point_Modify($iIndex, $iX, $iY) If $iIndex <> -1 Then $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][0] = $iX $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][1] = $iY _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $iX, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex, $iY, 2) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($g_hList1, $iIndex) State_Save($g_aPath_Points) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Point_Modify Func Point_Selected($aPts, $hImage, $iIndex) If $iIndex > -1 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_hSelSquare, $GUI_HIDE) Local $hWnd = GUICtrlGetHandle($hImage) Local $aPos = ControlGetPos($hWnd, "", 0) If IsArray($aPos) And IsArray($aPts) Then _WinAPI_RedrawWindow($hWnd, Default, Default, $RDW_ERASENOW) Local $iXs = ScaleX($aPts[$iIndex][0]) + $aPos[0] - ScaleX(1) / 2 Local $iYs = ScaleY($aPts[$iIndex][1]) + $aPos[1] - ScaleY(1) / 2 WinMove(GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hSelSquare), "", $iXs, $iYs, ScaleX(1), ScaleY(1)) GUICtrlSetState($g_hSelSquare, $GUI_SHOW) ;ConsoleWrite("Point_Selected" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWriteError("Error: Point_Selected" & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>Point_Selected Func Point_Swap($iIndex1, $iNext) _GUICtrlListView_BeginUpdate($g_hList1) Local $iIndex2 = 0 Local $aTmp = 0 If $iIndex1 <> -1 Then $iIndex2 = $iIndex1 + $iNext If $iIndex2 > UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 Then $iIndex2 = 0 ElseIf $iIndex2 < 0 Then $iIndex2 = UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 EndIf _ArraySwap($g_aPath_Points, $iIndex1, $iIndex2) Local $iX1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex1, 2) Local $iY1 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex1, 2) Local $iX2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex2, 2) Local $iY2 = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex2, 2) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex1, $iX2, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex1, $iY2, 2) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex2, $iX1, 1) _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText($g_hList1, $iIndex2, $iY1, 2) _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem($g_hList1, $iIndex2) _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible($g_hList1, $iIndex2) Else ;ConsoleWrite("Array Shift" & @CRLF) If $iNext > 0 Then ;ARRAY SHIFT -- Melba23 Local $iUBound = UBound($g_aPath_Points) ; Get size of array $aTmp = _ArrayExtract($g_aPath_Points, 0, $iUBound - 2) ; Extract all but last _ArrayInsert($aTmp, 0, _ArrayExtract($g_aPath_Points, $iUBound - 1, Default)) ; Insert last at top $g_aPath_Points = $aTmp Else $aTmp = _ArrayExtract($g_aPath_Points, 1, Default) ; Extract all but top row _ArrayAdd($aTmp, _ArrayExtract($g_aPath_Points, 0, 0)) ; Add top row at bottom $g_aPath_Points = $aTmp EndIf List_Update(List_Index()) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndIf State_Save($g_aPath_Points) _GUICtrlListView_EndUpdate($g_hList1) EndFunc ;==>Point_Swap Func Points_Reverse($aPts) Local $hPath = GDI_Line_hPath_From_Points($aPts, 0, 0) ;_GDIPlus_PathFlatten($hPath) _GDIPlus_PathReverse($hPath) Local $aPoints = _GDIPlus_PathGetPoints($hPath) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) If IsArray($aPoints) Then ;ConsoleWrite("Flipped_Points" & @CRLF) Global $aPts_Rev[$aPoints[0][0]][2] For $i = 1 To $aPoints[0][0] $aPts_Rev[$i - 1][0] = Int($aPoints[$i][0] / ScaleX(1)) $aPts_Rev[$i - 1][1] = Int($aPoints[$i][1] / ScaleY(1)) Next Return $aPts_Rev Else Return $aPts EndIf EndFunc ;==>Points_Reverse Func Points_Rotate($aPts, $iDegrees) Local $hPath = GDI_Line_hPath_From_Points($aPts, 0, 0) ;_GDIPlus_PathFlatten($hPath) Local $hPen = _GDIPlus_PenCreate(0x0, ScaleX(1)) Local $aBounds = _GDIPlus_PathGetWorldBounds($hPath, 0, $hPen) _GDIPlus_PenDispose($hPen) If IsArray($aBounds) Then Local $hMatrix = _GDIPlus_MatrixCreate() _GDIPlus_MatrixTranslate($hMatrix, $aBounds[0] + $aBounds[2] / 2, $aBounds[1] + $aBounds[3] / 2) _GDIPlus_MatrixRotate($hMatrix, $iDegrees) _GDIPlus_MatrixTranslate($hMatrix, -($aBounds[0] + $aBounds[2] / 2), -($aBounds[1] + $aBounds[3] / 2)) _GDIPlus_PathTransform($hPath, $hMatrix) _GDIPlus_MatrixDispose($hMatrix) EndIf Local $aPoints = _GDIPlus_PathGetPoints($hPath) _GDIPlus_PathDispose($hPath) If IsArray($aPoints) Then ;ConsoleWrite("Rotate_Points" & @CRLF) Dim $aPts_Rev[$aPoints[0][0]][2] For $i = 1 To $aPoints[0][0] $aPts_Rev[$i - 1][0] = Int($aPoints[$i][0] / ScaleX(1)) $aPts_Rev[$i - 1][1] = Int($aPoints[$i][1] / ScaleY(1)) Next Return $aPts_Rev Else Return $aPts EndIf EndFunc ;==>Points_Rotate Func Points_Scale($iScaleX, $iScaleY) For $i = 0 To UBound($g_aPath_Points) - 1 If $iScaleX > 0 Then $g_aPath_Points[$i][0] *= 2 Else $g_aPath_Points[$i][0] /= 2 EndIf If $iScaleY > 0 Then $g_aPath_Points[$i][1] *= 2 Else $g_aPath_Points[$i][1] /= 2 EndIf Next State_Save($g_aPath_Points) List_Update(List_Index()) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage) EndFunc ;==>Points_Scale Func Points_Update($aPts, $g_bClosePath = False, $b_Show_Image = True, $iSelected = -1) Local $_Image_File = $g_sImagefile If Not $b_Show_Image Then $_Image_File = "" GDI_Draw_ArrayPoints($aPts, $g_hImage1, $g_bClosePath, 0, 0, $_Image_File, $iSelected) EndFunc ;==>Points_Update Func ScaleX($iX) Local $iXs = $g_iXScale If $iXs == 0 Then $iXs = -1 If $iXs > 0 Then $iX = $iX * $iXs Else $iX = $iX / Abs($iXs) EndIf Return $iX EndFunc ;==>ScaleX Func ScaleY($iY) Local $iYs = $g_iYScale If $iYs == 0 Then $iYs = -1 If $iYs > 0 Then $iY = $iY * $iYs Else $iY = $iY / Abs($iYs) EndIf Return $iY EndFunc ;==>ScaleY Func SelSquare_Drag() Local $iIndex = List_Index() If $iIndex <> -1 Then Local $cInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($g_hForm1) Local $aPosSelOrig = ControlGetPos($g_hForm1, "", $g_hSelSquare) If IsArray($aPosSelOrig) Then Local $iSubtractX = $cInfo[0] - $aPosSelOrig[0] Local $iSubtractY = $cInfo[1] - $aPosSelOrig[1] EndIf If IsArray($cInfo) Then Do $cInfo = GUIGetCursorInfo($g_hForm1) ControlMove($g_hForm1, "", $g_hSelSquare, $cInfo[0] - $iSubtractX, $cInfo[1] - $iSubtractY) Until Not $cInfo[2] EndIf Local $aPosSelNew = ControlGetPos($g_hForm1, "", $g_hSelSquare) If IsArray($aPosSelNew) And IsArray($aPosSelOrig) Then Local $iXm = $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][0] + Int(($aPosSelNew[0] - $aPosSelOrig[0]) / ScaleX(1)) Local $iYm = $g_aPath_Points[$iIndex][1] + Int(($aPosSelNew[1] - $aPosSelOrig[1]) / ScaleY(1)) Point_Modify($iIndex, $iXm, $iYm) Points_Update($g_aPath_Points, $g_bClosePath, $g_bShowImage, $iIndex) EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>SelSquare_Drag Func SplitDir($FullPath) Local $sDrive, $sDir, $sDummy _PathSplit($FullPath, $sDrive, $sDir, $sDummy, $sDummy) Return $sDrive & $sDir EndFunc ;==>SplitDir Func SplitFileName($FullPath) Local $sDummy, $sFileName, $sExt _PathSplit($FullPath, $sDummy, $sDummy, $sFileName, $sExt) Return $sFileName & "" & $sExt EndFunc ;==>SplitFileName Func State_Cleanup(ByRef $a1) If (UBound($a1) > $g_iUndo_Max + 2) Then Local $a1Rem = _ArrayExtract($a1, 1, Default) $a1Rem[0] = $a1[0] Local $sTmp = $a1[1] If $sTmp <> "" And FileExists($sTmp) Then FileDelete($sTmp) ;ConsoleWrite("Cleanup Delete (UnD) " & $sTmp & @CRLF) EndIf $a1 = $a1Rem EndIf EndFunc ;==>State_Cleanup Func State_Destroy($bRedo_Only = False) Local $sTmp While (UBound($g_asRedo_Files) > 1) $sTmp = _ArrayPop($g_asRedo_Files) If $sTmp <> "" And FileExists($sTmp) Then FileDelete($sTmp) ;ConsoleWrite(", Delete (ReD) " & $sTmp) If @error Then ConsoleWriteError("Failed to Delete " & $sTmp) EndIf WEnd GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo], $GUI_DISABLE) If $bRedo_Only Then Return While (UBound($g_asUndo_Files) > 1) $sTmp = _ArrayPop($g_asUndo_Files) If $sTmp <> "" And FileExists($sTmp) Then FileDelete($sTmp) ;ConsoleWrite(", Delete (UnD)" & $sTmp) If @error Then ConsoleWriteError("Failed to Delete " & $sTmp) EndIf WEnd GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_DISABLE) EndFunc ;==>State_Destroy Func State_Is_Diff(ByRef $a1, ByRef $a2) Local $bIsDiff = True If UBound($a1) = UBound($a2) Then $bIsDiff = False For $i = UBound($a1) - 1 To 0 Step -1 If $a1[$i][0] == $a2[$i][0] And $a1[$i][1] == $a2[$i][1] Then ContinueLoop Else ;ConsoleWrite("Diff " & $i & @CRLF) $bIsDiff = True ExitLoop EndIf Next Else ;ConsoleWrite("Diff " & @CRLF) EndIf Return $bIsDiff EndFunc ;==>State_Is_Diff Func State_Restore(ByRef $aPts, $bUndo) Local $sTmp = "" Local $aRes If $bUndo Then $sTmp = _ArrayPop($g_asUndo_Files) ;ConsoleWrite(", Restore (UnD)" & $sTmp) If $sTmp <> "" And FileExists($sTmp) Then _ArrayAdd($g_asRedo_Files, $sTmp) _FileReadToArray($sTmp, $aRes, 0, ",") If UBound($g_asUndo_Files) < 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_DISABLE) If UBound($g_asRedo_Files) > 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo], $GUI_ENABLE) If UBound($g_asUndo_Files) > 1 And Not State_Is_Diff($aPts, $aRes) Then Return State_Restore($aPts, $bUndo) If Not @error Then Return $aRes Else ConsoleWriteError("Failed to Restore " & $sTmp) EndIf Else $sTmp = _ArrayPop($g_asRedo_Files) ;ConsoleWrite(", Restore (ReD) " & $sTmp) If $sTmp <> "" And FileExists($sTmp) Then _ArrayAdd($g_asUndo_Files, $sTmp) _FileReadToArray($sTmp, $aRes, 0, ",") If UBound($g_asRedo_Files) < 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo], $GUI_DISABLE) If UBound($g_asUndo_Files) > 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_ENABLE) If UBound($g_asRedo_Files) > 1 And Not State_Is_Diff($aPts, $aRes) Then Return State_Restore($aPts, $bUndo) If Not @error Then Return $aRes Else ConsoleWriteError("Failed to Restore " & $sTmp) EndIf EndIf Return $aPts EndFunc ;==>State_Restore Func State_Save($aPts) If $g_iUndo_Max < 1 Then Return Local $sTmp = _TempFile(@TempDir, "DPP_") If UBound($g_asRedo_Files) > 2 Then _ArrayAdd($g_asUndo_Files, _ArrayPop($g_asRedo_Files)) _ArrayAdd($g_asUndo_Files, $sTmp) _FileWriteFromArray($sTmp, $aPts, 0, Default, ",") If UBound($g_asRedo_Files) > 2 Then State_Destroy(True) State_Cleanup($g_asUndo_Files) ;ConsoleWrite("Save State " & UBound($g_asUndo_Files) & " " & $sTmp & @CRLF) If UBound($g_asUndo_Files) > 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_ENABLE) If @error Then MsgBox(0, @ScriptName & " Error", "Unable to create undo file " & $sTmp) GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_undo], $GUI_DISABLE) GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$eC1_redo], $GUI_DISABLE) $g_iUndo_Max = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>State_Save Func Tab1_Select() Local $iStateCtl1, $iStateCtl2 Local $tabindex = GUICtrlRead($g_hTab1) ;ConsoleWrite("tab" & $tabindex + 1 & "_selected" & @CRLF) Select Case $tabindex = 0 $iStateCtl1 = $GUI_SHOW $iStateCtl2 = $GUI_HIDE Case $tabindex = 1 $iStateCtl1 = $GUI_HIDE $iStateCtl2 = $GUI_SHOW Case Else _GUICtrlTab_ActivateTab($g_hTab1, 0) Return EndSelect For $i = 0 To UBound($g_ahCtl1) - 1 GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl1[$i], $iStateCtl1) Next For $i = 0 To UBound($g_ahCtl2) - 1 GUICtrlSetState($g_ahCtl2[$i], $iStateCtl2) Next EndFunc ;==>Tab1_Select Func WM_NOTIFY($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Static Local $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1) If Not IsHWnd($hWndList1) Then $hWndList1 = GUICtrlGetHandle($g_hList1) If @error Then Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG If $wParam = $g_hList1 Then Local $tNMHDR = DllStructCreate($tagNMHDR, $lParam) Switch DllStructGetData($tNMHDR, "Code") Case $LVN_KEYDOWN, $NM_CLICK GUICtrlSendToDummy($g_hList1_LVN, $lParam) EndSwitch EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WM_NOTIFY DrawPathPoints.au3
  3. I am very new to Autoit and pretty new to scripting altogether.I have a PowerShell script that pulls owner info from folders on our file share server. There are 3 owners for every folder, Domain Admin, User setup for network scanning and the user. I am trying to copy the username only from this txt file. I have gotten as far as to being able to read the lines in the txt file but can't seem to read the columns. This is what i have so far. #include <File.au3> $file = "c:\test01.txt" FileOpen($file, 0) For $i = 5 to _FileCountLines($file) $line = FileReadLine($file, $i) msgbox(0,'','the line ' & $i & ' is ' & $line & 'and the column is') Next FileClose($file) This is the outcome..... This is the txt file I am trying to copy the ABC part without the MyDomain\. I know it's line 5 and columns 11-14 of the txt file but i can't figure out how to read it. I hope i'm explaining this correctly.
  4. Hi Everyone, Happy New Year Well, I have a script that gather information about a given switch here at work that output data in a txt file: What I'd like to do first is to put the file in a list view with the possibility to sort the ports by VLAN, by ports or by Status (and also delete all that concern Duplex / Speed / Type). In a second time, I'd like to bold and color "connected" in green / "disconnected" in red and "err-disabled" in gray. Then, I'd like also to apply a certain color depending on the VLAN number (I have the list of them). And to finish (sorry ^^) when I double click on a list item, I'd like to retrieve information of the selected line for me to do some operation on it. I know this is quite an ask but this is something I don't know how to (don't worry, I've done some researches before) do and also, I'm not familiar with arrays at all. Many thanks for those who can help I've uploaded the output txt file: EPES18.txt
  5. Hello, have autoit some posibility to write multiple lines in one? Code: $Close = GUICtrlCreateLabel("X", $Width - 15, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $About = GUICtrlCreateLabel("?", $Width - 30, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $Other = GUICtrlCreateLabel("+", $Width - 45, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) I want it to be something like: $Close = GUICtrlCreateLabel("X", $Width - 15, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") . GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) . GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $About = GUICtrlCreateLabel("?", $Width - 30, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") . GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) . GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $Other = GUICtrlCreateLabel("+", $Width - 45, 0, 11, 20) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Comic Sans MS") . GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT) . GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0)
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