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Found 4 results

  1. Hello everyone ! I've made a little function who return random characters for everyone who would need it.. It's my first function so please have some mercy. And if you have some suggestions.. don't hesitate ! and I made a AutoIt HelpFile that looks like others helpfiles, I hope you'll enjoy ! The function : RandomLetter.au3 The helpfile : RandomLetter.html (in HTML please !) Et pour les anglophobes, voilà l'aide en français : RandomLetter.fr.html (French version of the helpfile) Thanks, hcI
  2. How do I chain letters in a HotKeySet? This works: HotKeySet("+!d", "function")I tried this but does not work HotKeySet("abc", "function")Just reacts to the a, how to accomplish this?
  3. Well Another Function. For Get de Drive letter marked as write enabled. Global Const $sCLSID_CDBurn = "{fbeb8a05-beee-4442-804e-409d6c4515e9}" Global Const $sIID_ICDBurn = "{3d73a659-e5d0-4d42-afc0-5121ba425c8d}" Global Const $sTagCDBurn = "GetRecorderDriveLetter hresult(wstr;uint); Burn hresult(hwnd); HasRecordableDrive hresult(bool*)" MsgBox(0, "", _GetRecorderDriveLetter()) Func _GetRecorderDriveLetter() Local $sDriveLetter = "" Local $HasRecordableDrive = False Local $oCDBurn = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_CDBurn, $sIID_ICDBurn, $sTagCDBurn) If Not IsObj($oCDBurn) Then Return $sDriveLetter If SUCCEEDED($oCDBurn.HasRecordableDrive($HasRecordableDrive)) Then $oCDBurn.GetRecorderDriveLetter($sDriveLetter, 4) EndIf Return $sDriveLetter EndFunc ;==>_GetRecorderDriveLetter Func SUCCEEDED($hr) Return ($hr >= 0) EndFunc ;==>SUCCEEDED
  4. Hello my friends. When i make a button with Koda and name it ( j ) it makes it a ( i ) just a bit longer. first i thought it was a Koda bug and said i just change it in the SCITE editor, but when i am trying that it happens there too. Everything in my pc and both apps are in English language.Why is that ? screen shot :
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