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  1. #include <WinAPI.au3> $text = FileReadLastChars("C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Include\Array.au3", 1024) MsgBox(0, 'FileReadLastChars', $text) Func FileReadLastChars($sFile, $nChars)     Local $nBytes     $tBuffer = DLLStructCreate("char["&$nChars&"]")     $hFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($sFile, 2, 2) ; op...
  2. Hi all I want a way to get the last key pressed. I have a program that works with keyboard shortcuts and I want to give the permission for the user to edit shortcut keys depending on what suits him i want to make read-only edit box and the program writes the latest shortcut key pressed Ple...
  3. I searched around for the best way to this and am still a bit lost. I am trying to find the last non-empty cell in a column in Excel. In the past, there was a function _ExcelSheetUsedRangeGet($oExcel, $vSheet) in >this thread. However, much has changed since then and when I downloaded it I could...
  4. I tried a lot of techniques but still have no luck.. How can I delete the second sentence until the last sentence of a set paragraph range on a Microsoft Word document? #include <Word.au3> Global $oWord, $oDoc $oWord = _Word_Create() $oDoc = _Word_DocGet($oWord, 1) Global Const $Count = $oDoc....
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