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  1. Hello AutoIt-Fans. The main reason why I wrote this script was to simulate the entire keyboard with just the joypad. Mostly I need it when I play retro games on an emulator like CCS64 or VICE emulator, PCSXR, ... So maybe someone can use it too. In the configuration file macroJoy.cfg you can define your macros. A macro has two parts, a button sequence-line and the commands-line. If all buttons of a sequence-line (one by one or simultaneously, depending on pushType) are pressed, the functions in the commands-line will be invoked. The following functions are currently available: sendkey, run, focus, killproc, cursor, sleep. If you like you can add some custom functions in includes/functions.au3. Below you will find a configuration example and a brief description. The program resides in the system tray. Use the menu item Check JoyData to test your macros or see the joystick button codes. Project files can be downloaded from Github macroJoy Source code.zip Enjoy!! [config] ;sequenceNN: process;pushType;joynum;time;joyid,code;joyid,code,... ;process: 0=ignore process / processID or process name e.g.: notepad.exe ;pushType: 1=simultaneous, 2=one by one ;JoyPort: 1-15 ;time(pushType 1): [idle-repeat time in ms] or 0=off / (pushType 2): [timeout in ms] or 0=no timeout ;joyid: 1-8 ;code: integer value ;commandNN: func,para1,para2,...;func,para1,para2,... ;functions ;sleep pause execution para1: time in ms ;sendKey simulate keystrokes para1: sequence of keys / para2(opt): 0=default 1=send raw (see autoit docs "send" for details) ;focusA focus to the specified window name para1: window name ;killpidfile kill process from pid-file para1: text file with a process id ;focusB focus to the specified window name para1: window name (Works better, but may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.) ;killproc kill process by name or process id para1: process name or process id ;run run a program para1: program name / para2(opt): show_flag / para3(opt): opt_flag (see autoit docs "run" for details) ;cursor hide/set or toggle mouse cursor para1: 0=hide 1=show 2=toggle sequence01=0;2;1;2000;8,128;8,0;8,64 command01=sendKey,!{F4},0;sleep,1000;sleep,5000;focusA,Kodi sequence02=0;2;2;3000;8,128;8,0;8,128;8,0;8,64;8,0;8,64 command02=sendKey,{F2},0 ;XINPUT: <Start> sequence03=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,128 command03=sendKey,{ESC down},0;sleep,100;sendKey,{ESC up},0 ;XINPUT: <Square> sequence04=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,4 command04=sendKey,{z down},0;sleep,100;sendKey,{z up},0 ;XINPUT: <R1>+<D-Up> sequence05=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,32;7,0 command05=sendKey,{F1 down},0;sleep,300;sendKey,{F1 up},0 ;XINPUT: <R1>+<D-Right> sequence06=ccs64.exe;1;1;0;8,32;7,9000 command06=sendKey,{F3 down},0;sleep,300;sendKey,{F3 up},0 ;XINPUT: <L3> Toggle Mouse Cursor On/Off sequence07=0;1;1;0;8,256 command07=cursor,2 ;XINPUT: <R3> Run Notepad and open desktop.ini, killproc after 3 seconds sequence08=0;1;1;0;8,512 command08=run,notepad.exe "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\desktop.ini",c:\;sleep,3000;killproc,notepad.exe
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