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  1. Because I was inspired by the "virtual keyboard" shown in Far Cry Instincts Evolution (xbx) and other places - I decided to write something like it in GDI+ Now, mine doesn't look exactly [nearly] like the one in the game, but you can see it's iris-like resemblence and conceptual equivalence. I have also modified this example so you can click the empty parts of the drawing to change keyboards (lowercase,uppercase,numeric,symbol) There is also sound for hovering-over or selecting items. All of the sound was created through use of tapping office supplies on the desk. I have not seen any scripts of this sort on the forum yet, but if you find one I will be happy to take a look at it. For your viewing pleasure, I have included FUNCTION comment headers (as seen on UDF's) for the functions. (function are currently up-to-date with version 9) Please, PLEASE do not call the Draw/Create functions from different invents at the same time, such as a main While loop vs. a GUI event (if possible, set a bool in the event to make something happen in the prior) or vs. an Adlib; from my experience, stacked GUI events or using an event and the main execution at near the same time can have erroneous results. (if you do that while using these keyboard functions you MAY get dimension errors or partial-drawings/mismatched keys) I have attempted to avoid most of these problems in this example. Why might this be useful? If you implement this example into your scripts, it's a unique interface that can be used as decor or perhaps an On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) alternative or possibly just input interface for a GUI. Personally, I will have to implement it into one of my personal scripts so that I can type with my controller. Two examples are included, the main one is for a mouse, the other is for a joystick or a game controller. The joystick example has not had as much time put in to develop it. Version 10: _IrisKB_OSK.zip Old Screenshot: 5-5-13 Edit: Posted images needed fixing
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