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  1. Hello! Microsoft Edge, the new browser released with Windows 10, uses Chakra as its JavaScript engine. In January, Microsoft released ChakraCore - the open source version of the engine that can be used in other apps. So, how about using it in AutoIt? I tried 2 times to create ChakraCore UDF, and I succeeded. So here it is - the ChakraCore UDF. Features: Executing JavaScript from AutoIt (obviously) Passing data from AutoIt to JavaScript Calling AutoIt functions from JavaScript ChakraCore UDF Have fun!
  2. This script is an alternative (improvement) to the script published at this link (www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/186225-interesting-effect-with-transparency). In that post a flash animation was used and therefore you need the flash player to work, while here only javascript is used. Here, too, the aim is to show an interesting effect that can be obtained by exploiting transparency, but can also be used as it is just for fun. The animation consists of some fish wandering around the screen. You can continue working on the computer by letting them swim. The javascript source was not written by me, but I got it from this link: https://github.com/lrusso/Aquarium. I shrunk it down a bit and tweaked it so that fish can swim across the entire screen even with different sized monitors. The fish images and html and javascript sources have been bundled into a single "monolithic" AutoIt script, so it's easier to run. I hope you find it relaxing. Have fun fishMonolitic.zip
  3. An example on how to inject jQuery into a web page It can be useful to manage the page from AutoIt using jQuery. Idea from here: http://www.learningjquery.com/2009/04/better-stronger-safer-jquerify-bookmarklet Suggestions and improvements are welcome #include <ie.au3> Example() Func Example() Local $oIE = _IECreate("www.google.com") Local $jQuery = _jQuerify($oIE) MsgBox(0, "Version", "jQuery version: " & $jQuery.fn.jquery) MsgBox(0, "Example", "click ok to exit." & @CRLF & "Google logo will fade out by jQuery...") $jQuery('#hplogo').fadeOut(3000) ; jQuery will fade out the google logo EndFunc ;==>Example ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _jQuerify ; Description ...: ; Syntax ........: _jQuerify(Byref $oIE) ; Parameters ....: $oIE - Object variable of an InternetExplorer.Application. ; Return values .: an object variable pointing to the jQuery library ; Author ........: Chimp ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _jQuerify(ByRef $oIE) Local $jsEval, $jQuery, $otherlib = False ; create a reference to the javascript eval() function $oIE.document.parentWindow.setTimeout('document.head.eval = eval', 0) Do Sleep(250) $jsEval = Execute('$oIE.Document.head.eval') Until IsObj($jsEval) ; if jQuery is not already loaded then load it If $jsEval("typeof jQuery=='undefined'") Then ; check if the '$' (dollar) name is already in use by other library If $jsEval("typeof $=='function'") Then $otherlib = True Local $oScript = $oIE.document.createElement('script'); $oScript.type = 'text/javascript' ; If you want to load jQuery from a disk file use the following statement ; where i.e. jquery-1.9.1.js is the file containing the jQuery source ; (or also use a string variable containing the whole jQuery listing) ;~ $oScript.TextContent = FileRead(@ScriptDir & "\jquery-1.9.1.js") ; <--- from a file ; If you want to download jQuery from the web use this statement $oScript.src = 'https://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js' ; <--- from an url $oIE.document.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild($oScript) Do Sleep(250) Until $jsEval("typeof jQuery == 'function'") EndIf Do Sleep(250) $jQuery = $jsEval("jQuery") Until IsObj($jQuery) If $otherlib Then $jsEval('jQuery.noConflict();') Return $jQuery EndFunc ;==>_jQuerify
  4. Hi, I'm working on an interface and I have a problem with zoom management. In desktop mode it works and in android cell mode it seems to work fine too. However, on a Windows tablet, it seems to have a problem ... Basically what I'm trying to do is display a modal in bootstrap 4. But when on the tablet I zoom, my modal s really big and out of my screen. On the android mobile, I remove the zoom before displaying the modal but on the Windows tablet I am unable to reproduce the same behavior. My toggle function to reset zoom before display modal ( Yeah it maybe sketches but I'm not find other solutions) function resetZooming() { if (zoomOut) { $('meta[name=viewport]').attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1'); setTimeout(resetZooming, 1000); zoomOut = false; }else{ $('meta[name=viewport]').attr('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'); zoomOut = true; } } And I call this function under my event $("#modalCreationForm").modal("show"); resetZooming(); If you have any ideas Thank you
  5. Making the integration between AutoIt and the BrowserControl easier may facilitate the development of interesting programs. Just think of all those (fantastic) libraries and frameworks available for javascript that could be integrated and exploited in an AutoIt program. For example, to graphically present the results of an AutoIt processing in the GUI, ... and many other possibilities. Providing the basic functions to implement this synergistic interaction is the purpose of this post (if for no other reason, just even to collect some tests done over time here and there, so as not to leave them scattered and easily find them in just one place) In this UDF there are only a few functions (or better if called wrappers), but I hope to add more as I go and, even better, to receive suggestions and advice on new features and techniques to improve and expand it. _WebBrowser_GUICtrlCreate Create an Internet Explorer 'Browser Control' _WebBrowser_SetHTML Set a new HTML listing in the BrowserControl _WebBrowser_CSS_Inject Creates into the html document a CSS node element with embedded the passed CSS _WebBrowser_JS_Inject Creates into the html document a javascript node element with embedded the passed javascript _WebBrowser_JS_Eval Evaluates a passed string as JavaScript code and executes it _WebBrowser_JS_setTimeout Calls a javascript function or executes a javascript code snippet [option after a specified delay] _WebBrowser_JS_ElementGetRef Retrieves a reference to an element suitable to be used from AutoIt _WebBrowser_ExecuteDotNotation Get a reference to an object's child member or the value of a property, by means of a dotted path _WebBrowser_BasicHTML Returns a basic html page listing (a little enhanced than about:blank) The three examples provided in the attached ziped file are a bit 'improvised' and do not take advantage of all the possibilities offered by the underlying javascript libraries used. They are just three "hello world" scripts to test the ABC of the interaction with the "BrowserControl". (ToDo: Interaction with javascript custom events) Bug reports, creative criticisms and suggestions (particularly regarding the interaction with javascript custom events) are welcome I hope you can have fun with the Browser Control BrowserControl.zip
  6. I needed a quick and dirty approach to splitting up jQuery multiple selectors, so I could record if a selector pattern had already been used. So I came up with this "quick 'n' dirty" hack. If someone can up with better let me know. I tried to look at the sizzle source, but didn't have enough time to plough through 2000 lines of code. // Split the following multiple selectors into an array var selector = '#nav-bar-temp-1 a, #nav-bar-temp-2 a'; console.log(getSelectors(selector)); /** * Get a list of selectors (singule or multiple) * * @param {string} selector A valid jQuery selector string * @returns {array} An array or selectors; otherwise, an empty array */ function getSelectors(selector) { var isInQuoteMark = false, // True/false when inside a quotation mark i.e. commas should be ignored isNextSelector = false, // If passed a comma set to true, so whitespace can be escaped before meeting a next non-whitespace character isQuoteMark = false, // True/false as to whether a quotation mark reQuoteMark = /[\"\']/, // Regex to determine a quotation mark selectors = [], // Array to hold found selectors temporary = ''; // Temp variable to store the selector for (var i = 0, length = selector.length; i < length; i++) { // Is it a quotation mark? isQuoteMark = selector[i].match(reQuoteMark); if (isQuoteMark && !isInQuoteMark) { // Appears to be the start of a string isInQuoteMark = true; } else if (isQuoteMark && isInQuoteMark) { // Appears to be the end of a string isInQuoteMark = false; } else if (selector[i] === ',' && !isInQuoteMark) { // If a comma and not inside a string then push to the array isNextSelector = true; selectors.push(temporary); temporary = ''; // So as not to add the comma to the temporary variable continue; } else if (selector[i] !== ' ' && isNextSelector) { // If not an empty space but the next selector has started then set to false isNextSelector = false; } // If the character can be concatanated i.e. not whitespace after a comma, then add if (!isNextSelector) { temporary += selector[i]; } } // If temporary is not empty, then push to the array if (temporary) { selectors.push(temporary); } // Return the array of selectors. Note it could be empty return selectors; }
  7. Hello, Before Broadcom took over Symantec, I was able to use the following code as the base to scrape daily definition downloads from the web. Since the pages were moved over to the Broadcom web servers, I get a page full of what I believe may be JavaScript instead of the fully rendered page that lies behind it. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can read the full rendered webpage using AutoIt? #include <IE.au3> $oIE_DEFS = _IECreate("https://www.broadcom.com/support/security-center/definitions/download/detail?gid=sep14", 0, 0, 1, 1) $sString_DEFS = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE_DEFS) MsgBox(0, "https://www.broadcom.com/support/security-center/definitions/download/detail?gid=sep14", $sString_DEFS) The above code will show the JavaScript, but if you go to the URL in a browser that has JavaScript enabled, you will see the fully rendered page that I would like to access. I hope my question makes sense, and I would appreciate any suggestions to get this working again. All the best, -Mike
  8. This is just a revision of >IEJS.au3 Library, with more functions and a better naming attribute to what the library actually is. You'll find standard AutoIt object functions as well as internally executed Javascript ones (functions with: _IEEx_JS* are javascript functions). To read more on how this came about or previous versions, please see the IEJS.au3 page. When reporting issues, please provide: Issue you've encountered. Replication code (If I can't run your code, I won't debug it more than likely). AutoIt version IE version IE update version SciTe Version if you ran it from SciTe Functions: ; _IEEx_CallObjEval() ; _IEEx_CallObjExecScript() - Fixed ; _IEEx_CheckAppVersionAlways() ; _IEEx_ClassNameGetArray() - New ; _IEEx_ClickObjByPoint() ; _IEEx_CreateWithParams() - Fixed ; _IEEx_EmbeddedGetVersion() ; _IEEx_EmbeddedSetVersion() ; _IEEx_GetAppMajorVersion() ; _IEEx_GetObjByClassName() - New ; _IEEx_GetObjByString() - New ; _IEEx_GetObjEval() ; _IEEx_GetObjParentWindow() ; _IEEx_GetObjPos() ; _IEEx_GetObjType() ; _IEEx_GetScroll() ; _IEEx_GetScrollPoint() ; _IEEx_GetWindowSize() ; _IEEx_ObjCheckBoxRadioSelect() - New ; _IEEx_ObjDispatchEvent() - New ; _IEEx_MouseEventExec() ; _IEEx_JSClassNameGetArray() ; _IEEx_JSClassNameGetCollection() ; _IEEx_JSClickObj() ; _IEEx_JSClickObjById() ; _IEEx_JSClickObjByName() ; _IEEx_JSClickObjByPoint() ; _IEEx_JSDragEventObj() ; _IEEx_JSEnable() ; _IEEx_JSGetObjByClassName() ; _IEEx_JSGetObjPos() ; _IEEx_JSIsEnabled() ; _IEEx_JSMouseEventObj() ; _IEEx_JSMouseEventObjById() ; _IEEx_JSMouseEventObjByName() ; _IEEx_JSObjQuerySelector() ; _IEEx_JSObjQuerySelectorAll() ; _IEEx_JSTypeOf() ; _IEEx_TabAttach() ; _IEEx_TabCount() ; _IEEx_TabCreate() ; _IEEx_TabGetInstance() ; _IEEx_VersionInfo() ; _IEEx_WhileIsObj() - New ; _IEEx_WhileNotIsObj() - New ; _IEEx_WinGetBrowserObjArray() Changes: 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_EmbeddedGetVersion()Get the embedded version used from something like _IECreateEmbedded 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_EmbeddedSetVersion()Set the embedded version used from something like _IECreateEmbedded (see example) 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_TabAttach()Similar to _IEAttach(), but browser specific and different string cases 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_TabCount()Get a count of the tabs open in a specific browser session 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_TabGetInstance()Get the tab instance number from the specific browser session 2014-12-30 B0.0.6 Added: _IEEx_WinGetBrowserObjArray()Get all the browser objects (tabs) from a specific browser window handle/title 2015-01-13 B0.0.7 Changed: _IEJS format to _IEEx - Script breaking 2015-01-20 B0.0.7 Fixed _IEEx_CreateWithParams()Issue with tryattach, wait, and focus. Added return object/pid feature 2015-01-22 B0.0.7 Fixed: _IEEx_CallObjExecScript()Recursion issue when IE version is 11 or higher and no exeScript 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_ClassNameGetArray()Retrieve an array of objects based on class 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_GetObjByClassName()Retrieve an object based on class 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_GetObjByString()Retrieve an object by its innerText or value 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_ObjCheckBoxRadioSelect()(Un)Check/(De)Select radio or checkbox, has dispatchevent option as well as fireevent 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_ObjDispatchEvent()similar to fireEvent 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_WhileIsObj()waits until an object is no longer an object (could come in handy for waiting on page loads rather than hoping you have the right about of Sleep(n) allocated) 2015-01-26 B0.0.7 Added: _IEEx_WhileNotIsObj()waits until a variable is an object (could come in handy for waiting on page loads rather than hoping you have the right about of Sleep(n) allocated) 2015-01-26 B0.0.8 Fixed: _IEEx_GetAppMajorVersion()Was being passed regular objects but only checking for browser Thank you mLipok for reporting and testing for me 2015-01-26: IEEx.B007.zip 2015-01-26: IEEx.B008.zip .
  9. The DOM allows to do anything with elements and their contents, but first we need to reach the corresponding DOM object, get it into a variable, and then we are able to modify it. * Well, this little tool (although it is not very nice aesthetically) allows you to get visually a "selector" usable to reference DOM objects. Once you have the "selector" of an element you can pass it to the javascript querySelector() function that will return a reference to that element. To use this tool you have to: 1) open the web page you want to inspect into IE browser 2) run this script (if it find more instances of IE running, it allows you to chose one) 3) move the mouse over the browser. The "selector" of the element below the pointer is catched automatically while hovering. To copy the selector in the clipboard just right click on the element. As you can see, while hovering, the element pointed by the mouse is highlighted with a thin red dotted frame to allow you to better "take aim" when the selector is copied to the clipboard a little acoustic signal is emitted as a confirm, then you can paste it in your listing where you need it. I hope it can come in handy and save you time when you need to automate a site .... have fun (debugged on Sept. 30 2018) #include <IE.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiListBox.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> ; for _IsPressed (23 END key) Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") ; following global variables are automatically updated by events from the browser ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $g_iMouseX, $g_iMouseY ; coordinates of the mouse while mooving over the browser Global $bCopySelector = False ; becomes True when you right click on wanted element ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $oIE = _Get_IE() ; get IE instance to inspect If IsObj($oIE) Then $hIE = _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "hwnd") WinActivate($hIE) _InspectElements() EndIf DllClose($hDLL) Exit Func _InspectElements() ; it uses the global variable $oIE as source ; --- set IE to interact with AutoIt --- Local $oDocument Do ; wait for document Sleep(250) $oDocument = $oIE.document Until IsObj($oDocument) Local $oWindow = $oDocument.ParentWindow ; create a reference to the javascript eval method ; in the body section of the dovument $oWindow.setTimeout("document.body.JSeval = eval; ", 0) ; attach the $JSeval variable to the javascript eval method Local $JSeval Do $JSeval = Execute('$oIE.Document.body.JSeval') Until IsObj($JSeval) ; --------------------------------------------- ; Inject Javascript functions/elements to $oIE ; --------------------------------------------- ; Get the DOM path of an element (a CSS selector) ; ----------------------------------------------- ; This javascript function returns the CSS selector of the passed element. ; You can then use the returned path to get a reference to the pointed ; element by the QuerySelector() javascript function ; function copied from the following link: ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5728558/get-the-dom-path-of-the-clicked-a ; see answer by "Aleksandar Totic" (thanks to him) Local $sJScript = "" & _ " function getDomPath(el) {" & _ " if (!el) {" & _ " return;" & _ " }" & _ " var stack = [];" & _ " var isShadow = false;" & _ " while (el.parentNode != null) {" & _ " var sibCount = 0;" & _ " var sibIndex = 0;" & _ " for ( var i = 0; i < el.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++ ) {" & _ " var sib = el.parentNode.childNodes[i];" & _ " if ( sib.nodeName == el.nodeName ) {" & _ " if ( sib === el ) {" & _ " sibIndex = sibCount;" & _ " }" & _ " sibCount++;" & _ " }" & _ " }" & _ " var nodeName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();" & _ " if (isShadow) {" & _ " nodeName += ""::shadow"";" & _ " isShadow = false;" & _ " }" & _ " if ( sibCount > 1 ) {" & _ " stack.unshift(nodeName + ':nth-of-type(' + (sibIndex + 1) + ')');" & _ " } else {" & _ " stack.unshift(nodeName);" & _ " }" & _ " el = el.parentNode;" & _ " if (el.nodeType === 11) {" & _ " isShadow = true;" & _ " el = el.host;" & _ " }" & _ " }" & _ " stack.splice(0,1);" & _ " return stack.join(' > ');" & _ " }" ; more infos here: https://www.kirupa.com/html5/finding_elements_dom_using_querySelector.htm ; Inject the above javascript function contained in the $sJScript variable into the document _JS_Inject($oIE, $sJScript) Local $_getDomPath ; a reference to call above function from AutoIt Do Sleep(250) $_getDomPath = $jsEval("getDomPath") Until IsObj($_getDomPath) ; ; ------------------- ; hook some IE events ; ------------------- Local $oEventObjects[2], $oEventsSource $oEventsSource = $oIE.document.documentElement ; element we want catch events from ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa769636(v=vs.85) $oEventObjects[0] = ObjEvent($oEventsSource, "_HTMLElementEvents2_", "HTMLElementEvents2") ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa768283(v%3dvs.85) $oEventObjects[1] = ObjEvent($oIE, "_IEEvent_", "DWebBrowserEvents2") ; open a GUI where to show some element's properties ; -------------------------------------------------- Local $hGUIMain = GUICreate("Info", 500, 140, -1, -1, -1, $WS_EX_TOPMOST) Local $hProperties = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 500, 140) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, -1, -1, "Courier New") GUISetState() ;Show GUI ; -------------------------------------------------- ; --------- ; Main loop ; --------- Local $iMouseX, $iMouseY, $oElement, $oNewElement, $sSelector Local $oGotElement, $sElementInfos Local $sSaved_StyleOutline, $sSaved_StyleOutline2 ; Loop until the user exits. While IsObj($oIE) Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop ; ---> end EndSwitch If ($g_iMouseX <> $iMouseX) Or ($g_iMouseY <> $iMouseY) Then $iMouseX = $g_iMouseX $iMouseY = $g_iMouseY ; $oElement = $oIE.document.elementFromPoint($iMouseX, $iMouseY) ; <-- this way is slower $oNewElement = $JSeval('document.elementFromPoint(' & $iMouseX & ',' & $iMouseY & ');') If $oNewElement <> $oElement Then If IsObj($oElement) Then $oElement.style.outline = $sSaved_StyleOutline $oElement = $oNewElement ; $bSelfie = False ; $iSelf_Timer = TimerInit() $sSaved_StyleOutline = $oElement.style.outline ; save new element's original outline style $sSelector = $_getDomPath($oElement) ; get CSS path If $sSelector <> "" Then ; We could use the $oNewElement, but just to proof that $sSelector is OK ; we get again a reference to the new pointed element using it's $sSelector $oGotElement = $JSeval('document.querySelector("' & $sSelector & '");') ; <-- how to use a selector $oGotElement.style.outline = "1px dashed red" ; mark new pointed element ; https://css-tricks.com/ $sElementInfos = "" & _ "nodeName: " & $oGotElement.nodeName & @CRLF & _ "id: " & $oGotElement.getAttribute('id') & @CRLF & _ "class: " & $oGotElement.getAttribute('class') & @CRLF & _ "type: " & $oGotElement.getAttribute('type') & @CRLF & _ "---------" & @CRLF & _ $sSelector ControlSetText($hGUIMain, "", $hProperties, $sElementInfos) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; $bCopySelector is setted to True by the right-click event on an element, ; see Volatile Func _HTMLElementEvents2_onContextmenu($oEvent) near script bottom If $bCopySelector And ($sSelector <> "") Then ; And (TimerDiff($iSelf_Timer) > $bSelfie_Delay) Then ; $sSaved_StyleOutline2 = $oGotElement.style.outline $oGotElement.style.outline = "5px dotted #ff0066" ; mark copied element ClipPut($sSelector) $sElementInfos &= @CRLF & "selector copied to ClipBoard" ControlSetText($hGUIMain, "", $hProperties, $sElementInfos) Beep(2000, 50) $bCopySelector = False Sleep(250) $oGotElement.style.outline = $sSaved_StyleOutline2 ; ToolTip('') EndIf If _IsPressed("23", $hDLL) Then ; END key pressed If IsObj($oElement) Then $oElement.style.outline = $sSaved_StyleOutline WinActivate($hGUIMain) ; WinSetState($hGUIMain, "", @SW_SHOW) $aWin = WinGetPos($hGUIMain) MouseMove($aWin[0] + $aWin[2] / 2, $aWin[1] + $aWin[3] / 2, 0) EndIf WEnd ; the end ; ------------------------------------------ For $i = 0 To UBound($oEventObjects) - 1 ; Tell IE we don't want to receive events. $oEventObjects[$i] .Stop $oEventObjects[$i] = 0 Next $oIE = 0 ; Remove IE from memory GUIDelete($hGUIMain) ; Remove GUI ; ------------------------------------------ EndFunc ;==>_InspectElements Func _Get_IE() ; Example 5 from the _IEAttach help ; Create an array of object references to all current browser instances ; The first array element will contain the number of instances found Local $aIE[1] $aIE[0] = 0 Local $i = 1, $oIEx While 1 $oIEx = _IEAttach("", "instance", $i) If @error = $_IEStatus_NoMatch Then ExitLoop ReDim $aIE[$i + 1] $aIE[$i] = $oIEx $aIE[0] = $i $i += 1 WEnd If $aIE[0] > 0 Then If $aIE[0] = 1 Then Return $aIE[1] ; only one IE is running, return this then ; ; Create a little list box to choose the IE instance from Local $hChoose_IE = GUICreate("IE Instances", 600, 350) Local $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($aIE[0] & " running Instances of IE browser found, click the one you want to attach to then click on 'ok'", 5, 5, 590, 20) Local $List1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 5, 30, 590, 300, BitOR($LBS_STANDARD, $LBS_EXTENDEDSEL)) Local $hButton_choosed = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK", 5, 325, 590, 20) For $i = 1 To $aIE[0] GUICtrlSetData($List1, $i & ") " & _IEPropertyGet($aIE[$i], "locationurl")) Next GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 ; wait for a selection Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE GUIDelete($hChoose_IE) Return False Case $hButton_choosed $aSelected = _GUICtrlListBox_GetSelItems($List1) If $aSelected[0] Then GUIDelete($hChoose_IE) Return $aIE[$aSelected[1] + 1] Else MsgBox(0, "Info", "Please select an item") EndIf EndSwitch WEnd Else MsgBox(0, 'error', "Sorry" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "no running IE instances found") EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Get_IE ; this function creates a javascript script into the html document ; of the passed $oIE object using the createElement method. Func _JS_Inject($oIE, $sJScript, $bIsUrl = False) ; ; get a reference to the document object Local $objDocument = $oIE.document ; Local $oScript = $objDocument.createElement('script') ; $oScript.type = 'text/javascript' If $bIsUrl Then $oScript.src = $sJScript ; works if $sJScript is a link to a js listing (url) Else ; (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35213147/difference-between-text-content-vs-inner-text) ; $oScript.innerText = $sJScript $oScript.TextContent = $sJScript ; works if $sJScript contains the listing itself EndIf ; $objDocument.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).appendChild($oScript) ; $objDocument.getElementsByTagName('head').item(0).removeChild($oScript); ; EndFunc ;==>_JS_Inject ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; following function(s) are called by registered $oIE elements events ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The function automatically fired by an event ; will receive as parameter an Event Obj. ; This obj has properties related to ; the object that fired the event. ; See following link: ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa703876(v=vs.85).aspx ; function called by the mousemove event ; we use this to update 2 global variables: Volatile Func _HTMLElementEvents2_onMousemove($oEvent) $g_iMouseX = $oEvent.clientX $g_iMouseY = $oEvent.clientY EndFunc ;==>_HTMLElementEvents2_onMousemove ; function called by the contextmenu event ; we use this to update 1 global variable ; and we also neutralize this event: Volatile Func _HTMLElementEvents2_onContextmenu($oEvent) $oEvent.cancelBubble = True ; event propagation cancelled $oEvent.returnValue = False ; prevent default behaviour $bCopySelector = True ; when True, selector will be copied to clipboard in main loop EndFunc ;==>_HTMLElementEvents2_onContextmenu ; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/platform-apis/aa768280%28v%3dvs.85%29 Func _IEEvent_BeforeNavigate2($oIEpDisp, $sIEURL, $iIEFlags, $sIETargetFrameName, $sIEPostData, $iIEHeaders, $bIECancel) ;ConsoleWrite("Debug: navigate away cancelled." & @CRLF) ; https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6526876/how-to-cancel-or-dispose-current-navigation-at-webbrowser-element $oIE.stop EndFunc ;==>_IEEvent_BeforeNavigate2 Here is a simple example on how a "selector" can be used in AutoIt. suppose we want automate the login to the AutoIt site with our username and password. I've already prepared a very simple "template" where are missing some important parts without which the script can't work. Missing parts are the references to the elements of the AutoIt web page that we have to manage by our script. well, here is where the tool I have just posted here above comes to our help. follow this steps: 1) in IE open the AutoIt site at the forum page (https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/) 2) run the above tool (select the IE instance and/or bring it to front if needed) 3) when the script is "ready", move the mouse over the "Existing user? Sign In" string and right click the mouse button. Doing so the "selector" of that element is copied to the clipboard. Now we can paste it in our AutoLogIt.au3 script as value of the $sSignIn variable. 4) now click on the "Existing user? Sign In" to open the "Sig In" session from where we will copy selectors of each of the 2 input box Username and Password, in the same way as we have already done in step 3, and paste those selectors to the $sInputUserId and $sInputPasswd variables respectively. 5) do the same for the "Sign In" Button and paste it's selector to the $sSignInButn variable 6) of course also fill the $sMyUserId and $sMyPasswd variables with your data. That's It. Run the AutoLogIt script and it should Log you on automatically to the forum. AutoLogIt.au3 #include <ie.au3> $sMyUserId = "" ; <-- your userid here $sMyPasswd = "" ; <-- your password here ; set selectors here $sSignIn = "" ; <-- SigIn element selector here $sInputUserId = "" ; <-- UserId input selector here $sInputPasswd = "" ; <-- Password input selector here $sSignInButn = "" ; <-- Sig In button selector here $oIE = _IECreate("https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/") ; here is how to use the QuerySelector javascript function $hDOM_Element = $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sSignIn) ; get the "sign in" link element ; perform a click action on the above element $hDOM_Element.click() ; or _IEAction($hDOM_Element, "click") as well ; fill the username input $hDOM_Element = $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sInputUserId) $hDOM_Element.value = $sMyUserId ; fill the password input $hDOM_Element = $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sInputPasswd) $hDOM_Element.value = $sMyPasswd ; .... or also using the dot notation directly .... $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sSignInButn).click() Sleep(5000) ; this should logout $sMenu = "body > div:nth-of-type(2) > header > div > ul > li:nth-of-type(6) > a:nth-of-type(2)" $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sMenu).click() $sLogOut = "body > ul > li:nth-of-type(9) > a" $oIE.document.QuerySelector($sLogOut).click()
  10. Is there a way to grab non-hardcoded but rather javascript generated data from a webpage? Tried a get request as well as _IEBodyReadHTML but both seem to grab the code without the javascript generated data. $oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1") $oHTTP.Open("GET", "link", False) $oHTTP.Send() $oReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText $oStatusCode = $oHTTP.Status Global $DataArray[10][5] If $oStatusCode <> 200 Then Exit MsgBox(1, "Error", "Status Code <> 200") EndIf FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\output.txt", $oReceived) ; //////// #include <IE.au3> Local $FullLink = "link" Local $oIE = _IECreate($FullLink, 0, 0) _IELoadWait($oIE) Local $sText = _IEBodyReadHTML($oIE) FileWrite(@ScriptDir & "\output.txt", $sText)
  11. Just trying out the latest version of AutoIt and thinking more functional #include <Array.au3> ; Example ; An example of filtering, mapping and reducing arrays, using a function reference. ; This is similiar to how it would be done in the likes of JavaScript ; i.e. more functional (declarative) than procedural (imperative) ; Filter example Local $aiFilteredBefore[] = [1, 2, 3, 50, 30, 40, 20, 30] Local $aiFilteredAfter = _ArrayFilter($aiFilteredBefore, GtrThan30) _ArrayDisplay($aiFilteredAfter, '_ArrayFilter::') ; Map example Local $aiMappedBefore[] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] Local $aiMappedAfter = _ArrayMap($aiMappedBefore, MultiplyByTwo) _ArrayDisplay($aiMappedAfter, '_ArrayMap::') ; Reduce example ; Sum all values in the array Local $aiReducedBefore[] = [1, 2, 3, 50, 30, 40, 20, 30] ConsoleWrite('_ArrayReduce:: ' & _ArrayReduce($aiReducedBefore, SumValues) & @CRLF) ; Passing an empty array, will return the initial value; otherwise, sets @error to 4 ; if no initial value is defined Local $aEmpty[] = [] ConsoleWrite('_ArrayReduce:: ' & _ArrayReduce($aEmpty, SumValues, 0) & @CRLF) ; Array callback functions (for the examples only) Func GtrThan30($iValue) Return $iValue > 30 EndFunc ;==>GtrThan30 Func MultiplyByTwo($iValue, $iIndex, $aiArray) ; Notice how the function is called with the optional arguments "index" and "original array" ConsoleWrite('Index:: ' & $iIndex & ', Array:: ' & _ArrayToString($aiArray) & @CRLF) Return $iValue * 2 EndFunc ;==>MultiplyByTwo Func SumValues($a, $b) Return $a + $b EndFunc ;==>SumValues ; Functions ; The callback function is invoked with fn(value, [index, [array]]) Func _ArrayFilter($avArray, $hFunc) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then ; Null is more appropriate than returning the likes of -1 or an empty array Return SetError(1, 0, Null) EndIf If Not IsFunc($hFunc) Then Return SetError(2, 0, Null) EndIf Local Const $iLength = UBound($avArray) Local $avFiltered[$iLength] If $iLength = 0 Then Return $avFiltered EndIf Local $iIndex = 0 For $i = 0 To $iLength - 1 Local $bIsFiltered = __ArrayCall($hFunc, 3, $avArray[$i], $i, $avArray) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, Null) ElseIf $bIsFiltered Then $avFiltered[$iIndex] = $avArray[$i] $iIndex += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $avFiltered[$iIndex] Return $avFiltered EndFunc ;==>_ArrayFilter ; The callback function is invoked with fn(value, [index, [array]]) Func _ArrayMap($avArray, $hFunc) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then ; Null is more appropriate than returning the likes of -1 or an empty array Return SetError(1, 0, Null) EndIf If Not IsFunc($hFunc) Then Return SetError(2, 0, Null) EndIf Local Const $iLength = UBound($avArray) Local $avMapped[$iLength] If $iLength = 0 Then Return $avMapped EndIf For $i = 0 To $iLength - 1 $avMapped[$i] = __ArrayCall($hFunc, 3, $avArray[$i], $i, $avArray) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, Null) EndIf Next Return $avMapped EndFunc ;==>_ArrayMap ; The callback function is invoked with fn(current, value, [index, [array]]) Func _ArrayReduce($avArray, $hFunc, $vInitial = Default) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then ; Null is more appropriate than returning the likes of -1 or an empty array Return SetError(1, 0, Null) EndIf If Not IsFunc($hFunc) Then Return SetError(2, 0, Null) EndIf Local $bHasInitial = @NumParams >= 3 Local $iLength = UBound($avArray) If $iLength = 0 Then If Not $bHasInitial Then Return SetError(4, 0, Null) EndIf Return $vInitial EndIf For $i = 0 To $iLength - 1 If $bHasInitial Then $vInitial = __ArrayCall($hFunc, 3, $vInitial, $avArray[$i], $i, $avArray) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, Null) EndIf Else $bHasInitial = True $vInitial = $avArray[$i] EndIf Next Return $vInitial EndFunc ;==>_ArrayReduce Func __ArrayCall($hFunc, $iError, $vArg1 = Default, $vArg2 = Default, $vArg3 = Default, $vArg4 = Default) Local Const $CALL_ERROR = 0xDEAD Local Const $CALL_EXTENDED = 0xBEEF Local $vRet = Call($hFunc, $vArg1) If @error = $CALL_ERROR And @extended = $CALL_EXTENDED Then $vRet = Call($hFunc, $vArg1, $vArg2) If @error = $CALL_ERROR And @extended = $CALL_EXTENDED Then $vRet = Call($hFunc, $vArg1, $vArg2, $vArg3) If @error = $CALL_ERROR And @extended = $CALL_EXTENDED Then $vRet = Call($hFunc, $vArg1, $vArg2, $vArg3, $vArg4) If @error = $CALL_ERROR And @extended = $CALL_EXTENDED Then ; The function exists, but there is no appropriate function signature Return SetError($iError, 0, Null) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf Return SetError(@error, @extended, $vRet) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayCall
  12. Hi there. Im having some kind of a coder block here, <td class="treeview ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeView_2" style="white-space:nowrap;"> <input type="checkbox" name="ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeViewn1CheckBox" id="ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeViewn1CheckBox"> <span class="ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeView_0 treeview ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeView_1" id="ctl00_CenterContent_objTreeViewt1" style="border-style:none;font-size:1em;"> <i class="fa fa-file-code-o fa-fw"> </i> <span data-placement="bottom" data-toggle="tooltip" title="" data-original-title="Tool tip for said part">REFUNDS</span></span></td> this is a code directly from the website im working with. I was thinking of inserting a javascript that would get the "REFUNDS" part. Any ideas on how to do so? Any thoughts will be highly appreciated.
  13. Hi This UDF is for anyone who - Object Orientated Programing ie properties and methods in autoIT - needs standards compliant JSON,, - JSON.parse (read) and JSON.stringify (to text ) - Now JSONPath - wants to use dot syntax in AutoIT like you would in Javascript - dosen't like AutoIt arrays - full javascript arrays and objects in AutoIT! - knows javascript or would like to learn autoIT or vice versa. - call javascript functions like EncodeURI - run any javascript from autoIT ! Tested IE8 - IE11. v7 JSON_OO v7.zip - IE free version. ( hey microsoft ditched IE now too!) .- No IE dependencies- Added arrayAdd and arrayDel- JSONPath! for searching.- Added Keys Function - to list properties of a JSON object.- Secure JSON parse- Native Pure JS implementaion not a port.Credits to Douglas Crockford's for JSON2 code and stefan.goessner for JSONPath code. (see example file). v4 - json_oo_v4.zip. - use v7 (v4 may not work because of windows updates on dec-2014. ). v4 uses IEs JSON , so no ported external librariesv4 also includes a Non - IE version of JSON no include files but no stringify and uses javascript EVal (not secure). use v7.eg valid JSON '{ "hello" : "world" }' invalid "{ 'hello' : 'world' }"v4 does not have JSONPath , arrayAdd, arrayDel or keys (properties) methods - use v7 - enjoy ...the brakes come off Autoit . This is the smallest OO extensions for AutoIT Object Oriented JSON --- using JSON to Build Objects in Native AutoIT -- Using JSON to create objects $oJSON = _OO_JSON_Init ( ) $jsObj = $oJSON.parse('{ "hello": "world" }') $jsObj.hello;-> world $oJSON.stringify( $jsObj );-> {"hello":"world"} $jsObj.stringify();-> {"hello":"world"} ARRAYS - goodbye Auto it arrays hooray The real magic in this script is that it lets you access JSON array items by index number through dot syntax without the need for a for-each loop. eg you can go $obj.arr.item(n) It does this by making javascript objects syntax friendly to Autoit. . Also you can go $obj.arr.item("property").and $obj.arr.property & Also $obj.arr.length (see below) -- Using JSON to create one dimentional array $sJSON=[ "h1", "h2", "h3" ] $oResult.length= 3 $oResult.item(0);-> h1 -- Using JSON to create 2 dimentional array; $sJSON=[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] $oResult.length= 3 $oResult.item(0);-> $oResult.item(0).stringify();-> [1,2] $oResult.item(2).item(1);-> 6 $oResult.item(2).length;-> 2 -- Using JSON to create an object array $sJSON= [ { "card":"ace" }, {"card":"king" }] $oResult.length= 2 $oResult.item(0).card;-> ace -- Using JSON to create key values $sJSON= { "name":"Jon" , "surname":"who" } $oResult.item("surname");-> who $oResult.surname ;-> who Many other benefits such as building objects using JSON text just like you would in JavaScript Basic OO - Properties and methods -- Add properties to objects in AutoIT $jsObj.propAdd("myProp", "'x'") $jsObj.myProp ;-> x $jsObj.propAdd("myProp", '{ "hello": "world" }') $jsObj.myProp.hello ;-> world -- User Defined methods - using javascript -CASE SENSITIVE $jsObj.methAdd("myMethod", " Function('y','return y*5') " ) $jsObj.myMethod(5) ;-> 25 Some people have problems on 64 bit autoIT windows with the script control...here is the work around.. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> You will most likely have the script control ..but here it is.. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=1949 --- using JSON to Build Objects in Native AutoIT -- Using JSON to create objects $oJSON = _OO_JSON_Init ( ) $jsObj = $oJSON.parse('{ "hello": "world" }') -- Accessing Items $jsObj.hello;-> world $jsObj.item("hello");-> world -- Using Any Object to create objects $jsObj.stringify();-> {"hello":"world"} $jsObj = $jsObj.parse('{ "goodbye": "world" }') $jsObj.goodbye;-> world -- Read JSON from a file (PC only) - untested $var = _OO_JSON_Read_File("jsondata.txt") $obj = $oJSON.parse($var) > BASIC OO (Object Oriented) programming in Auto it -- Compound Syntax $oJSON.parse( '{ "hello":"world" }' ).hello;-> world -- assigning propeprties $jsObj.parse ( '{ "goodbye": "world" }') $jsObj.goodbye ;-> world $jsObj.goodbye = "hello" $jsObj.goodbye;-> hello > OO Adding Methods and Properties in Auto it -- Add properties to objects in AutoIT $jsObj.propAdd("myProp", "'x'") $jsObj.myProp ;-> x $jsObj.propAdd("myProp", '{ "hello": "world" }') $jsObj.myProp.hello ;-> world -- User Defined methods - using javascript -CASE SENSITIVE $jsObj.methAdd("myMethod", " Function('y','return y*5') " ) $jsObj.myMethod(5) ;-> 25 > Querying Objects $jsObj = $oJSON.parse('{ "hello": "world" , "Goodbye" : "World" } ') $jsObj.type($jsObj) ->object $jsObj.isArray() ->False -- List object properties or "keys" $jsObj.keys($jsObj).stringify() ->["hello","Goodbye"] -- Querying Objects $jsObj = $jsObj.parse({ "hello" : "world" , "myarray" : [ "item0", 2 , { "jon" : "who"} ] }) > JSON path - always returns an array of matches $jsObj.jsonPath( "$.*").stringify() -> ["world",["item0",2,{"jon":"who"}]] $jsObj.jsonPath( "$..hello").stringify() -> ["world"] $jsObj.jsonPath( "$..myarray").stringify() ->[["item0",2,{"jon":"who"}]] $jsObj.jsonPath( "$..myarray[?(@.jon)]").stringify() ->[{"jon":"who"}] $jsObj.jsonPath( "$..myarray[?(@.jon)]").item(0).stringify() ->{"jon":"who"} > Basic Arrays using JSON -- Querying Arrays $jsObj.myarray.stringify() ->["item0",2,{"jon":"who"}] $jsObj.type($jsObj.myarray) ->object $jsObj.myarray.isArray() ->True $jsObj.myarray.length ->3 $jsObj.type($jsObj.myarray.item(0)) ->string $jsObj.type($jsObj.myarray.item(1)) ->number $jsObj.type($jsObj.myarray.item(2)) ->object > Modifying Arrays using OO -- Empty array; $jsObj = $oJSON.parse('[]') $jsObj.stringify() ->[] $jsObj.isArray( ) ->True -- Add items; $jsObj.arrayAdd( 0, "test0") $jsObj.arrayAdd( 1, "test1") $jsObj2 = $oJSON.parse( '{ "hello" : "world" }') $jsObj.arrayAdd( 2, $jsObj2) $jsObj.stringify() ->["test0","test1",{"hello":"world"}] -- Delete items; $jsObj.arrayDel( 0) $jsObj.stringify() ->["test1",{"hello":"world"}] -- Using JSON to create one dimentional array $sJSON=[ "h1", "h2", "h3" ] $oResult.length= 3 $oResult.item(0);-> h1 -- Using JSON to create 2 dimentional array; $sJSON=[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] $oResult.length= 3 $oResult.item(0);-> $oResult.item(0).stringify();-> [1,2] $oResult.item(2).item(1);-> 6 $oResult.item(2).length;-> 2 -- Using JSON to create an object array $sJSON= [ { "card":"ace" }, {"card":"king" }] $oResult.length= 2 $oResult.item(0).card;-> ace -- Using JSON to create key values $sJSON= { "name":"Jon" , "surname":"who" } $oResult.item("surname");-> who $oResult.surname ;-> who > Working with OO Objects -- assigning JSON objects in AutoIT $jsObj = $oJSON.parse( '{ "hello" : "world" }') $jsObj2 = $oJSON.parse( '{}' ) $jsObj2 = $jsObj $jsObj.hello;-> world $jsObj2.hello;-> world -- Assign an JSON object to a property $jsObj = $oJSON.parse( '{ "hello" : "world" }') $jsObj.hello ;-> world $jsObj2.propAdd("myProp") $jsObj2.myProp = $jsObj $jsObj2.myProp ;-> $jsObj2.myProp.stringify() ;-> {"hello":"world"} $jsObj2.myProp.hello ;-> world -- Using Existing JS Objects , Object must exist in the scripting object (not IE) $oJSON2 =$jsObj.objGet('JSON') ; objGet is javascript eval $oResult = $oJSON2.parse('{ "hello":"world" }') $oResult.hello;-> world > Using Javascript functions extending UDF -- Calling javascript standard functions $jsObj.jsFunAdd( "encodeURI") $jsObj.encodeURI( 'te st' );-> te%20st $jsObj.protoAdd("encodeURI", " function (s) { return encodeURI(s); } " $jsObj.encodeURI( 'te st' );-> te%20st -- Calling javascript literal methods $str_obj = $jsObj.toObj("my string") $str_obj.jsMethAdd( "charAt") $str_obj.charAt( 0 );-> m $jsObj.toObj('\"my string').charAt(0) ;-> \ $str_obj.jsFunAdd( "charAt") $str_obj.charAt( 0 );-> m $jsObj.jsMethAdd("toFixed" ) $jsObj.toObj(5.56789).toFixed(2) ;-> 5.57 $jsObj.jsMethAdd("concat" , 3 ) $jsObj.toObj('hello').concat( ' world', ' again ', ' and again ' ) ;-> hello world again and again $jsObj.dot("\""'my string", "charAt(0)" );-> \ > depreciated syntax -- depreciated syntax - previous UDFs $jsObj = _JS_obj_create ( '{ "hello": "world" }') ; invalid "{ 'hello':'world'}" $jsObj.hello ;-> world $jsObj.objToString();-> {"hello":"world"} $jsObj.strToObject ( '{ "goodbye": "world" }') $jsObj.goodbye ;-> world -- Close IE explorer.exe instance - not required anymore _OO_JSON_Quit ( ) -- Objects still usable after _OO_JSON_Quit closes $jsObj.goodbye ;-> world Example script output; see example file ; enjoy
  14. Dear Colleagues, I have no idea how to refer to style.display in my loop. There is a button like: <input name="ctl00$bodyPlaceholder$btnFecharProcessamento" class="button" id="bodyPlaceholder_btnFecharProcessamento" style="display: none;" onclick="FecharJanelaProcessamento();return false;" type="submit" value="Fechar"> I want it to be clicked as soon as button's style change from style="display: none;" to style= ="display: inline-block;" This is what I got, but it's not working... Func GetButtons() $oButtons = _IEGetObjByName($oForm,"ctl00$bodyPlaceholder$btnFecharProcessamento",-1) $i = 0 While $i <> 1 For $oBtn In $oButtons If _IEFormElementGetValue($oBtn) = "Fechar" And $oBtn.document.style.display = "display: inline-block;" Then $i = 1 _IEAction($oBtn, "focus") _IEAction($oBtn, "click") ExitLoop EndIf Next WEnd EndFunc I will really appreciate if you could help me with these loop!
  15. Hello! I'm new to the forums! Couldn't find any threads covering this issue. Sorry if I'm wrong. I'm having problems changing the text/value of a input box. The particular box doesn't have a name or id, just: class="jq_hotkeys_enabled form-control". This class appears multiple times throughout the source, so I don't think It's right to reference that object. See image 1. However, I've managed to find a object with the name "ctl00$content$ctrl$ucServiceTime$rpServicetimes$ctl00$edtHiddenResourceHelper" which contains the value of the input box, and the id for the person in the dropdown/combobox left of it. (with "dummy-1" selected). See image 2. As you can see the value is 3982,4545 ( name , time ) But when I try to change the value of it by doing: #include <IE.au3> Local $oIE = _IEAttach(WinGetHandle("[CLASS:IEFrame]"),"embedded") Local $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "aspnetForm") Local $oInput = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "ctl00$content$ctrl$ucServiceTime$rpServicetimes$ctl00$edtHiddenResourceHelper") _IEFormElementSetValue($oInput, "3982,1337") The box doesn't get its new value. I can see in the source that it's changed though. See image 3. However, if I do: #include <IE.au3> Local $oIE = _IEAttach(WinGetHandle("[CLASS:IEFrame]"),"embedded") Local $oForm = _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE, "aspnetForm") Local $oInput = _IEFormElementGetObjByName($oForm, "ctl00$content$ctrl$ucServiceTime$rpServicetimes$ctl00$edtHiddenResourceHelper") _IEFormElementSetValue($oInput, "3982,1337") $oIE.document.parentwindow.execScript("theForm.submit()") ; But it needs to reload the page The box gets its new value after the page reloads by the theForm.submit() function. This is a bit unfortunate as I want the changes to happen instantly like when I type in the box with the keyboard... or select in the combobox. Maybe someone knows how I can do this? Looking forward to an answer! Thanks in advance. Note: Unfortunately I can't provide with the real URL as it is constricted to employees in the company I work for, but let me know If I should provide anything else.
  16. How can I do to let return a value from javascript to autoit? I would like to use some javascript functions, passing values from AutoIt and get result back to autoit, for example, this little snippet formats a number passed from autoit and show the result in an javascript alert box, but nothing is returned back to autoit. #include <ie.au3> Global $oIE = _IECreate("about:blank", 0, 0, 1, 0) ; use an hidden ie instance as a javascript "exposer" $r = 1000000 $result = $oIE.document.parentwindow.execscript('alert(parseInt( ' & $r & ' ).toLocaleString());') MsgBox(0, 0, $result)any suggestions on how to have the result returned back to autoit is welcome (avoiding temporary storage on phantom hidden fields or such alchemies please) Thank you
  17. Hi, what else can we add in <table> besides <tr> & <td> to make it more interative to the users?
  18. How can I check if element is focused in Firefox using FF.au3 UDF? This is my try: I have prepared a function that checks if the object is focused: _FFCmd('FFau3.isfocused=function isfocused(a){try{return (a === document.activeElement)}catch(e){return}}') $oElm = _FFXPath("//*[@id='someId']") ConsoleWrite(_FFIsFocused($oElm)) Func _FFIsFocused($sElement = "") Local $isFoc = _FFCmd("FFau3.isfocused(" & $sElement & ")") Return $isFoc EndFunc ;==>_FFIsFocused Now, the javascript part is tested and it does return successfully. After a lot of try/fails I inserted an alert box in order to display the object being compared. Here is what I got The focused object is: [object XULElement] The object that I send for comparing is [object HTMLInputElement] Why is that?
  19. Hi all. I'm playing a bit with the ScriptControl object using as base this example by @genius257. here is a very simple try, ... but it fails. what I'm doing wrong? Local $oSC = ObjCreate("ScriptControl") $oSC.Language = "JScript" $oSC.ExecuteStatement('alert("I am a javascript alert box!");') MsgBox(0,'AutoIt','Pause') Thanks
  20. Hello, I´m using AutoIt for a long time not only to automate applications but to develop complex stand-alone applications. I am particularly annoyed by the fact that the logic in AutoIt is difficult to separate from the presentation and the standard GUI elements are very inflexible. If you want to create something more sophisticated, you have to use GDI and write many lines for simple effects or animations. With these thoughts in mind, I looked around for alternatives and unfortunately found nothing that corresponded to my ideas. Therefore, I have thought of a different solution. I have created this framework in order to separate the logic from the presentation and to use HTML & CSS in my GUI to the full extent. Goals of the Framework MVC development with AutoIt HTML & CSS GUI in AutoIt Better and more modern package system(UDF) like npm CLI support like Laravel Artisan faster and more structured application development roma() is strongly inspired by Laravel PHP Framework so Laravel users will notice many similarities. Support Unfortunately, I do not have much time for the project at the moment. So I thought to myself, I share it and ask you for support. Content The framework primarily serves for the development of stand-alone applications. All necessary settings are preconfigured. You can start immediately with the logic or the view All settings are in one place The logic(controller) and the presentation are clearly separated from each other Development with MVC structure You can develop the GUI in realTimer without restarting AutoIt GUI can be developed in HTML & CSS Any graphic & video integration is possible (.png, .gif etc.). Also everything that is possible in HTML5 and CSS3 JavaScript & Frameworks are supported Debug logs are created including console output It is possible to work with multiple languages All UDFs are contained in the framework. Reloading is not necessary The AutoIt UDFs are also included in the Framework. This ensures that it workds correctly for different Versions of AutoIt The framework also provides functions that are necessary for communication between AutoIt and HTML. For example, evaluation of form data (GET & POST) (documentation for this and examples follow.) I also developed a template engine. (Similar to Laravel Blade) The template engine supports if statements (would like to have help to make loops possible). In the Future I will publish a complete documentation of the template engine and examples. Almost finished is a database package. This makes communication with databases an absolute child's play. So that was it for once. If something else occurs to me, I will update the list. Small Example url: http://localhost:8080/welcome ;application.au3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ; Initial ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ #include 'vendor\initial.au3' func _roma_routes() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ; GET Request ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ $route_get('welcome', 'welcome') endfunc ;roma\controller\welcome.au3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ; Welcome Controller ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ func controller_welcome() Local $name = 'Eduard', $lastname = 'Tschernjaew' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ; passed variable to view (Array are possible) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ $toView('name', $name) $toView('lastname', $lastname) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ; Return a View ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ return $VIEW('welcome') endfunc <html> <head> <title>roma() - Template Test</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hello {{ $name }} {{ $lastname }}</h1> </body> </html> Download The framework is under the Open-Source license. Github: https://github.com/4ern/roma/ git clone https://github.com/4ern/roma.git or download the ZIP. Documentaion: https://github.com/4ern/roma/blob/master/README_EN.md ToDo [ ] Loop Funktion in Template.au3 [ ] CLI module like Laravel Artisan [ ] Solution approaches, how the framework can be optimally compiled, so that in the compiled state all files are available. [ ] Framework Tests & Bugfixes roma() is still in development. Documentation and application examples will soon be available. I am looking forward to any Contributing. Thanks for Feedback and Contributing
  21. just for further fun Here is a Javascript version of the nice 3D sine wave posted from @UEZ This version uses this nice javascript library:(http://visjs.org/graph3d_examples.html). (All the 'dirty' work is done by the javascript library, so the whole credit goes of course to that library and not to me...) I've simply injected all the html/javascript stuff into a BrowserControl embedded into an AutoIt GUI. Have fun #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Example() Exit Func Example() Local $oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") ; Create a BrowserControl Local $hGUI = GUICreate("3D Sinus wave animation demo", 660, 650, 30, 30) GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 0, 0, 660, 650) ; Place BrowserControl on the GUI GUISetState() ;Show GUI $oIE.navigate('about:blank') While Not String($oIE.readyState) = 'complete' ; wait for about:blank Sleep(100) WEnd ; this waits till the document is ready to be used (portion of code from IE.au3) While Not (String($oIE.readyState) = "complete" Or $oIE.readyState = 4) Sleep(100) WEnd While Not (String($oIE.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $oIE.document.readyState = 4) Sleep(100) WEnd $oIE.document.Write(_GetHTML()) ; inject lising directly to the HTML document: $oIE.document.close() ; close the write stream $oIE.document.execCommand("Refresh") ; ----------------------------- ; Loop until the user exits. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ; the end $oIE = 0 ; Remove IE from memory. GUIDelete($hGUI) ; Remove GUI EndFunc ;==>Example Func _GetHTML() Local $sHTML = _ "<!doctype html>" & @CRLF & _ "<html>" & @CRLF & _ "<head>" & @CRLF & _ " <meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=edge"" />" & @CRLF & _ " <title></title>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ " <style type=""text/css"">" & @CRLF & _ " body {" & @CRLF & _ " font: 10pt arial;" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " </style>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ " <script type=""text/javascript"" src=""https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vis/4.18.0/vis.min.js""></script>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ " <script type=""text/javascript"">" & @CRLF & _ " var data = null;" & @CRLF & _ " var graph = null;" & @CRLF & _ " var x0, x1, x2" & @CRLF & _ " function custom(x, y, t) {" & @CRLF & _ " // change this function to change the graph" & @CRLF & _ " x0 = 20 - t/180;" & @CRLF & _ " x1 = (x/x0)*(x/x0) + t/10;" & @CRLF & _ " y1 = (y/x0)*(y/x0) + t/10;" & @CRLF & _ " return Math.sin(Math.sqrt(x1+y1));" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " // Called when the Visualization API is loaded." & @CRLF & _ " function drawVisualization() {" & @CRLF & _ " // Create and populate a data table." & @CRLF & _ " data = new vis.DataSet();" & @CRLF & _ " // create some nice looking data with sin/cos" & @CRLF & _ " var steps = 25;" & @CRLF & _ " var axisMax = 314;" & @CRLF & _ " var tMax = 800;" & @CRLF & _ " var axisStep = axisMax / steps;" & @CRLF & _ " for (var t = 300; t <= tMax; t = t + 50) {" & @CRLF & _ " for (var x = -axisMax; x < axisMax; x+=axisStep) {" & @CRLF & _ " for (var y = -axisMax; y < axisMax; y+=axisStep) {" & @CRLF & _ " var value = custom(x, y, t);" & @CRLF & _ " data.add([" & @CRLF & _ " {x:x,y:y,z:value,filter:t,style:value}" & @CRLF & _ " ]);" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ " // specify options" & @CRLF & _ " var options = {" & @CRLF & _ " width: '600px'," & @CRLF & _ " height: '600px'," & @CRLF & _ " style: 'surface'," & @CRLF & _ " showPerspective: true," & @CRLF & _ " showGrid: false," & @CRLF & _ " showShadow: false," & @CRLF & _ " // showAnimationControls: false," & @CRLF & _ " keepAspectRatio: true," & @CRLF & _ " verticalRatio: 0.085, // 0.5," & @CRLF & _ " animationInterval: 100, // milliseconds" & @CRLF & _ " animationPreload: true," & @CRLF & _ " animationAutoStart: true," & @CRLF & _ " filterValue: 'time'" & @CRLF & _ " };" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ " // create our graph" & @CRLF & _ " var container = document.getElementById('mygraph');" & @CRLF & _ " graph = new vis.Graph3d(container, data, options);" & @CRLF & _ " }" & @CRLF & _ " </script>" & @CRLF & _ "</head>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "<body onload=""drawVisualization();"">" & @CRLF & _ "<div id=""mygraph""></div>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "<div id=""info""></div>" & @CRLF & _ "</body>" & @CRLF & _ "</html>" Return $sHTML EndFunc ;==>_GetHTML
  22. This is a little experiment that makes use of a "Browser Control" embedded in a GUI in order to be able to use AutoIt, HTML, JavaScript and CSS all together. This little toy will only work on systems with IE11. The purpose is to drag all the names of the scientists & drop on the right ones. (among scientists it has also infiltrated an intruder). I hope you find it entertaining. I've posted it here in the hope to have some suggestions on how to improve it all (I mean the interaction between Autoit Javascript html and css). Thanks ; this works on systems with IE11 ; ------------------------------- #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <array.au3> Global $oIE, $oDocument, $ohJS, $sDroping Global $iCorrect = 0, $iGoal = 11 Example() Exit Func Example() Local $aScientists[12][2] = _ [["Schrodinger", "Schrodinger"],["Planck", "Planck"],["Pauli", "Pauli"],["Einstein", "Einstein"], _ ["Chimp", "Chimp"],["Dirac", "Dirac"],["Heisenberg", "Heisenberg"],["Born", "Born"], _ ["De Broglie", "De_Broglie"],["Bohr", "Bohr"],["Sommerfeld", "Sommerfeld"],["", "empty"]] Local $oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") ; Create a BrowserControl Local $hGUI = GUICreate("", 660, 600, 30, 30) GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 0, 0, 660, 600) ; Place BrowserControl on the GUI GUISetState() ;Show GUI $oIE.navigate('about:blank') ; file:///' & @ScriptDir & '\WhoIsWho.html') While Not String($oIE.readyState) = 'complete' ; wait for about:blank Sleep(100) WEnd ; this waits till the document is ready to be used (portion of code from IE.au3) While Not (String($oIE.readyState) = "complete" Or $oIE.readyState = 4) Sleep(100) WEnd While Not (String($oIE.document.readyState) = "complete" Or $oIE.document.readyState = 4) Sleep(100) WEnd $oIE.document.Write(_GetHTML()) ; inject lising directly to the HTML document: $oIE.document.close() ; close the write stream $oIE.document.execCommand("Refresh") While Not String($oIE.readyState) = 'complete' ; wait for readyState after a refresh Sleep(100) WEnd ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/52f50e9t(v=vs.94).aspx ; $ohJS is a reference to the javascript Global Obj ; ------------------------------------------------- $ohJS = $oIE.document.parentwindow.JSglobal $oDocument = $oIE.document Local $oTable1 = $ohJS.table1 Local $oTable2 = $ohJS.table2 _Randomize($aScientists, $oTable1) ; --- Setup events ------------ ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh801967(v=vs.85).aspx Local $aoEventObject[2] $aoEventObject[0] = ObjEvent($oTable1, "IEEvent_", "HTMLTableEvents2") $aoEventObject[1] = ObjEvent($oTable2, "IEEvent_", "HTMLTableEvents2") ; ----------------------------- ; Loop until the user exits. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch If $iCorrect = $iGoal Then _Goal() _Randomize($aScientists, $oTable1) $iCorrect = 0 EndIf WEnd ; the end For $i = 0 To UBound($aoEventObject) - 1 $aoEventObject[$i] .stop Next $aoEventObject = 0 ; Kill the Event Object $oIE = 0 ; Remove IE from memory (not really necessary). GUIDelete($hGUI) ; Remove GUI EndFunc ;==>Example ; --- event management zone --- ; following functions are fired by events occurred in the browser control Volatile Func IEEvent_onDragstart($oEvent) ; we save the ID of the dragged obj into the $sDroping variable ; for a later use in the drop function $sDroping = $oEvent.srcElement.ID EndFunc ;==>IEEvent_onDragstart Volatile Func IEEvent_onDragOver($oEvent) $ohJS.event.preventDefault() EndFunc ;==>IEEvent_onDragOver Volatile Func IEEvent_onDrop($oEvent) $ohJS.event.preventDefault() If $sDroping <> "" Then If $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).innerText <> $oEvent.srcElement.innerText Then If $oEvent.srcElement.ClassName = $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).ClassName Then $oEvent.srcElement.innerText = $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).innerText $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).innerText = "" $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).draggable = False $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: #80ff80;" $iCorrect += 1 Else For $i = 1 To 3 $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: #ff0000;" Sleep(125) $oDocument.getElementById($sDroping).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: #ffffff;" Sleep(125) Next EndIf EndIf $sDroping = "" EndIf EndFunc ;==>IEEvent_onDrop Func _Randomize(ByRef $aScientists, ByRef $oTable) Local $iRows = ($oTable.rows.length) - 1 Local $iCols = ($oTable.rows.item(0).cells.length) - 1 Local $index _ArrayShuffle($aScientists) For $y = 0 To $iRows For $x = 0 To $iCols $index = ($y * ($iCols + 1)) + $x $oTable.rows.item($y).cells.item($x).innerText = $aScientists[$index][0] ; text $oTable.rows.item($y).cells.item($x).className = $aScientists[$index][1] ; class $oTable.rows.item($y).cells.item($x).draggable = $aScientists[$index][0] <> "" Next Next EndFunc ;==>_Randomize Func _Goal() Local $oTable1 = $ohJS.table1 ; names Local $oTable2 = $ohJS.table2 ; photos Local $iRows = ($oTable1.rows.length) Sleep(250) Local $iCols = 6 ; ($oTable1.rows.item(0).cells.length) Local $aIndex[$iRows * $iCols], $sTemp For $i = 0 To UBound($aIndex) - 1 $aIndex[$i] = $i ; + 1 Next _ArrayShuffle($aIndex) For $i = 0 To UBound($aIndex) - 1 $oTable2.rows.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).innerText = "" $oTemp0 = $oTable2.rows $oTemp1 = $oTemp0.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells $oTemp2 = $oTemp1.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).getAttribute("style") $oTable2.rows.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: " & _rndColor() Sleep(100); MsgBox(0,"Debug",$sTemp) $oTable2.rows.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).setAttribute("style") = $oTemp2 Next For $x = 1 To 2 For $i = 0 To UBound($aIndex) - 1 $oTable1.rows.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: " & _rndColor() Sleep(100) $oTable1.rows.item(Int($aIndex[$i] / $iCols)).cells.item(Mod($aIndex[$i], $iCols)).setAttribute("style") = "background-color: #ffffff;" Next Next EndFunc ;==>_Goal Func _rndColor() Return String("#" & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) & Hex(Random(0, 255, 1), 2) & ";") EndFunc ;==>_rndColor Func _GetHTML() Local $sHTML = _ "<!DOCTYPE HTML>" & @CRLF & _ "<html>" & @CRLF & _ "<head>" & @CRLF & _ "<meta http-equiv=""X-UA-Compatible"" content=""IE=edge"" />" & @CRLF & _ " <script type=""text/javascript"">" & @CRLF & _ " var JSglobal = (1,eval)(""this"");" & @CRLF & _ " </script>" & @CRLF & _ "</head>" & @CRLF & _ "<body>" & @CRLF & _ "<h2>Who is who?</h2>" & @CRLF & _ "<p>Drag&Drop names on the right scientist</p>" & @CRLF & _ "<img src=""https://i.imgur.com/STWql7w.jpg""" & @CRLF & _ "height=""394"" width=""640""" & @CRLF & _ "style=""position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 100px;"">" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "<style>" & @CRLF & _ ".target td {width: 100px; height: 160px; text-align: center; color: white; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: bottom; border: 0px solid grey;}" & @CRLF & _ ".source td {width: 100px; height: 30px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid red;}" & @CRLF & _ "</style>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "<table class=""target"" style=""position: absolute; left: 25px; top: 100px;"" id=""table2"">" & @CRLF & _ " <tr><td class=""Schrodinger""></td><td class=""Planck""></td><td class=""Pauli""></td><td class=""Einstein""></td><td class=""Chimp""></td><td class=""Dirac""></td></tr>" & @CRLF & _ " <tr><td class=""Heisenberg""></td><td class=""Born""></td><td class=""De_Broglie""></td><td class=""Bohr""></td><td class=""Sommerfeld""></td><td class=""empty""></td></tr>" & @CRLF & _ "</table>" & @CRLF & _ "" & @CRLF & _ "<table class=""source"" style=""position: absolute; left: 10px; top: 504px;"" id=""table1"">" & @CRLF & _ " <tr><td ID=""td1""></td><td ID=""td2""></td><td ID=""td3""></td><td ID=""td4"" ></td><td ID=""td5"" ></td><td ID=""td6"" ></td></tr>" & @CRLF & _ " <tr><td ID=""td7""></td><td ID=""td8""></td><td ID=""td9""></td><td ID=""td10""></td><td ID=""td11""></td><td ID=""td12""></td></tr>" & @CRLF & _ "</table>" & @CRLF & _ "</body>" & @CRLF & _ "</html>" Return $sHTML EndFunc ;==>_GetHTML
  23. I'm trying to get the HTML code after executing javascript in IE. Here is my code. $url = "http://example.com" $oIE = _IECreate($url) Sleep(3000) ;waiting for executing javascript. But useless. $oFrame = _IEFrameGetCollection($oIE, 0) $sCode &= _IEPropertyGet($oFrame, "innerhtml") & @CRLF Then, I get this error. "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\IE.au3" (2308) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: $oTemp = $oObject.document.body $oTemp = $oObject^ ERROR After executing javascript, when I view source in IE, there are HTML code like below. <html> <head> ... </head> <body> ... </body> </html> What should I do?
  24. Hi to all, in this script I'm using a Javascript library called VIS to display data on a timeline. All is performed within a browser control embedded in the AutoIt GUI, and the AutoIt script should interact with what is going on in the browser control. what I'm stuck on is on finding a way to get notified in the AutoIt script on some events fired from that javascript library. When I use the ObjEvent() to get notified about events fired by html elements from the html page, all works ok... I'm stuck instead on how to receive notifications from events fired by a javascript (custom?) object. The DataSet object. in very short: To add, edit or remove Items on the Timeline, first a DataSet is created and bound to the Timeline, then all variations performed on the DataSet will be automatically visualized in the form of Items located on the Timeline. All variations on the DataSet will also fire events. (use the button to create new items from autoit, or doubbleclick on the timeline to also create new items by the javascript library) now my problem is: since the DataSet is setted to fire events anytime some data in the DatSet is added and/or changed and/or deleted, i would like to be notified about such events in my AutoIt program, but I've not achieved the goal so far. In this example the events generated by the DataSet are notified within the HTML page and displayed within the browser control, but not forwarded to AutoIt. Any help to achieve this goal is higly appreciated. Thanks #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <string.au3> #include <array.au3> Global $g_idGUIEdit ; read html page from bottom of this script ; and write it to a file on disk CreateHtmlPage() Example() Exit Func Example() Local $hGUIMain = GUICreate("Event Test", 1000, 600) $g_idGUIEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 500, 405, 490, 175) GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, -1, 'Courier New') GUICtrlCreateLabel("Below are some Browser events 'captured' from the above web page by AutoIt", 500, 385, 990, 20) Local $idGUIExit = GUICtrlCreateButton(" Close and exit", 5, 580, 990, 15) Local $hButton1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Add an Item to timeline", 10, 400, 150, 40) GUISetState() ;Show GUI ; We prepare the Internet Explorer as our test subject Global $oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") $hIE = GUICtrlCreateObj($oIE, 5, 5, 990, 380) ; <- embedd $oIE in the AutoIt GUI ; load our web page, javascript and css in the browser ToolTip("...downloading javascript, please wait") $oIE.navigate('file:///' & @ScriptDir & '\Page.html') Sleep(1000) ; Give it some time to load the web page ToolTip("") Do ; wait for document Sleep(250) $oDocument = $oIE.document Until IsObj($oDocument) ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/52f50e9t(v=vs.94).aspx ; $ohJS is a reference to the javascript Global Obj ; ------------------------------------------------- Global $ohJS = $oIE.document.parentwindow.JSglobal ; --- Setup catch of events --- ; https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa769764(v=vs.85).aspx ; HTMLDocumentEvents2 interface (catch OnClick, OnMouseOver, .... etc Global $oEventObject = ObjEvent($oDocument, "IEEvent2_", "HTMLDocumentEvents2") ; OK, this events are catched ; Attempt to catch events fired by the DataSet. ; items is the DataSet obj created in the Browser ; Global $oEventObject = ObjEvent($ohJS.items, "OnDataSet_") ; ???? how to catch events from the DataSet <---- ????? ; ----------------------------- ; Loop until the user exits. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, $idGUIExit ExitLoop Case $hButton1 ; add a job to the timeline (a simple example just to test) ; to generate a unique ID I use the following: @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & @MSEC Local $result = $ohJS.eval("items.add([{id: " & @YEAR & @MON & @MDAY & @HOUR & @MIN & @SEC & @MSEC & ", content: '<b>item 4</b> Added at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC & " ', start: '2014-01-19'}]);") ConsoleWrite("DataSet now contains " & $ohJS.items.length & " Items" & @CRLF) EndSwitch WEnd ; the end $oEventObject.Stop ; Tell IE we don't want to receive events. $oEventObject = 0 ; Kill the Event Object $oIE = 0 ; Remove IE from memory (not really necessary). GUIDelete($hGUIMain) ; Remove GUI EndFunc ;==>Example ; --- event management zone --- ; A few Internet Explorer Event Functions ; below function are fired by events occurred in the browser Volatile Func IEEvent2_onClick($oEvent) ConsolePrint("mouse click: " & $oEvent.clientX & ',' & $oEvent.clientY & ' on ' & $oEvent.srcElement.NodeName & ' - ' & $oEvent.srcElement.ID) EndFunc ;==>IEEvent2_onClick Volatile Func IEEvent2_onDblClick($oEvent) ConsolePrint("mouse DoubleClick: @" & $oEvent.clientX & ',' & $oEvent.clientY) EndFunc ;==>IEEvent2_onDblClick Volatile Func OnDataSet_add($oEvent) ConsolePrint("!!!! event from DataSet " & IsObj($oEvent)) ; type EndFunc ;==>OnDataSet_add Func ConsolePrint($sMsg) Local Const $iMaxLines = 9 ; keep last 12 lines only $sMsg = @HOUR & ':' & @MIN & ':' & @SEC & ':' & @MSEC & @TAB & $sMsg & @CRLF $sMsg = StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($g_idGUIEdit) & $sMsg, @CR, @CR) If @extended > $iMaxLines Then ; more than $iMaxLines $sMsg = StringMid($sMsg, StringInStr($sMsg, @CR, 0, -1 * $iMaxLines) + 2) EndIf GUICtrlSetData($g_idGUIEdit, $sMsg) EndFunc ;==>ConsolePrint Func CreateHtmlPage() Local $sStart = @LF & "#cs;HTML" Local $sEnd = "#ce;HTML" & @CR Local $aArray = _StringBetween(FileRead(@ScriptFullPath), $sStart, $sEnd) Local $sPage = @ScriptDir & '\Page.html' Local $hFile = FileOpen($sPage, 2) ; $FO_OVERWRITE (2) = Write mode (erase previous contents) FileWrite($hFile, $aArray[0]) FileFlush($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc ;==>CreateHtmlPage #cs;HTML <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var JSglobal = (1,eval)("this"); </script> <style type="text/css"> body, html { font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11pt; } </style> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vis/4.16.1/vis.min.js"></script> <link href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vis/4.16.1/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="visualization" style="border-width:3px; border-color:yellow; border-style:double;"></div> <p></p> <div id="log"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> // DOM element where the Timeline will be attached var container = document.getElementById('visualization'); // Create an empty DataSet (allows two way data-binding) var items = new vis.DataSet({type: { start: 'ISODate', end: 'ISODate', notes: '' }}); // items.addEventListener('click',resetElements,true); // add items to the DataSet items.add([ {id: 1, content: 'item 1 <b>start</b>', start: '2014-01-23'}, {id: 2, content: 'item 2', start: '2014-01-18 00:00', end: '2014-01-18 23:59'}, {id: 3, content: 'item 3', start: '2014-01-21'}, {id: 5, content: 'item 5', start: '2014-01-28', type:'point'}, {id: 6, content: 'item 6', start: '2014-01-26'} ]); // Configuration for the Timeline var options = {orientation: 'top', editable: { add: true, remove: true, updateTime: true, updateGroup: true } }; // Create a Timeline var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, items, options); // turn events on timeline.on('rangechange', function (properties) { logEvent('rangechange', properties); }); timeline.on('rangechanged', function (properties) { logEvent('rangechanged', properties); }); timeline.on('select', function (properties) { logEvent('select', properties); }); items.on('*', function (event, properties) { logEvent(event, properties); }); function logEvent(event, properties) { var log = document.getElementById('log'); var msg = document.createElement('div'); msg.innerHTML = 'event=' + JSON.stringify(event) + ', ' + 'properties=' + JSON.stringify(properties); log.firstChild ? log.insertBefore(msg, log.firstChild) : log.appendChild(msg); } </script> </body> </html> #ce;HTML ;
  25. Version 1.0.0


    A basic UDF enabling JavaScript execution using Microsoft's ChakraCore engine.
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