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  1. It started in the help area, to delay the OK button for X seconds but is a good example for a mix of _WinAPI_SetTimer(), _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx(), IsFunc(), FuncName() and a callback. ; same as MsgBox() + button to delay[ /options ] [+ X,Y,W,H ] _MsgBox_Extn(5, BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("0, 20, 100", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OKCANCEL), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("5/1, 20, 100", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("5 sec. / -4th button, 20, 100, 600, 300", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, $MB_HELP), "My title", "My Message", 20) The use is simple ( to me that I wrote it ). Try the examples above and it'll be self evident. Is a MsgBox with an extra ( 1st ) parameter. All expected returns are the same. But in @error there is also the return value and in @extended the line number were something is wrong. I may start coding this way for myself too. Is like a UDF with training wheels. A fun example of the callback is: #include <MsgBox_Extn.au3> ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=211523 ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "+++ _MsgBox_Extn() returned: $" & _MsgBox_Extn_ReturnMeaning(Example_CallBack(4)) & ' (' & @extended & ')' & @CRLF & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('==========------------==========------------==========------------==========------------==========------------==========') ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "+++ _MsgBox_Extn() returned: $" & _MsgBox_Extn_ReturnMeaning(Example_CallBack(1)) & ' (' & @extended & ')' & @CRLF & @CRLF) Func Example_CallBack($iTryButton) If _MsgBox_Extn_Version() < 5 Then Return SetError(1, 0, -2) Local $MsgText = 'Now this example will punish you' & @CR & 'by wasting 60 seconds of your life.' _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc(_MyCallBack_TimerProc) If @error Then Return SetError(2, 0, -2) ConsoleWrite('+++ Using "' & FuncName(_MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc()) & '" as callback function.' & @CRLF) Local $iMisuseAtLineNumber, $iRet = _MsgBox_Extn("60/-" & $iTryButton, BitOR($MB_OKCANCEL, $MB_HELP), 'Example', $MsgText, 15) ; "-4" is wrong. Part of the demo. $iReturn = @error $iMisuseAtLineNumber = @extended ; so misuse/error, can be gathered for debug. If $iMisuseAtLineNumber Then ConsoleWrite('! At line ' & $iMisuseAtLineNumber & ' in the UDF, there was a complain. ( Naggy UDF ! )' & @CRLF) ConsoleWrite('@error (' & $iReturn & ') holds the same value as Return (' & $iRet & '). Why ?, meh, it may come in handy.' & _ ' There is no error return in MsgBox. Let''s give it some use.' & @CRLF) _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc(Default) ; if you're not gonna use it anymore. Return $iRet EndFunc ;==>Example_CallBack Func _MyCallBack_TimerProc() Switch _MsgBox_Extn_SecCount() Case 60 ConsoleWrite('UDF version: ' & _MsgBox_Extn_Version() & @CRLF) Case 58 ; With the MsgBox HWnd, you can have your fun. ControlEnable(_MsgBox_Extn_GetHWnd(), "", "Button2") Case 57 _MsgBox_Extn_SetMessageText('Nah, just kidding =)') _MsgBox_Extn_SecCount(3) _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText(_MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText() & " ?") Case 1 ; Setting "SetCounterButtonText" is used on a next loop. In 1 second. _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText(_MsgBox_Extn_GetOrigBttnText()) Case 0 _MsgBox_Extn_SetButtonText(Default, Default, _MsgBox_Extn_GetOrigBttnText( _MsgBox_Extn_TotalCount()) & " ???") _MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText() EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>_MyCallBack_TimerProc and the UDF code: #include-once ; #include <MsgBox_Extn.au3> ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=211523 #include <WinAPISys.au3> #include <WinAPISysWin.au3> ; do check these include with your current version of AutoIt, it func() not found ( note for the future ) #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> ; for the demo Global Const $g__MsgBox_Extn_tagCBT_CREATEWND = "ptr lpcs;HWND tagCBT_CREATEWND" ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/191204-hookdlgbox-udf/ Global Const $g__MsgBox_Extn_tagCREATESTRUCT = "ptr lpCreateParams;handle hInstance;HWND hMenu;HWND hwndParent;int cy;int cx;int y;int x;LONG style;ptr lpszName;ptr lpszClass;DWORD dwExStyle" Global Const $g__MsgBox_Extn_aReturnMeaning[13] = [11, "IDOK", "IDCANCEL", "IDABORT", "IDRETRY", "IDIGNORE", "IDYES", "IDNO", "ID#8", "ID#9", "IDTRYAGAIN", "IDCONTINUE", "IDTIMEOUT"] Global $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_UDFversion = 5, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hHook = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DisableAll = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[5] = [4, Default, Default, Default, Default], _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[5] = [4, Default, Default, Default, Default], _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = 1, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc = Default, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 1, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning = 0, _ $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_sOriginalText ; same as MsgBox() + button to delay[ /options ] [+ X,Y,W,H ] ;~ _MsgBox_Extn(5, BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OK), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("0, 20, 100", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_OKCANCEL), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("5/1, 20, 100", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_YESNO), "My title", "My Message", 20) ;~ _MsgBox_Extn("5 sec. / -4th button, 20, 100, 600, 300", BitOR($MB_TOPMOST, $MB_ICONINFORMATION, $MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE, $MB_HELP), "My title", "My Message", 20) ; SecDelay The time delay until the control is re-enabled ; or a comma delimited string up to "delay [, X pos [, Y pos [, Width [, Height]]]]" ; "delay" can be formated as "delay [ /ButtonNumber]". Default is Button1. ; if ButtonNumber is a negative number, it'll disable all the buttons. ; flag The flag indicates the type of message box and the possible button combinations. See remarks in MsgBox(). ; title The title of the message box. ; text The text of the message box. ; timeout [optional] Timeout in seconds. After the timeout has elapsed the message box will close automatically. The default is 0, which is no timeout. ; hwnd [optional] The window handle to use as the parent for this dialog. ; Return Value ; Success: the ID of the button pressed. ; Failure: $IDTIMEOUT (-1) if the message box timed out. ; ; @extended = function misuse Func _MsgBox_Extn($iSecDelay, $iFlag, $sTitle, $sText, $iSecTimeout = 0, $hParent_hwnd = 0) ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=211499&view=findpost&p=1530323 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos = StringSplit($iSecDelay, ",") ReDim $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[6] Local $aBttnNoDelay = StringSplit(StringReplace($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1], "\", "/"), "/") ReDim $aBttnNoDelay[3] $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = Int($aBttnNoDelay[2]) If Not $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = 1 If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo < 0 Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DisableAll = 1 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = Abs($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo) EndIf If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo > 4 Then _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: Button' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo & ' will not exist. Setting to Button1 to, be nice ?. Check the code.' & @CRLF) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = 1 ; function misuse ; no more than a 4th button. EndIf If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[0] > 5 Then _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: ' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[0] & ' parameters are too many. Check the code.' & @CRLF) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[0] = 5 ; better safe than sorry. ; function misuse ; $iSecDelay = "delay [, X pos [, Y pos [, Width [, Height]]]]" only. EndIf For $n = 1 To $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[0] $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] = Int($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1]) Next For $n = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[0] + 1 To 5 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[$n] = Null ; these are unused place holders. Next Local $hTimerProc = DllCallbackRegister(__MsgBox_Extn_TimerProc, 'none', 'hwnd;uint;uint_ptr;dword') Local $iTimerID = _WinAPI_SetTimer(0, 0, 1000, DllCallbackGetPtr($hTimerProc)) ; $iTimerID should be 0 if the $hWnd is 0. Local $hProc = DllCallbackRegister(__MsgBox_Extn_CbtHookProc, "int", "int;int;int") $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hHook = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_CBT, DllCallbackGetPtr($hProc), 0, _WinAPI_GetCurrentThreadId()) Local $iRet = MsgBox($iFlag, $sTitle, $sText, $iSecTimeout, $hParent_hwnd) _WinAPI_KillTimer(0, $iTimerID) DllCallbackFree($hTimerProc) _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hHook) DllCallbackFree($hProc) Local $iExt = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning = 0 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hHook = 0 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount = 0 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos = 0 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd = 0 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 1 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = 1 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DisableAll = 0 Dim $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[5] = [4, Default, Default, Default, Default] _MsgBox_Extn_SetButtonText() ; re-init all prior alternate button text to defaults. $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount = 0 Return SetError($iRet, $iExt, $iRet) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn ; Return the meaning/name of the enumerator/constant Func _MsgBox_Extn_ReturnMeaning($iIndex) $iIndex = Int($iIndex) If $iIndex = -1 Then Return SetExtended($iIndex, $g__MsgBox_Extn_aReturnMeaning[12]) Switch $iIndex Case 8, 9 Return SetError(1, $iIndex, "unkown index " & $iIndex) Case 1 To 12 Return SetExtended($iIndex, $g__MsgBox_Extn_aReturnMeaning[$iIndex]) EndSwitch Return SetError(2, $iIndex, "unkown index " & $iIndex) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_ReturnMeaning ; Returns the UDF version. Just in case more stuff is added. Func _MsgBox_Extn_Version() Return $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_UDFversion EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_Version ; Get the original text of any of the 4 possible buttons. ; For if _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() is used. Func _MsgBox_Extn_GetOrigBttnText($iIndex = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo) If $iIndex > 4 Or $iIndex < 1 Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning = @ScriptLineNumber _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: an $iIndex of ' & $iIndex & ' should have been between 1 and 4. Therefore is an error.' & @CRLF) $iIndex = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo EndIf Return SetExtended(IsKeyword($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$iIndex]), $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$iIndex]) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_GetOrigBttnText ; Reset the original text of the 4 possible buttons. Or just the one you pass along as Index. ; For if _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() is used. Func _MsgBox_Extn_ResetButtonText($iIndex = Default) If IsKeyword($iIndex) = 1 Then For $n = 1 To $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[0] $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[$n] = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$n] Next Else If $iIndex > 4 Or $iIndex < 1 Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning = @ScriptLineNumber _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: an $iIndex of ' & $iIndex & ' should have been between 1 and 4. Therefore is an error.' & @CRLF) $iIndex = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo EndIf $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[$n] = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$n] EndIf EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_ResetButtonText ; Set any of the 4 possible buttons, from left to right, with an alternate text. Func _MsgBox_Extn_SetButtonText($iButton1 = Default, $iButton2 = Default, $iButton3 = Default, $iButton4 = Default) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[1] = $iButton1 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[2] = $iButton2 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[3] = $iButton3 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[4] = $iButton4 EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_SetButtonText ; After _MsgBox_Extn_SetButtonText(), you'll need to _MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText() ; For use in _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() Func _MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText() For $n = 1 To $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[0] If Not IsKeyword($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[$n]) Then ControlSetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $n, String($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnAtlText[$n]), 1) EndIf Next EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText ; Set a new message text on the fly ; For use in _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() Func _MsgBox_Extn_SetMessageText($sStr) Local $iRet, $iStatic = 2 If ControlGetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Static2") = "" Or @error Then $iStatic = 1 $iRet = ControlSetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Static" & $iStatic, String($sStr)) Return SetError(Int(Not $iRet), $iStatic, $iRet) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_SetMessageText ; Set a new default text on the fly ; For use in _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() Func _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText($sNewText = Default) If Not IsKeyword($sNewText) Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_sOriginalText = String($sNewText) Return $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_sOriginalText EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText ; Set a new count down on the fly via _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() Func _MsgBox_Extn_SecCount($iNewValue = Default) If Not IsKeyword($iNewValue) Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] = Int($iNewValue) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount = -1 EndIf Return $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] - $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_SecCount Func _MsgBox_Extn_TotalCount() Return $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_TotalCount ; The handle of the MsgBox(), to use in _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc() Func _MsgBox_Extn_GetHWnd() Return $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_GetHWnd Func _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite($sStr, $iLineNumber = @ScriptLineNumber) Local Static $iReturn = Not (StringRight(@ScriptName, 4) = '.au3') $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iWarning = $iLineNumber If $iReturn Then Return "" ConsoleWrite('"MsgBox_Extn.au3" (' & $iLineNumber & ',0) : ' & $sStr) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite ; To do stuff within the time the delay is active. ; example at https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=211499&view=findpost&p=1530455 Func _MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc($hCallBackFunc = Null) ; a no parameter func(). Use helper func ( _MsgBox_Extn_* ) Local $iErr = 0 If IsKeyword($hCallBackFunc) = 1 Then ; $KEYWORD_DEFAULT (1) the Default keyword. ; $KEYWORD_NULL (2) the Null keyword. $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc = "" ; ..to remove the value ElseIf IsFunc($hCallBackFunc) Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc = $hCallBackFunc ElseIf IsKeyword($hCallBackFunc) = 2 Then ; This is to return the $hCallBackFunc in use. Else ; if we get to this point, is not a keyword nor a function. Therefore is an error. _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: If we get to this point, is not a keyword nor a function. Therefore is an error.' & @CRLF) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc = "" ; since is an error, let's remove whatever was there. $iErr = 1 EndIf Return SetError($iErr, 0, $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc) EndFunc ;==>_MsgBox_Extn_SetCallBackFunc #Region INTERNAL Func __MsgBox_Extn_TimerProc($hWnd, $iMsg, $iTimerID, $iTime) ;~ ConsoleWrite('+ Func __MsgBox_Extn_TimerProc(' & $hWnd & ', ' & $iMsg & ', ' & $iTimerID & ', ' & $iTime & ')' & @CRLF) #forceref $hWnd, $iMsg, $iTimerID, $iTime $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount += 1 If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount < $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] Then ControlSetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo, _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText() & ' (' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] - $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount & ')') ElseIf $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iSecCount = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] Then ControlSetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo, _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText()) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DisableAll Then For $n = 1 To 4 ControlEnable($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $n) Next Else ControlEnable($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo) EndIf EndIf If IsFunc($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc) Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc() ; $hWnd, $iMsg, $iTimerID, $iTime) ; there's no use for these. EndFunc ;==>__MsgBox_Extn_TimerProc Func __MsgBox_Extn_CbtHookProc($nCode, $wParam, $lParam) ;~ ConsoleWrite('+ Func __MsgBox_Extn_CbtHookProc(' & $nCode & ', ' & $wParam & ', ' & $lParam & ')' & @CRLF) If $nCode = 3 And $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 1 And _WinAPI_GetClassName(HWnd($wParam)) = "#32770" Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 2 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd = HWnd($wParam) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[2] <> Null Then Local $tcs = DllStructCreate($g__MsgBox_Extn_tagCREATESTRUCT, DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate($g__MsgBox_Extn_tagCBT_CREATEWND, $lParam), "lpcs")) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[2] <> Null Then DllStructSetData($tcs, "x", $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[2]) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[3] <> Null Then DllStructSetData($tcs, "y", $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[3]) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[4] <> Null Then DllStructSetData($tcs, "cx", $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[4]) ; these Cx,Cy don't do anything functional If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[5] <> Null Then DllStructSetData($tcs, "cy", $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[5]) ; but, you can use them if you wish. EndIf EndIf If $nCode = 5 And $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 2 And $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] > 0 And HWnd($wParam) = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd Then ; 5=HCBT_ACTIVATE $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 0 _MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText() If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DisableAll Then For $n = 1 To 4 ControlDisable($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $n) Next Else ControlDisable($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo) EndIf For $n = 1 To 4 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$n] = ControlGetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $n) If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$n] = "" And @error Then If Not $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount = $n - 1 $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriText[$n] = Default EndIf Next If $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo > $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount Then _MsgBox_Extn_ConsoleWrite('Note: Button' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo & ' does not exist on this ' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_BttnOriCount & ' button MsgBox. Setting to Button1. Check the code.' & @CRLF) $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo = 1 EndIf _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText(_MsgBox_Extn_GetOrigBttnText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo)) ControlSetText($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd, "", "Button" & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_DelayOnBttnNo, _MsgBox_Extn_SetCounterButtonText() & ' (' & $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_aWinPos[1] & ')') If IsFunc($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc) Then $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hCallBackFunc() ElseIf $nCode = 5 And $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_iDoitOnlyOnce = 2 And HWnd($wParam) = $g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hWnd Then _MsgBox_Extn_ApplyButtonText() EndIf Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($g__MsgBox_Extn_Globals_hHook, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>__MsgBox_Extn_CbtHookProc #EndRegion INTERNAL And a $MB_HELP usage example ( somewhere down there ). If you don't feel like copy and paste all this then here: MsgBox_Extn[v5].zip In version 5 there more stuff. Lost count, but it has nagging code to let the user know, if the code has a complain about the parameters. So, this is a good example as far as examples but M23's Extended Message Box is a better option if you need a flexible MsgBox UDF.
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