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Found 2 results

  1. Hello folks, as RustDesk is a very good open source TeamViewer alternative and flexible remote helpdesk app (free to use and ability to selfhost the server e.g. in a docker-container) there were two things i missed. Address-Book for Clients/Hosts Connect to Clients from different Servers not just my own (e.g. my private hosted rustdesk-server and the company-server which have different API-Keys and IP-addresses) Solution is a kind of inventory-manager for RustDesk RustDesk-Manager need a master-passwort (set by user) for encrypting API-Keys can store the files in an individual file based config-folder (e.g to use it from different computers in a cloud-sync folder) can be used without installing the exe (runs with parameters minimizes to tray Requirements: running RustDesk-Server Instance rustdesk.exe 1.2.4 or above (commandline parameters were added - props to the rustdesk developers) this App Screenshot of the GUI: after some months of testing and improving, i want to share the code to give something back to this forum. Thanks for all useful stuff in the past and hopefully future ! Feel free to use it, change it, give a short feedback or make a donation đŸ¤— Yours, Stefan ________ EDIT ________ 2025-03-16: v1.0.0.16 encrypts Server-Address and Client-IDs (for existing Items just rightclick for edit and save them to encrypt Address/ID as well) saves the setting of "SaveClientPass" to Ini file instead of registry as it it a common setting for all users of a certain Config 2025-03-23: v1.0.0.20 Clientpassword is now part of editing a client -> can be displayed by asking the Masterpassword again Rustdesk-Master.au3
  2. Computer Plucker is a fork and a "restoration" of Computer stats utility by @Rogue5099 (link) You can obtain various data about local machine, as from the screenshot. But my goal is not (only) to provide another PC stats tool, but to develop a very basic remote inventory tool, like (a small subset of) the abandoned Spiceworks or the Microsoft SCCM. So this script can be deployed on a machine as a standalone executable (yes you need only ONE file to distribute) , and launching the .EXE it installs itself to a folder (es. c:\autoit\computerplucker) In tools menĂ¹ you can set two tasks and not only one for creating every week a file.ini with all the data of the machine. another one for creating every week a file.ini with all the data of the machine PLUS uploading a CRYPTED record of the machine in a free mysql DB online For my needs, I am deploying the .exe and schedule the second task, uploading data one time a week. In tools menĂ¹ you will find also commands for: manual creating the .ini data file to upload the data in crypted records to upload the data in clear text records (for testing..) total uninstall of ComputerPlucker, with a simple security code. many other tasks in not so logical order.. next version I have to tidy the menĂ¹... So my plan is to deploy this on my machines, and have the data in a online DB, this DB will be for me only a "cache" for data records to be downloaded (and deleted) by another script. As today the account of this TEST DB is embedded in code, using the "File to Base64 String' Code Generator" by @UEZ (used also for embedding icons and XML task definitions) Local $mysqlhost = "sql11.freemysqlhosting.net" Local $mysqlport = "3306" Local $mysqldb = "sql11403701" Local $mysqluser = "sql11403701" Local $mysqlpsw = "QtL7T9U5GV" The DB is one table of 30 mysql tinytext fields... very simple indeed... You can try to upload data to this DB and access (phpmyadmin or a random mysql browser app) to see the results. Or you can use my ComputerPluckerDBbrowser (see at the end of this post) a script to collect and manage the data. PRIVACY warning: you are uploading data of your PC account and PC data, test as your risk (or test in another account...) I also created a small post in a blog for not so geek friends, and I have a more advanced version of the data browser, you can have more info lookin' here. đŸ˜€ Attached you will find the code, and all the necessary includes are at this >link<. ComputerPlucker.EXE is downloadable >HERE< ComputerPluckerDBbrowser.EXE is downloadable >HERE< ComputerPluckerDBbrowser_LITE.au3 ComputerPlucker.au3
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