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  1. A simple example of listing installed applications using ObjCreateInterface. Update. 10/09/2014 ;Danyfirex 06/09/2014 #include <Array.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global Const $sTagAppInfoData = "UINT cbSize;UINT dwMask;ptr pszDisplayName;ptr pszVersion;ptr pszPublisher;ptr pszProductID;" & _ "ptr pszRegisteredOwner;ptr pszRegisteredCompany;ptr pszLanguage;ptr pszSupportUrl;ptr pszSupportTelephone;" & _ "ptr pszHelpLink;ptr pszInstallLocation;ptr pszInstallSource;ptr pszInstallDate;ptr pszContact;ptr pszComments;" & _ "ptr pszImage;ptr pszReadmeUrl;ptr pszUpdateInfoUrl" Global Const $sCLSID_EnumInstalledApps = "{0B124F8F-91F0-11D1-B8B5-006008059382}" Global Const $sIID_IEnumInstalledApps = "{1BC752E1-9046-11D1-B8B3-006008059382}" Global Const $sTagIEnumInstalledApps = "Next hresult(ptr*);Reset hresult();" Global Const $sIID_IShellApp = "{A3E14960-935F-11D1-B8B8-006008059382}" Global Const $sShellApp = "GetAppInfoData hresult(ptr);" Global Const $AIM_DISPLAYNAME = 0x00000001 Global Const $AIM_VERSION = 0x00000002 Global Const $AIM_PUBLISHER = 0x00000004 Global Const $AIM_PRODUCTID = 0x00000008 Global Const $AIM_REGISTEREDOWNER = 0x00000010 Global Const $AIM_REGISTEREDCOMPANY = 0x00000020 Global Const $AIM_LANGUAGE = 0x00000040 Global Const $AIM_SUPPORTURL = 0x00000080 Global Const $AIM_SUPPORTTELEPHONE = 0x00000100 Global Const $AIM_HELPLINK = 0x00000200 Global Const $AIM_INSTALLLOCATION = 0x00000400 Global Const $AIM_INSTALLSOURCE = 0x00000800 Global Const $AIM_INSTALLDATE = 0x00001000 Global Const $AIM_CONTACT = 0x00004000 Global Const $AIM_COMMENTS = 0x00008000 Global Const $AIM_IMAGE = 0x00020000 Global Const $AIM_READMEURL = 0x00040000 Global Const $AIM_UPDATEINFOURL = 0x00080000 Local $aArray = GetInstalledApps(BitOR($AIM_DISPLAYNAME, $AIM_INSTALLDATE)) _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "GetInstalledApps", Default, Default, Default, "NAME|INSTALLDATE") $aArray = GetInstalledApps(BitOR($AIM_DISPLAYNAME, $AIM_UPDATEINFOURL)) _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "GetInstalledApps", Default, Default, Default, "DISPLAYNAME|UPDATEINFOURL") $aArray = GetInstalledApps(BitOR($AIM_DISPLAYNAME, $AIM_INSTALLDATE, $AIM_INSTALLLOCATION)) _ArrayDisplay($aArray, "GetInstalledApps", Default, Default, Default, "DISPLAYNAME|INSTALLLOCATION|INSTALLDATE") Func GetInstalledApps($iMask = $AIM_DISPLAYNAME) Local $oEnumInstalledApps = ObjCreateInterface($sCLSID_EnumInstalledApps, $sIID_IEnumInstalledApps, $sTagIEnumInstalledApps) If @error Then Return 0 Local $pShellApp = 0 Local $oShellApp = 0 Local $AppInfoData = DllStructCreate($sTagAppInfoData) Local $pAppInfoData = DllStructGetPtr($AppInfoData) Local $i = 0 Local $aArray[0][0] Local $iF = 1 Local $tData = 0 Local $sData = "" Local $aMax = nCol($iMask) While $oEnumInstalledApps.Next($pShellApp) = 0 And $pShellApp <> 0 $oShellApp = ObjCreateInterface($pShellApp, $sIID_IShellApp, $sShellApp) If @error Then Return 0 DllStructSetData($AppInfoData, "cbSize", DllStructGetSize($AppInfoData)) DllStructSetData($AppInfoData, "dwMask", $iMask) $oShellApp.GetAppInfoData($pAppInfoData) ReDim $aArray[$iF][UBound($aMax)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aMax) - 1 $tData = DllStructCreate("wchar[260]", DllStructGetData($AppInfoData, $aMax[$i] + 2)) $sData = DllStructGetData($tData, 1) If $aMax[$i] = 13 Then $sData = StringMid($sData, 7, 2) & "/" & StringMid($sData, 5, 2) & "/" & StringMid($sData, 1, 4) $aArray[$iF - 1][$i] = ($sData = "0") ? "" : $sData DllStructSetData($tData, 1, "") Next $oShellApp = Null $iF += 1 WEnd $oEnumInstalledApps = Null Return $aArray EndFunc ;==>GetInstalledApps Func nCol($iMask) Local $aFlag[18] = [$AIM_DISPLAYNAME, $AIM_VERSION, $AIM_PUBLISHER, $AIM_PRODUCTID, $AIM_REGISTEREDOWNER, $AIM_REGISTEREDCOMPANY, _ $AIM_LANGUAGE, $AIM_SUPPORTURL, $AIM_SUPPORTTELEPHONE, $AIM_HELPLINK, $AIM_INSTALLLOCATION, $AIM_INSTALLSOURCE, _ $AIM_INSTALLDATE, $AIM_CONTACT, $AIM_COMMENTS, $AIM_IMAGE, $AIM_READMEURL, $AIM_UPDATEINFOURL] Local $iCol = 0 Local $x = 0 Local $aCol[18] For $i = 0 To UBound($aFlag) - 1 If BitAND($iMask, $aFlag[$i]) Then $aCol[$x] = $i + 1 $x += 1 EndIf Next ReDim $aCol[$x] Return $aCol EndFunc ;==>nCol Saludos
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