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  1. I would love to have some help or guidance I am able to Query from my database but I am not able to Update or insert etc because I lack the knowledge for it this is my code for to retrieve some data from and works perfect Dim $ueberschriften = "" Dim $anzahl = 0 Dim $dsncount = 1 Global $DSN = "MTXXV5" Global $Query = "Select * from VIEWS" Func SSSQL($SSQuery) ;SuperSonicSQL     ConsoleWrite($SSQuery & @LF)     $cmboVal = ""     $adoCon = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")     $adoCon.Open($DSN)     $adoRs = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset")     $adoSQL = $SSQuery     $adoRs.CursorType = 2     $adoRs.LockType = 3     $adoRs.Open($adoSQL, $adoCon)     With $adoRs         Global $QueryAnswer = .GetRows     EndWith     Return $QueryAnswer EndFunc   ;==>SSSQL and this is my failed attempt, The Query is correct but I want to able to use it in autoit instead of have to manual update or insert into flamerobin $SS_SQL_Insert_or_Update = "INSERT INTO DETECTION (DNAME,DTYPE,WINNAME,AREA,COLOR,MOUSE) VALUES ('PopUpTradeInviteYes        s                    ','SEARCH','XXX','175,240,550,240,65,228,82,234','5062478','0') " Func SSSQLIU($SS_SQL_Insert_or_Update) ;SuperSonicSQL :P     $cmboVal = ""     $adoCon = ObjCreate("ADODB.Connection")     $adoCon.Open($DSN)     $adoRs = ObjCreate("ADODB.Record")     $adoSQL =$SS_SQL_Insert_or_Update ;~     $adoRs.CursorType = 2     $adoRs.LockType = 4     $adoRs.Open($adoSQL, $adoCon) ;~     With $adoRs ;~         Global $QueryAnswer = .GetRows ;~     EndWith ;~     Return $QueryAnswer EndFunc   ;==>SSSQL I am at a total loss and I am just trying this at random but I am also going to sleep now I would love to have some minor examples "C:\_CC_V10_DetectionTAB.au3" (174) : ==> The requested action with this object has failed.: $adoRs.Open($adoSQL, $adoCon) $adoRs^ ERROR
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