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plz help how to organize information from notepad or INIfile Example: 0=000308 1=000308 2=000308 3=000308 4=000408 5=000408 6=000408 7=000408 8=000408 9=000408 10=000308 11=000308 12=000308 13=000408 14=000408 15=000408 16=000408 17=000408 18=000408 19=000408 20=000308 21=000308 22=000308 23=000408 24=000408 25=000408 26=000408 27=000408 28=000408 29=000408 30=000308 0=000308 x 11 total 1=000408 x 20 total 2 lines summary all Thank you
Read and combine multiple sections inifile
Wingens posted a topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Hi I am trying to read multiple sections from an ini file into an array and use the result to calculate how many records there are from the suppliers and this devided into the status records that belong to it. The problem I am having; I am able to use Ubound to calculate how many record there are in total to the option chosen from the combo box, but where I am getting stuck is the part to link the status and leverancier to each other and count them. Hope some one can help me. My code right now: #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <file.au3> #include <array.au3> $Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 615, 437, 569, 253) $LEVCOMBO = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 184, 112, 145, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $WS_VSCROLL)) Global $aSections = IniReadSectionNames(@ScriptDir & "\leveranciers.ini") If (Not @Error) Then GUICtrlSetData($LEVCOMBO, _ArraytoString($aSections, "|", 1), $aSections[1]) $LABEL = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Totaal aantal RMA aanvragen: ", 48, 200, 250, 21) $TOTALCOUNT = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 200, 200, 100, 21) $LABEL2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Aantal aangevraagd: ", 48, 225, 250, 21) $TOTALAANGEVRAAGD = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 200, 225, 100, 21) $LABEL3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Aantal verzonden: ", 48, 250, 250, 21) $TOTALVERZONDEN = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 200, 250, 100, 21) $LABEL4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Aantal afgehandeld: ", 48, 275, 250, 21) $TOTALAFGEHANDELD = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 200, 275, 100, 21) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $LEVCOMBO COMBO() EndSwitch WEnd Func COMBO() Local $hINI_FILENAME = @ScriptDir & "\ini.ini" $READAANGEVRAAGDRMA = IniReadSection($hINI_FILENAME, 'LEVERANCIER') $READSTATUS = IniReadSection($hINI_FILENAME, 'STATUS') $VAR = GUICtrlRead($LEVCOMBO) $READAANGEVRAAGDRMACOUNT = _ArrayFindAll($READAANGEVRAAGDRMA, $VAR, Default, Default, Default, Default, 1) GUICtrlSetData($TOTALCOUNT,UBound($READAANGEVRAAGDRMACOUNT)) $nb = $READAANGEVRAAGDRMA[0][0] Local $res[$nb+1][3] $res[0][0] = $nb For $i = 1 to $nb $res[$i][0] = $READAANGEVRAAGDRMA[$i][1] $res[$i][1] = $READSTATUS[$i][1] Next _ArrayDisplay($res) EndFunc And the ini files that goes with it: ini.ini: [STATUS] 1=Afgehandeld 3=Verzonden 4=Aangevraagd 5=Aangevraagd 6=Aangevraagd 7=Aangevraagd 8=Verzonden 9=Aangevraagd 10=Aangevraagd 11=Aangevraagd 12=Aangevraagd 13=Aangevraagd 14=Aangevraagd 15=Aangevraagd 16=Aangevraagd 17=Aangevraagd 18=Aangevraagd 19=Aangevraagd 20=Aangevraagd 21=Aangevraagd 22=Aangevraagd [LEVERANCIER] 9=Dobit B.V. 1=Dobit B.V. 10=Dobit B.V. 11=Dobit B.V. 12=Dobit B.V. 13=Dobit B.V. 14=Asus 15=Asus 16=Brother 17=Dobit B.V. 18=Dobit B.V. 19=Dobit B.V. 20=Dobit B.V. 21=Dobit B.V. 22=Asus leveranciers.ini: [Kies een leverancier...] [Dobit B.V.] URL = [TechData B.V.] URL = [MaxICT B.V.] URL = [Brother] URL= [Asus] URL= [HP] URL= [Lenovo] URL= [CCV] URL= test.au3 ini.ini leveranciers.ini -
These functions handle ANSI and unicode inifiles similar to IniRead, IniWrite and IniDelete. _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW So you can read from unicode inifiles created from other programs or perhaps read and write to your own inifiles. I was unable to figure out how the API function of WritePrivateProfileStringW can create a unicode file initially so I instead used FileOpen to create a unicode file and write the 1st entry to achieve this. Further use uses WritePrivateProfileStringW is ok to handle the unicode entries. ANSI file creation is done by WritePrivateProfileStringW by default. Deletion of keys and sections may need use of Null which is in AutoIt and later. I put comments with the code so hopefully understandable to you. The functions use a similar parameter syntax to IniRead and IniWrite. _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW has an additional parameter to handle the flag passed to FileOpen for the initial creation of the inifile. _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW has an additional parameter in case you want the buffer that holds the return value within the UDF to be larger. The example has some russian text in it so you need to save it in a unicode script for correct testing. Example ; show message if script is not unicode. Unicode text in this script requires it to be UTF encoded. ; if needed in Scite, use menu bar, File -> Encoding -> UTF (any UTF type that suits you) and save the script. If Not FileGetEncoding(@ScriptFullPath) Then MsgBox(0, @ScriptName, 'Script is not unicode') ; write to ini file $return = _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW("test.ini", 'russian', 'Open', 'Открыть', 0x21) _Notify('Write', $return) ; read from ini file $return = _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW("test.ini", 'russian', 'Open', 'Default') _Notify('Read', $return) #cs AutoIt or later using Null keyword ; setting $sValue parameter with Null keyword will delete a key using AutoIt 3.3.9.x or later. $return = _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW("test.ini", 'russian', 'Open', Null) ; setting $sKey parameter with Null keyword will delete a section using AutoIt 3.3.9.x or later. $return = _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW("test.ini", 'russian', Null, Null) ; setting $sSection parameter with Null keyword will flush using AutoIt 3.3.9.x or later. $return = _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW("test.ini", Null, Null, Null) #ce ; More info of an API that mimics these functions and explains use of Null at Func _Notify($title, $return = 0, $error = @error, $extended = @extended) ; notify results from other function calls MsgBox(StringRegExpReplace($error, '-{0,1}([1-9])[0-9]*', '0x30'), $title, _ '@error = ' & $error & @CRLF & _ '@extended = ' & $extended & @CRLF & _ '$return = ' & $return _ ) EndFunc User defined functions ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW ; Description ...: Write to ANSI and unicode encoded ini files ; Syntax.........: _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW($sFileName, $sSection, $sKey, $sValue[, $iMode = 1]) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - The filename of the .ini file ; $sSection - The section name in the .ini file ; $sKey - The key name in the in the .ini file ; $sValue - The value to write/change ; $iMode - Refer to FileOpen mode parameter ; Return values .: Success - Not 0 ; Failure - 0 ; @error 1 to 5 - Refer to DllCall ; @error 6 - FileOpen failed to open a handle to create the file ; Author ........: MHz ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Similar to IniWrite but uses unicode API calls. If $sValue is Null then $sKey is deleted. If $sKey is Null, ; then $sSection is deleted. If $sSection, $sKey and $sValue are all Null, then $sFileName is ; flushed. *** Null is a keyword that only exists in AutoIt3 versions 3.3.9.x and later *** ; Related .......: DllCall, FileOpen, IniWrite ; Link ..........: ; ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinAPI_WritePrivateProfileStringW($sFileName, $sSection, $sKey, $sValue, $iMode = 1) Local $handle_write, $ret ; check if path is relative and make it absolute if it is relative $ret = DllCall('Shlwapi.dll', 'bool', 'PathIsRelativeW', 'wstr', $sFileName); lpszPath If Not @error And $ret[0] Then $sFileName = @WorkingDir & '\' & $sFileName ; create a unicode encoded file if needed and write the entry If Not FileExists($sFileName) And $iMode > 0x20 Then $handle_write = FileOpen($sFileName, $iMode) If $handle_write = -1 Then Return SetError(6, 0, 0) FileWrite($handle_write, '[' & $sSection & ']' & @CRLF & $sKey & '=' & $sValue & @CRLF) FileClose($handle_write) Return 1 EndIf ; write to the ini file. $ret[0] will contain nonzero if successful $ret = DllCall('Kernel32.dll', 'bool', 'WritePrivateProfileStringW', _ 'wstr', $sSection, _ 'wstr', $sKey, _ 'wstr', $sValue, _ 'wstr', $sFileName _ ); lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Return SetExtended(0, $ret[0]) EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW ; Description ...: Read from ANSI and unicode encoded ini files ; Syntax.........: _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW($sFileName, $sSection, $sKey[, $sDefault = ''[, $iBufferSize = 65536]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFileName - The filename of the .ini file ; $sSection - The section name in the .ini file ; $sKey - The key name in the in the .ini file ; $sDefault - The default value to return if the requested key is not found ; $iBufferSize - Adjustable buffer size which contains the chars from the API call ; Return values .: Success - Returns the requested key value ; Failure - Returns the default string if requested key not found ; @error 1 to 5 - Refer to DllCall ; Author ........: MHz ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Similar to IniRead but uses unicode API calls ; Related .......: IniRead ; Link ..........: ; ; Example .......: Yes ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _WinAPI_GetPrivateProfileStringW($sFileName, $sSection, $sKey, $sDefault = '', $iBufferSize = 65536) Local $buffer, $ret ; check if path is relative and make it absolute if it is relative $ret = DllCall('Shlwapi.dll', 'bool', 'PathIsRelativeW', 'wstr', $sFileName); lpszPath If Not @error And $ret[0] Then $sFileName = @WorkingDir & '\' & $sFileName ; create a buffer to hold the returned string $buffer = DllStructCreate('wchar[' & $iBufferSize & ']') ; read from the ini file. $ret[0] will contain number of chars returned $ret = DllCall('Kernel32.dll', 'dword', 'GetPrivateProfileStringW', _ 'wstr', $sSection, _ 'wstr', $sKey, _ 'wstr', $sDefault, _ 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($buffer), _ 'dword', DllStructGetSize($buffer), _ 'wstr', $sFileName _ ); lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpDefault, lpReturnedString, nSize, lpFileName If @error Then SetError(@error, @extended, $sDefault) Return SetExtended($ret[0], DllStructGetData($buffer, 1)) EndFunc Thanks to AZJIO for some russian text for use in the example. Edit: Updated with summary correction by guiness in post #2