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Some time ago I needed a way to uploade images to imgur, from one of my programs, and took a look at there API. Don't know if anyone can/would use it, but here is my code #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-q -d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w- 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w- 7 ; #INDEX# ======================================================================================================================= ; Title .........: IMGUR Curl udf ; AutoIt Version : 1.0 ; Description ...: Uploads files to imgur using curl, and returns imgur url, deletion key, imgsize ect. in an array ; Author(s) .....: Rex ; =============================================================================================================================== #include-once #include <curl.au3> ; By Ward #include <JSON.au3> ; by Ward ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Name...........: _Imgur ; Description ...: Allows the user to uploade images to Imgur, or delete an already uploaded image using the images DeleteHash ; Syntax.........: _Imgur($AuthKey, True/False, $vData) ; Parameters ....: $AuthKey - API key from Imgur ; $bImg_Up - If true an image uploade is expected, if False a DeleteHas is expected ; $vData - The image to uploade, or the DeleteHash that was returned from Imgur at Image uploade ; Return values .: Success - An Array containing: ID, Datetime, type, animated, width, height, size, deletehash and url ; Failur - Sets @Error to 1 if no AuthKey is provided ; Failur - Sets @Error to 2 if $bImg_Up = True but no Image data is provided ; Failur - Sets @Error to 3 if $bImg_Up = True but $vData isn't Binary ; Failur - Sets @Error to 4 if $bImg_Up = False but no DeleteHash is provided ; Failur - Sets @Error to 5 if the API returns 400 -> Bad Request ; Failur - Sets @Error to 6 if the API returns 403 -> Permission Denied ; Failur - Sets @Error to 7 if the API returns 413 -> Data to large ; Failur - Sets @Error to 8 if the API returns 415 -> Unsupported data ; Failur - Sets @Error to 9 if Curl returns no Curl ; Failur - Sets @Error to 10 and returns Curl error msg if Curl fails ; Failur - Sets @Error to 11 If StringRegExp failed on the header (no array) ; Author ........: Rex ; Modified.......: ; Remarks .......: Needs Curl, Json And BinaryCall by Ward - Base64Encode By Ward and _EPOCH_Decrypt by Trancexx ; Is includede in the UDF is self ; Related .......: ; Link ..........: ; Example .......: $dFile = FileOpenDialog('Open', @ScriptDir, 'Image Files (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.bmp;*.gif)', 1) ; Browse image ; $hData = FileOpen($dFile, 16) ; Open as binary ; $dData = FileRead($hData) ; Read the data ; FileClose($hData) ; Close the FileHandle ; $aData = _Imgur('APIKEY', True, $dData) ; Uploade the Image ; ; $aDelete = _Imgur('APIKEY', False, 'DELETEHASH') ; ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Imgur($sAuthKey, $bImg_Up = True, $vData = '') ; Performe some error checking Select Case $sAuthKey = '' ; If no authkey is provided Return SetError(1, 0, -1) ; We set error to 1 Case $vData = '' And $bImg_Up = True ; If no image data is sendt Return SetError(2, 0, -1) ; We sent error to 2 Case $vData <> '' And $bImg_Up = True And IsBinary($vData) = 0 ; If $vData isn't binary Return SetError(3, 0, -1) ; We sent error to 3 Case $vData = '' And $bImg_Up = False ; If no deleta hash was send Return SetError(4, 0, -1) ; We sent error to 4 EndSelect Local $aResult[9] ; Return array Local $ProgressCallback = DllCallbackGetPtr(DllCallbackRegister("ShowProgress", "int:cdecl", "ptr;uint64;uint64;uint64;uint64")) Local $Curl = Curl_Easy_Init() If Not $Curl Then Return SetError(9, 0, -1) Local $sHtml = $Curl Local $sHeader = $Curl + 1 ; any number as identify Local $sList = Curl_Slist_Append(0, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0") $sList = Curl_Slist_Append($sList, 'Referer:') $sList = Curl_Slist_Append($sList, 'Type: Base64') $sList = Curl_Slist_Append($sList, "Authorization: client-ID " & $sAuthKey) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $sList) ; If $bImg_Up is true we uploads the image If $bImg_Up = True Then $dImage = _Base64Encode($vData) ; Convert the image to Base64 Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_URL, "") ; If we wants to uploade an image Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_POST, 1) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_COPYPOSTFIELDS, $dImage) Else ; If no img we expect a delete Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_URL, "" & $vData) ; If we wants to delete an image Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE') ; When we deletes an image EndIf ; Get header Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, Curl_DataWriteCallback()) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, $sHeader) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1) ; Checks use this to see the respons from server, and get img url/delete hash ect. Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, Curl_DataWriteCallback()) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $sHtml) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0) Curl_Easy_Setopt($Curl, $CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION, $ProgressCallback) Local $Code = Curl_Easy_Perform($Curl) If $Code <> $CURLE_OK Then Return SetError(10, 0, Curl_Easy_StrError($Code)) EndIf ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & 'HEADER: ' & BinaryToString(Curl_Data_Get($sHeader)) & @CRLF) ;ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & 'HTML RAW: ' & BinaryToString(Curl_Data_Get($sHtml)) & @CRLF) ; Check what the header returns $aHeader = StringRegExp(BinaryToString(Curl_Data_Get($sHeader)), 'HTTP/1.1 (400|403|413|415|200)', 1) If IsArray($aHeader) Then Select Case $aHeader[0] = 400 ; If 403 then Permission Denied Return SetError(5, 0, -1) Case $aHeader[0] = 403 ; If 403 then Permission Denied Return SetError(6, 0, -1) Case $aHeader[0] = 413 ; If 413 then the data is to large Return SetError(7, 0, -1) Case $aHeader[0] = 415 ; If 415 then the data is unsupported Return SetError(8, 0, -1) Case $aHeader[0] = 200 ; If 200 uploade/delete was a sucess ; Decode the json returned from imgur Local $sJson = Json_Decode(BinaryToString(Curl_Data_Get($sHtml))) ; If deleting an image we only needs to return Sucess - IMGUR returns Sucess If $bImg_Up = False Then ReDim $aResult[1] ; Slim down the array $aResult[0] = 'Success' Return $aResult EndIf ; If an image was uploaded then we need to return some data to the user $aResult[0] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["id"]') ; Imgur image id ; Date time the image was uploaded, it's returned in unix timestamp, so we converts it to regular time stamp $aResult[1] = _EPOCH_Decrypt(Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["datetime"]')) ; Type of uploaded image $aResult[2] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["type"]') ; Was the image animated $aResult[3] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["animated"]') ; Width of the image $aResult[4] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["width"]') ; Height of the image $aResult[5] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["height"]') ; Size of the image $aResult[6] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["size"]') ; Delete hash of the image $aResult[7] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["deletehash"]') ; Image link $aResult[8] = Json_Get($sJson, '["data"]["link"]') Curl_Easy_Cleanup($Curl) Curl_Data_Cleanup($Curl) Curl_Slist_Free_All($sList) Return $aResult EndSelect Else ; If the Regexp failed Return SetError(11, 1, -1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Imgur Func ShowProgress($Ptr, $dltotal, $dlnow, $ultotal, $ulnow) ProgressSet(Int($ulnow / $ultotal * 100), '% Sendt = ' & Int($ulnow / $ultotal * 100)) Return 0 EndFunc ;==>ShowProgress ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _EPOCH_Decrypt ; Description ...: Converts Epoch Time to human time ; Syntax ........: _EPOCH_Decrypt(TIMESTAMP) ; Return values .: Convertede timestamp ; Author ........: Trancexx ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _EPOCH_Decrypt($iEpochTime) ; By trancexx forum thread: Local $iDayToAdd = Int($iEpochTime / 86400) Local $iTimeVal = Mod($iEpochTime, 86400) If $iTimeVal < 0 Then $iDayToAdd -= 1 $iTimeVal += 86400 EndIf Local $i_wFactor = Int((573371.75 + $iDayToAdd) / 36524.25) Local $i_xFactor = Int($i_wFactor / 4) Local $i_bFactor = 2442113 + $iDayToAdd + $i_wFactor - $i_xFactor Local $i_cFactor = Int(($i_bFactor - 122.1) / 365.25) Local $i_dFactor = Int(365.25 * $i_cFactor) Local $i_eFactor = Int(($i_bFactor - $i_dFactor) / 30.6001) Local $aDatePart[3] $aDatePart[2] = $i_bFactor - $i_dFactor - Int(30.6001 * $i_eFactor) $aDatePart[1] = $i_eFactor - 1 - 12 * ($i_eFactor - 2 > 11) $aDatePart[0] = $i_cFactor - 4716 + ($aDatePart[1] < 3) Local $aTimePart[3] $aTimePart[0] = Int($iTimeVal / 3600) $iTimeVal = Mod($iTimeVal, 3600) $aTimePart[1] = Int($iTimeVal / 60) $aTimePart[2] = Mod($iTimeVal, 60) Return StringFormat("%.2d/%.2d/%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", $aDatePart[0], $aDatePart[1], $aDatePart[2], $aTimePart[0], $aTimePart[1], $aTimePart[2]) EndFunc ;==>_EPOCH_Decrypt ; #INTERNAL_USE_ONLY# =========================================================================================================== ; Name ..........: _Base64Encode ; Description ...: Encodes data into Base64 ; Syntax ........: _Base64Encode(Data, Linebreak) ; Return values .: Base64 Encodede string ; Author ........: Ward ; Modified ......: ; Remarks .......: ; =============================================================================================================================== Func _Base64Encode($Data, $LineBreak = 76) ; By Ward Local $Opcode = '0x5589E5FF7514535657E8410000004142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A6162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F707172737' $Opcode &= '475767778797A303132333435363738392B2F005A8B5D088B7D108B4D0CE98F0000000FB633C1EE0201D68A06880731C083F901760C0FB6430125F0000000C1' $Opcode &= 'E8040FB63383E603C1E60409C601D68A0688470183F90176210FB6430225C0000000C1E8060FB6730183E60FC1E60209C601D68A06884702EB04C647023D83F' $Opcode &= '90276100FB6730283E63F01D68A06884703EB04C647033D8D5B038D7F0483E903836DFC04750C8B45148945FC66B80D0A66AB85C90F8F69FFFFFFC607005F5E' $Opcode &= '5BC9C21000' Local $CodeBuffer = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($Opcode) & "]") DllStructSetData($CodeBuffer, 1, $Opcode) $Data = Binary($Data) Local $Input = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($Data) & "]") DllStructSetData($Input, 1, $Data) $LineBreak = Floor($LineBreak / 4) * 4 Local $OputputSize = Ceiling(BinaryLen($Data) * 4 / 3) $OputputSize = $OputputSize + Ceiling($OputputSize / $LineBreak) * 2 + 4 Local $Ouput = DllStructCreate("char[" & $OputputSize & "]") DllCall("user32.dll", "none", "CallWindowProc", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($CodeBuffer), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Input), _ "int", BinaryLen($Data), _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($Ouput), _ "uint", $LineBreak) Return DllStructGetData($Ouput, 1) EndFunc ;==>_Base64Encode I have added Wards curl, json and BinaryCall to the att. zip file. Cheers /Rex
Version 1.0.0
This is an AutoIt UDF to help you upload images using Imgur API. Simple example: #NoTrayIcon #include 'Imgur.au3' Global $fp = FileOpenDialog('Open', @ScriptDir, 'Images (*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.bmp)', 1) If Not @error Then Local $image_url = _imgur_upload($fp) If @error Then MsgBox(16 + 262144, 'Error', 'Upload image failed!') Else ; Open with default browser ShellExecute($image_url) EndIf EndIfGithub: -
TinyPicSharer : A simple and handy tool for capture window or picture by mouse grab and an uploader for 10 Pic Hosters ! You can also Resize, Convert, Optimize, add WaterMark to your images easily. (optimization with jpegtran.exe, optipng.exe, gifsicle.exe command line tools) In plus it can extract images from Docs (pdf, doc, docx, odt, odp, ppt, pptx, pps, ppsx) (Doc extraction with b2xtranslator and pdfextract.exe command line tools) Just Drag'n drop a picture/doc on the Host Logo for load it. I have replaced Curl by WinHttp functions and TrIDLib.DLL by my own FileGetType function. Previous downloads : 1343 Update of 8 June 2013 source and executable are available in the Download Section See Tray menu for options. Double click on his tray icon for restore the gui. >zlib.au3, WinHttp.au3, >WinAPIEx UDF are needed. ( Thanks to Ward, trancexx, Yashield ) Hope you 'll find it usefull !