Function Reference _GuiImageListEx.au3 Functions that assist with ImageList control management with support a vertical image strip! Sintax: _GUIImageList_AddVerticalStrip( hWnd, hInstance, sImage[, iWidth = 0[, iHeight = 0[, iImgCount = -1 ]]] )
_GUIImageList_DrawVerticalStrip( hWnd, iIndex, hDC, iX, iY[, iStyle = 0 ] )
_GUIImageList_DrawVerticalStripEx( hWnd, iIndex, hDC, iX, iY[, iDX = 0[, iDY = 0[, iStyle = 0 ] )
_GUIImageList_DestroyEx( hWnd ) Supports: ; Bitmaps with vertical image strip! Downloads: Version: 0.12 _GuiImageListEx_(RedirectLink).html Note: Solve this old problem: Need the WinApiEx.au3: Usage example is included! Sample: Fixes: Regards, João Carlos.