I'm working on a script that needs to work with a huge database inside a combobox.
I'm looking for the best way to link a multidimensional array to that data to load that data on to textfields. example:
combo item 0 = "A", data = [index linked to combo item 0] [1,0,5,4,87,9,"xyz"]
combo item 1 = "B", data = [index linked to combo item 1] [1,6,5,4,87,9,"zzz"]
combo item 3 = "A", data = [index linked to combo item 3] [1,6,4,4,87,9,"aaa"] ; yes also double items!
Would also like to be able to delete and add items on the fly btw..
Local $INDEX[0][10] ; ubound wil be resized like a stack while loading from a textfile
;inside gui:
local $Combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo('...', 10, 10, 290, 25)
;gui loop:
While True
Switch GUIGetMsg()
Case $Combo
display() ; how do i link my array index to the combo labels to know what to show in the textfields?
; NOTE: (there are duplicate items in the combobox!)
Any toughs are welcome.
I was thinking about using _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel($Combo) and use that integer to refer to the index (dimension 1) of the array
Thanks, TheAutomator