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Found 13 results

  1. So after many weekends of battling with this I finally figured it; then I automated it. This script includes icon sushi (which is used to remove the 256 x 256 elements from each .ico) and RDG (to compile the icons into dll). I had to idiot proof this for when I inevitably forget how to do it. First...
  2. Cannot find example how to locate taskbar icon coordinates or position by window handle. I want to use PixelChecksum to check only rectangle area over specified taskbar item. Please help. What I already have found and succesfully run for whole taskbar area: $taskbar = WinGetHandl...
  3. This is Iconizer: This program is made to replace the free / pro version of folder maker. (I bundled a few icon packs with it too). How it works: Icons are copied to the selected folder, the folder icon is changed to that icon and the icon inside the folder is made hidden and read-only...
  4. Topic Closed, please go here SQLite demonstration of native recognition of BLOB object in Listview Following an idea that was raised in a discussion with water and jchd, I have been working during the past week on a ListView SQLite demo that integrates BLOB (Binary large Object) fields. Download...
  5. ICU - Icon Configuration Utility Current Version: v6 (2018-Sep-16) Restore your desktop when the icons get "rearranged". Melba23 and I found we were working on very similar ideas to restore the Desktop icons to their normal place if they became "rearranged" ( ). Vista seem...
  6. Hey, I have a problem I tried to look for it but it didn't solve the problem, I can't add an icon to the exe, I already know there were such topics I tried to all add exclusion C: \ Users \ Marcin \ AppData \ Local \ AutoIt v3 \ aut472.tm.exe to antivirus but after compilation, the name of the file...
  7. I have learned how to use TraySetIcon icon and toggle between icons that I added as resources using #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Icon_Add=C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Icons\au3.ico My current work around is Doit() Func Doit() Local $TestIcon = @ScriptDir&"\Test.ico" Local $ProdIcon = @Scrip...
  8. Hey hello. I came here with maybe too specific questions about uncommon things, but as people says, I don't lose anything trying to asking here There's long time that I have a little "experimental" idea: Use windows desktop and it icon system like old videogame consoles (where "sprites" ar...
  9. Hello everyone! I'm working on a GUI that has 2 explorer windows embedded inside of it. Eventually I'm going to put 4 explorer windows inside of the GUI since it's convenient to have 1 program opened with 4 explorer windows embedded inside it, than having 4 seperate explorer windows opened. An...
  10. Background My desktop icons shift around often when I extend my screen or connect a higher resolution monitor to my laptop, or when a game crashes in an awkward resolution. Recently I've not been having very much luck with programs and scripts that save desktop icon positions. I know there are var...
  11. Hey Gang, I dabble in alot of things these days... I script stuff that helps me in my work life, it gives me focus and initiative to complete a script. Sometimes I am successfull and want to share my script or leave it on a job site... eventually I have a small pile of things I want to run on a...
  12. Hi I am trying to embed an icon control and an AVI control in the status bar but the problem is they won't retain their transparency. An example: #include <GuiStatusBar.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global $WindowMain = GUICreate("Example", 351, 176, -1, -1) GUISetBkColor( 0xDDDDDD, $...
  13. Not an example or script. Lets post icons! This is just a thread where I'll attempt to collect existing autoit icons and post my own version, anyone who is capable of creating them is encouraged to post theirs! Also, you might notice I have something for shiny looking things test 2.ico test.ic...
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