Hi, not sure if there is a better way to do this because Chr() gives me issue.
$writeFile = FileOpen("ztest", 2) ;open and erase
If Not ($writeFile = -1) Then
MsgBox(0, "", Chr(Dec("8E")))
FileWrite($writeFile, Chr(Dec("8E")))
8E hex is 142 decimal
AutoIt notes show that chr 142 is Ž
With the above script:
The message box shows character Ž - good.
ztest in Windows notepad shows Ž - good.
ztest in Windows wordpad shows as Ž - not good.
ztest in Hex editor shows as C5 BD - not good.
The extended character set is supposed to be available to chr().
If I want to write 8E to ztest (not C5 BD) how should I do it then?
Thank you