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  1. DropboxEX - Hardlinks Dorpbox is getting more and more versatile ! Most of you know it as a file sharing tool for different OS's and Mobile platforms . By the way I use 8 / 9 and 10, just amazing, but that's a different story. Anyhow the feature that is missing is, can I sync files and folders which are outside of the Dropbox area. And not to use a seperate sync tool that copies / duplicates all the files ? The answer was given here : Ok let's see what we can do with AutoIT to help a hand. I created 2 versions to create hard links to the dropbox folder called EXTERNAL. 1 version is using native AutoIT commands The second version is using the _WinAPI commands. ( Downside on this one is that you needs full administrator rights :-( Not so elegant of course ! ) Enjoy, ptrex DropboxEx Folder Sync.au3 DropboxEx Folder Sync_WinAPI.au3
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