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  1. Scope of this script is to compare the users membership of two or more AD Groups, to understand complex active directory environments, and find groups/users overlapping. So you can retrieve the list of groups, select 2 or more groups and obtain a list with the membership of every user. The list is processed in sqlite and exported as a CSV file. Thank always to @water for the mighty active directory UDF. You will need also my _gollog UDF for logging. CompareADGroups.au3
  2. Hello, I would like to know how to go about making the following item clear and transparent. They're currently being highlight by a blue/black bar over the texts. I've read through pages and pages of "transparent group, radios, and checkboxes" but none looks like a simple implemenation nor does it apply to my case. Groups Text Radio Text Also, I'm unable to see my tabs perhaps it's being hidden by the background picture? (see figure 2 for what it's supposed to look like). Using the code from AdmiralClaws, it made the radio graphic or style a little plain and I would like to restore it. I don't need the tab section transparent, just the dark grey area around it. Example: $chk = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("This is checkbox - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.", 20, 20) DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) $lbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("This is label - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 20, 100) $rdo = GUICtrlCreateRadio("This is radio - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", 20, 180) DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) Test Program #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Example() Func Example() ; Create a GUI with various controls. Local $hGUI = GUICreate("Example", 400, 300) ; GUICtrlCreatePic (".\background.bmp", 0, 0, 400, 300) GUICtrlCreateTab (20, 20, 360, 260) GUICtrlCreateTabItem ("Option 1") GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Radio", 40, 60, 320, 200) $radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 1", 60, 80) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($radio1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) $radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 2", 60, 110) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle($radio2), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) GUICtrlCreateTab (30, 30, 360, 260) GUICtrlCreateTabItem ("Option 2") GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Radio", 40, 60, 320, 200) $radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 3", 60, 80) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) $radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ("Radio 4", 60, 110) ;DllCall("UxTheme.dll", "int", "SetWindowTheme", "hwnd", GUICtrlGetHandle(-1), "wstr", 0, "wstr", 0) ; Display the GUI. GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGUI) ; Loop until the user exits. While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd ; Delete the previous GUIs and all controls. GUIDelete($hGUI) EndFunc ;==>Example (Figure 1) (Figure 2)
  3. Never experienced anything like this before, so to you I come for help... I'm in the process of rewriting my fork of JSThePatriot's excellent Computer Information library, and my current project is rewriting the User profiling function. One of the new features I've added in is gathering the list of groups a particular user profile belongs to, which uses an existing WMI object to run an "ASSOCIATORS OF" query targeting the specified domain and username. When I run the function under my own user account from within ISN/ScITE or compile it and run it via Windows Explorer, my test script collects the information in a fraction of a second. When I compile the script and Right Click -> "Run As Administrator," the script takes almost three and a half minutes to complete. It's literally the exact same code, but running under Administrator has a computed 6320x slowdown. Examining the script running in Process Monitor showed no activity during what I assume are these queries, which boggles my mind. If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, that'd be super awesome. Below is the code used, and below that is a log file that I generated to root out what in particular was causing the massive slowdown. It's worth mentioning that I'm currently running Windows 8.1 on this machine, under a user account that is part of both the Administrators and Users groups. ; From CompInfoObject.au3 ; ========================= #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Security.au3> #region Global Variables and Constants If Not(IsDeclared("$cI_CompName")) Then Global $cI_CompName = @ComputerName EndIf Global Const $cI_VersionInfo = "00.03.08" Global Const $cI_aName = 0, _ $cI_aDesc = 4 Global $wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 0x10, _ ;DO NOT CHANGE $wbemFlagForwardOnly = 0x20 ;DO NOT CHANGE Global $ERR_NO_INFO = "Array contains no information", _ $ERR_NOT_OBJ = "$colItems isnt an object" Global Const $VERSION_CIO = "" #endregion Global Variables and Constants ; Test script ; ========================== Global Const $logPath = "D:\logFile.txt" If IsAdmin() Then FileWriteLine($logPath, "============= RUNNING AS ADMINISTRATOR ============") Else FileWriteLine($logPath, "================= RUNNING AS USER =================") EndIf FileWriteLine($logPath, "") FileWriteLine($logPath, "Starting user profiling...") FileWriteLine($logPath, "") Local $runtime = TimerInit() Local $test = _ComputerGetUsers() FileWriteLine($logPath, "User profiling complete after " & (TimerDiff($runtime) / 1000) & " seconds") FileWriteLine($logPath, "") MsgBox(0, "", "complete", 10) ; From CompInfoObject.au3 Func _ComputerGetUsers() Local $localSIDs[1] Local $i = 0, $x = 1, $sid While 1 $sid = RegEnumKey("HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList", $x) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($sid, "S-1-5-21-") Then If IsArray(_Security__LookupAccountSid($sid)) Then ReDim $localSIDs[$i + 1] $localSIDs[$i] = $sid $i += 1 EndIf EndIf $x += 1 Wend $i = 0 _ArraySort($localSIDs) Local $colItems, $objWMIService, $objItem, $wqlQuery Local $groups, $userProfile, $userProfileLoaded, $regMountPoint, $runtime Local $users[1] = [ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary")] $wqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_UserAccount" $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $cI_Compname & "\root\CIMV2") $colItems = $objWMIService.ExecQuery($wqlQuery, "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($colItems) Then For $objItem In $colItems ; Restrict users to actual users on the computer If _ArrayBinarySearch($localSIDs, $objItem.SID) <> -1 Then FileWriteLine($logPath, "Collecting basic information for " & $objItem.Name & "...") $runtime = TimerInit() $regMountPoint = Null $userProfileLoaded = False ReDim $users[$i + 1] $users[$i] = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") $users[$i].Add("Name", StringStripWS($objItem.Name, 3)) $users[$i].Add("Domain", StringStripWS($objItem.Domain, 3)) $users[$i].Add("Status", StringStripWS($objItem.Status, 3)) $users[$i].Add("FullName", StringStripWS($objItem.FullName, 3)) $users[$i].Add("Description", StringStripWS($objItem.Description, 3)) $users[$i].Add("SID", StringStripWS($objItem.SID, 3)) $users[$i].Add("Disabled", $objItem.Disabled) $users[$i].Add("Lockout", $objItem.Lockout) $users[$i].Add("PasswordChangeable", $objItem.PasswordChangeable) $users[$i].Add("PasswordExpires", $objItem.PasswordExpires) $users[$i].Add("PasswordRequired", $objItem.PasswordRequired) FileWriteLine($logPath, "Finished collecting basic information for " & $users[$i].Item("Name") & " in " & (TimerDiff($runtime) / 1000) & " seconds") FileWriteLine($logPath, "") ; Get user group membership FileWriteLine($logPath, "Collecting group information for " & $users[$i].Item("Name") & "...") $runtime = TimerInit() $groups = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_UserAccount.Domain='" & $objItem.Domain & "',Name='" & $objItem.Name & "'} WHERE ResultClass=Win32_Group", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($groups) Then Local $temp[1] $x = 0 For $group in $groups ReDim $temp[$x + 1] $temp[$x] = ObjCreate("Scripting.Dictionary") $temp[$x].Add("Name", $group.Name) $temp[$x].Add("Domain", $group.Domain) $temp[$x].Add("SID", $group.SID) $x += 1 Next $users[$i].Add("Groups", $temp) EndIf FileWriteLine($logPath, "Finished collecting group information for " & $users[$i].Item("Name") & " in " & (TimerDiff($runtime) / 1000) & " seconds") FileWriteLine($logPath, "") #cs ; First, we need to mount the registry before anything else, or get the registry path if it already is $userProfile = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UserProfile WHERE SID=""" & $users[$i].Item("SID") & """", "WQL", $wbemFlagReturnImmediately + $wbemFlagForwardOnly) If IsObj($userProfile) Then For $profile in $userProfile $users[$i].Add("ProfilePath", StringStripWS($profile.LocalPath, 3)) If $profile.Loaded Then $userProfileLoaded = True $regMountPoint = "HKEY_USERS\" & $users[$i].Item("SID") & "\" EndIf ExitLoop Next ; Profile isn't loaded. Load it manually. If $regMountPoint == Null Then If RunWait("reg load HKU\TEMP-&" & $users[$i].Item("SID") & " " & $users[$i].Item("ProfilePath") & "\NTUSER.dat") == 0 Then MsgBox(0, "", "Loaded registry hive for " & $users[$i].Item("Name") & @CRLF, 3) $regMountPoint = "HKEY_USERS\TEMP-" & $users[$i].Item("SID") & "\" Else MsgBox(0, "", "Failed to load registry hive for " & $users[$i].Item("Name") & @CRLF, 3) EndIf EndIf EndIf ; Get user's mapped file shares ; HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2\ ; Run regex "\#\#(.+?)\#(.+?)" to get path, then read key _LabelFromReg for any custom drive label applied ; Get user's mapped printers ; https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/102966 ; Unload profile if it wasn't previously loaded If Not $userProfileLoaded And $regMountPoint <> Null Then If RunWait("reg unload " & StringRegExp($regMountPoint, "^(.*)\\$", 1)[0]) Then MsgBox(0, "", "Unloaded registry hive at " & $regMountPoint & @CRLF, 3) Else MsgBox(0, "", "Error: Could not unload registry hive at " & $regMountPoint & @CRLF, 3) EndIf EndIf #ce $i += 1 EndIf Next If $users[Ubound($users) - 1].Count < 1 Then ReDim $users[Ubound($users) - 1] EndIf If Ubound($users) < 1 Then Return SetError(1, 1, 0) EndIf Else Return SetError(1, 2, 0) EndIf Return $users EndFuncAnd here's the log file: ================= RUNNING AS USER ================= Starting user profiling... Collecting basic information for Administrator... Finished collecting basic information for Administrator in 0.000332286438607835 seconds Collecting group information for Administrator... Finished collecting group information for Administrator in 0.0347993066888362 seconds Collecting basic information for <redacted>... Finished collecting basic information for <redacted> in 0.00030855169299299 seconds Collecting group information for <redacted>... Finished collecting group information for <redacted> in 0.0321612217877267 seconds User profiling complete after 0.1464664737096 seconds ============= RUNNING AS ADMINISTRATOR ============ Starting user profiling... Collecting basic information for Administrator... Finished collecting basic information for Administrator in 0.000270383656125874 seconds Collecting group information for Administrator... Finished collecting group information for Administrator in 27.3050492143158 seconds Collecting basic information for <redacted>... Finished collecting basic information for <redacted> in 0.000575407211257197 seconds Collecting group information for <redacted>... Finished collecting group information for <redacted> in 203.270754752081 seconds User profiling complete after 230.621668475639 seconds
  4. Check out this online jukebox that I created with autoit. <snip>
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