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Hello, When a script started as shown below, the “modified time/dates” of the files inside the directory changes as the time/date of “Starting ftp transfer” Accordingly this sutiation times/dates at host seems like all recived in same moment. Could you please help me to fix this problem ? Thanks in advance. #include <File.au3> #include <FTPEx.au3>; FileFindFirstFile("c:\qmc\senddata\qmc_cmm\*.*" ) If not @error = 1 Then Local $putCMM = _FTP_DirPutContents ($Conn, "c:\qmc\senddata\qmc_cmm", '/DataSmithJr/Result/Assembly/CMM',1) If $putCMM = 0 Then exit EndIf EndIf
Right now I'm trying to connect to a server to upload a file directory, which will be chosen by me once the connection is made. I've checked my FTP settings and it seems that the error is spouting from _FTP_Connect(). Can anyone give me an idea of why my script is not working, or point me in the right direction? Include <FTPEx.au3> FTP() Func FTP() Local $FTPOpen, $FTPConnect, $FTPServer Local $User, $Pass, $InstallFolder Local $FTPlocation, $FTPUpload, $FTPName Local $flag, $INIlocation = "UpdateConfig.ini" $flag = 0 $FTPName = IniRead($INIlocation, "1", "FTP Site", "") $FTPServer = IniRead($INIlocation, "1", "Server Name", "") $User = IniRead($INIlocation, "1", "Username", "") $Pass = IniRead($INIlocation, "1", "Password", "") $FTPlocation = IniRead($INIlocation, "1", "FTP Location", "") ConsoleWrite("Name: " & $FTPName & " Server: " & $FTPServer & " User: " & $User & " Pass: " & $Pass & " Remote location: " & $FTPlocation) $FTPOpen = _FTP_Open($FTPName) $FTPConnect = _FTP_Connect($FTPOpen, $FTPServer, $User, $Pass, 1) If $FTPConnect <> 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Alert", "You must specify the path to the folder to upload", 20) $InstallFolder = FileSelectFolder("Open", @WorkingDir) If @error Then $flag = 1 EndIf If $flag = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "FTP", "No folder chosen.. Exiting.", 20) _FTP_Close($FTPOpen) Return EndIf $FTPUpload = _FTP_DirPutContents($FTPConnect, $InstallFolder, $FTPlocation, 1) If $FTPUpload <> 0 Then MsgBox(0, "FTP", "File(s) successfully uploaded!", 20) Else MsgBox(0, "FTP", "File(s) were not successfully uploaded! Check your FTP location and try again.", 10) EndIf Else MsgBox(0, "FTP", "Please check the FTP settings and try again. Error Code: " & $FTPConnect & " @error:" & @error, 100) EndIf _FTP_Close($FTPOpen) EndFunc ;==>FTP