Thanks to this post (https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/189553-writing-to-cmd/?do=findComment&comment=1361142) I can now write a helpfile to the cmd when for instance passing parameter -h or -help at cmd. But then cmd is blocked by the script (I had to free it with CTRL+BREAK):
#include <WinAPI.au3>
$hConsole = _WinAPI_GetStdHandle(1)
_WinAPI_WriteConsole($hConsole, "Print helpfile................" & @CRLF)
Inside MSDN Library then I found this sentence: A process can use the FreeConsole function to detach itself from its console.
But I don't find something like _WinAPI_FreeConsole(). How can I do it in another way?
Regards, Conrad