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hello autoit team please i need your help today am trying to make the list of features in list view and control it am using the dism command line to read output i've made the code but i found some problems what i need is the list of features in 2d array $array[$n][0]= name $array[$i][1] = state when i tested the code it give me some results that i don't need to it e.g ------ ------ | -------- or name | state i need just the list of features and there state please help me to do that here is my example #RequireAdmin #NoTrayIcon #include <AutoItConstants.au3> Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection(false) _Windows_Get_Features() func _Windows_Get_Features() local $a_FeaturesArray[1][2] $a_FeaturesArray[0][0] local $i_Dism_Run = Run("DISM /online /english /get-features /format:table", "", @sw_hide, BitOR($STDERR_CHILD, $STDOUT_CHILD)) local $s_OutputDism = "", $a_OutPutDism While 1 $s_OutputDism = StdoutRead($i_Dism_Run) If @error Then exitLoop if ($s_OutputDism = "") or (StringRegExp($s_OutputDism, "^((\-){1,})?(?:\s)\|?(?:\s)((\-){1,})$", 0) = 1) then ContinueLoop if (StringRegExp($s_OutputDism, "((([\s\d\-\+\_\,]{1})\|([\s\d\-\+\_\,]{1})){1,})", 0) = 1) then $a_OutPutDism = StringSplit($s_OutputDism, @lf) for $i = 1 to $a_OutPutDism[0] if msgBox(1, $i, $a_OutPutDism[$i]) = 1 then exitLoop next endIf Wend endFunc func Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection($b_Enabled) local $h_OpenFS = DLLOpen("kernel32.dll") local $Return = DllCall($h_OpenFS, "boolean", "Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection", "boolean", $b_Enabled) if @error then DLLClose($h_OpenFS) Return SetError(@error, @extended, -1) else DLLClose($h_OpenFS) Return $Return[0] endIf endFunc