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  1. I have been using Auto IT along with the IUIAutomation for the nasty bits to perform automation in the Trizetto Facets application and everything is going well, until I was asked to use some of my scripts to generate Load on the system. In order to do this, I would need to Launch My AutoIT script "which opens the Facets application" multiple times. Each time it is launched a new Facets App on the same computer will open. Couple problems with this that I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out with On Launch of Facets, I get the PID from Shellexecute which I can then pass into the IUIA to search the proper window which is great, but the Click and Send functions from IUIA don't actually send directly to the control so It can get flaky when 5+ Facets screens are being controlled at the same time. On Launch of Facets, I use the PID to then get the Windows Hwnd. When trying to do ControlClick, or Control* I can't seem to find any of the Popup windows such as the Database Select, or Login Creds using the Handle from the Main App and text from the Pop window. ex... ControlClick($MainUIhwnd, "text from popup", "Button1") Is there some other way to identify popup windows for ControlClick type functions?
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