When I set ExtMsgBox to use fixed font, the width is calculated incorrectly, so text wraps.
my code:
#include <_ExtMsgBox.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
_ExtMsgBoxSet(0, 0, -1, -1, 10, "courier new") ; Set _ExtMsgBox formatting
Func ShowAbout()
Local $ar[1] = [0]
_ArrayAdd($ar, "Program to bla bla bla.")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "usage: " & "[-switch>] [<datafile>.csv]")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "<-switch>:")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "-h ....... Display this help information")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "-nb ...... Do not create backup files.")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "-regdel... Delete program relative registry items before")
_ArrayAdd($ar, " running (debug mode only)")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "-ro ...... Do not modify the input file.")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "-tail .... Launch 'Tail' to tail the debug output file")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "")
_ArrayAdd($ar, "Copyright 2011-2016, Andy Scharmer")
_ExtMsgBox(8, "OK", "About", _ArrayToString($ar, @CRLF, 1))
EndFunc ;==>ShowAbout