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  1. Hi, In help file, function return @error = 2 if $sSearch is empty. So If I want to search empty cell, I can't use AutoIt functions and I must check all sheet cells values ?
  2. Hello, I face an Excel related error right after doing an _Excel_BookOpen. This is an EXCEL worksheet with filters defined, quite simple sheet. Once a week at Friday there is a scheduled task running on the file server "printing" the content to a PDF file for documentation puposes. As this is r...
  3. I have a table that'd I'd like to lookup things in my script based on the input. Searching this forum I found some old posts about _ExcelReadSheetToArray(). After not getting it to work, I realized that is no longer in the UDF and _Excel_Range_Read is to be used instead. I also read the _Excel_Ra...
  4. Hello everyone, my problem is that when I try to run my already compiled program as administrator I get this error, but when I run the script it works correctly. this is my code #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Excel.au3> ;I use this code to not open a new excel file Global $...
  5. Hi Fellow Automators, Long time listener, first time caller. I've resisted posting on the forums as long as possible for fear of public lynching, but I'm stuck and could really use some help. Note: If this is the wrong side of the forum for this topic, I apologize. I've built a GUI an...
  6. Hi, I am looking for the possibility to extract a xls (not xlsx)-Excelfile to a csv . My problem: I do NOT have any Appliaction from MS-OFFICE. All searchings (since 3 days now) allways wants me to install ms-office or excel. I CAN'T DO THIS !!! Any help?! Ths'x alot
  7. The _XLSXReadToArray Fuction Reads the EXCEL XLSX Sheet into an Array, not needed that Office is installed and do not use Object just use the REGEXP so_XLSXReadToArray works very fast, in a test done by me here with BulletinSearch_20121008_170143.xlsx (1,5 Mb, Rows = 12148 & Column = 15), the _XLSXR...
  8. I was looking for a UDF using which I could Add and Update Pivot tables and Pivot Charts in Excel easily and could not find one that I could use. So I build this UDF. It has the following functions : _ExcelPivot_CreateCache ; Easily Create a pivot table data cache from a Sheet _ExcelPivot...
  9. I am having a issue of whenever I try to _Excel_RangeWrite a formula that references another workbook I am getting an error @4 and @extended -2147352567 #include <Excel.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open() Local $oWorkbook = _Excel_BookNew($oExcel) _Excel_Ra...
  10. I have an Autoit script that lists files from a folder into an array list. Is there a way to separate the filenames by an underscore and include the id, version, name and date into separate columns in Excel. Example of filename: 12345_v1.0_TEST Name [12345]_01.01.2022.html 12345 would...
  11. I am trying to autofill a range. I am getting stuck and I don't understand what I am doing wrong. My goal is to auto fill some formulas that are next to a pivot table in columns A-C. _Excel_RangeWrite($oNewWorkBook,Default,"2000","D3") _Excel_RangeWrite($oNewWorkBook,Default,"=(B3-D3)","E...
  12. Hi, I have 5 notepad files with lot of data in each of it. The data are arranged in lines and i wish to get it pasted/copied into excel. Say, i need to read notepad1 and paste the contents into sheet1 of excel and notepad2 to sheet2 and so on. If i read the notepad and paste it line by line, it is...
  13. Hello, the script below will read column A from an excel file - and if a value matches in the browser, it will click the corresponding link and click on a specific button to paste the data, then writes "Completed" in Column B. It will continue to read from the excel file and do the same thing for al...
  14. My _Excel_RangeCopyPaste is not working as intended. What I am trying to accomplish is copy the range B:E using _Excel_RangeCopyPaste in the first row and repeat the same for row 2 and so on. ;Skip from reading header columns Local $Skipline = 0 ;0==> first line Local $temprf For $i = 0 To UBou...
  15. Hi, My autoit program generates excel output file. How do i set the author name for this excel file. thanks
  16. I have an html table that displays data along with an excel spreadsheet that has the same data as the html table. I am wanting to only match the Title column in my html table with the Title column in my Excel spreadsheet. If the titles match, click on the Edit hyperlink and continue to loop to next...
  17. Hello, I'm struggling and not sure what I'm missing with how to use the _Excel_RangeRead function. Based on: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/libfunctions/_Excel_RangeRead.htm The second parameter should allow me to select different sheet names, however I can't seem to get it...
  18. I'm having some issues with writing to column C when an element is found. It works on C2 but it does not continue to C3, C4, C5, etc..... I'm wanting to write "test" if the element //input[@id='username'] is found $someUser = _WD_FindElement($sSession, $_WD_LOCATOR_ByXPath, "//input[@id='username']...
  19. Hi @water in my excel file it doesn't work because it counts also all the cells that a somehow formated. Can this also ignores formated cells and only counts cells with data? thanks
  20. Excel VBA's IDE registers a Control-y as "cut this line of code". For those prone to Undo/Redo (Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y) you may find frustration when your code in the editor does not redo, but in fact clears your active line of code while killing redo history. Though not perfect, I keep this tool r...
  21. Hi, I'd like to change different colors for different portion of text in same cell of Excel application. Neither character length nor cell might not fixed. Here's the code I've tried to put together but not manage to pull it off. I'm appreciate it for any suggestion, thank you....
  22. Hi, I'm sure that this is a simple question regarding webdriver udf but my search on the forum did not result in the exact same scenario that I need. I will adapt it to my corporate needs but at first I want it to work with an example everybody can reproduce if needed. I navigate to https://www...
  23. Sorry if this is a repost, but having some trouble searching for the answer and pretty tired right now. I'm just wondering how to make a border around a range of cells in Excel. I want the regular lines created by selecting "All Borders" option around F2:G3 I saw this code: With $oExce...
  24. One web created Excel sheet is crashing when calling the _Excel_BookOpen function. "C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\Include\Excel.au3" (227) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".: $oExcel.Windows($oWorkbook.Name).Visible = $bVisible $oExcel.Windows($oWorkbook.Name)^ ERRORLocal $oWorkbook = $oExcel...
  25. Hey, as part of a larger Programm I am trying to copy the values from one cell in an Excel file to another. The code I am using is the folowing. Local $oExcel = _Excel_Open() If @error Then Exit MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "Excel UDF: _Excel_RangeCopy Example", "Error creating the Excel...
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