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  1. The nice ppl of voidtools created Everything Search Engine ( " Locate files and folders by name instantly. " ) And made a CLI program to search from the command line. They also gave the source code, and reading it, I see the IPC quite familiar. // // // source for CLI.H // Everything IPC test // revision 2: // fixed command line interpreting '-' as a switch inside text. // revision 3: // convert unicode to same code page as console. // revision 4: // removed write console because it has no support for piping. // revision 5: // added ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx (if available) for admin/user support. // compiler options #pragma warning(disable : 4311) // type cast void * to unsigned int #pragma warning(disable : 4312) // type cast unsigned int to void * #pragma warning(disable : 4244) // warning C4244: 'argument' : conversion from 'LONG_PTR' to 'LONG', possible loss of data #pragma warning(disable : 4996) // deprecation #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "everything_ipc.h" #define COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW 0 #define MSGFLT_RESET 0 #define MSGFLT_ALLOW 1 #define MSGFLT_DISALLOW 2 typedef struct tagCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT { DWORD cbSize; DWORD ExtStatus; } CHANGEFILTERSTRUCT, *PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT; static void write(wchar_t *text); static void write_DWORD(DWORD value); static int wstring_to_int(const wchar_t *s); int sort = 0; EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *sort_list; HMODULE user32_hdll = 0; BOOL (WINAPI *pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT pChangeFilterStruct) = 0; int wstring_length(const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *p; p = s; while(*p) { p++; } return (int)(p - s); } // query everything with search string int sendquery(HWND hwnd,DWORD num,WCHAR *search_string,int regex,int match_case,int match_whole_word,int match_path) { EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY *query; int len; int size; HWND everything_hwnd; COPYDATASTRUCT cds; everything_hwnd = FindWindow(EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS,0); if (everything_hwnd) { len = wstring_length(search_string); size = sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY) - sizeof(WCHAR) + len*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); query = (EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,size); if (query) { query->max_results = num; query->offset = 0; query->reply_copydata_message = COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW; query->search_flags = (regex?EVERYTHING_IPC_REGEX:0) | (match_case?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHCASE:0) | (match_whole_word?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHWHOLEWORD:0) | (match_path?EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHPATH:0); query->reply_hwnd = hwnd; CopyMemory(query->search_string,search_string,(len+1)*sizeof(WCHAR)); cds.cbData = size; cds.dwData = EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY; cds.lpData = query; if (SendMessage(everything_hwnd,WM_COPYDATA,(WPARAM)hwnd,(LPARAM)&cds) == TRUE) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,query); return 1; } else { write(L"Everything IPC service not running.\n"); } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,query); } else { write(L"failed to allocate "); write_DWORD(size); write(L" bytes for IPC query.\n"); } } else { // the everything window was not found. // we can optionally RegisterWindowMessage("EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED") and // wait for Everything to post this message to all top level windows when its up and running. write(L"Everything IPC window not found, IPC unavailable.\n"); } return 0; } int compare_list_items(const void *a,const void *b) { int i; i = wcsicmp(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(sort_list,a),EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(sort_list,b)); if (!i) { return wcsicmp(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(sort_list,a),EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(sort_list,b)); } else if (i > 0) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } static void write(wchar_t *text) { DWORD mode; int wlen; DWORD numwritten; HANDLE output_handle; output_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); wlen = wstring_length(text); if (GetConsoleMode(output_handle,&mode)) { WriteConsoleW(output_handle,text,wlen,&numwritten,0); } else { char *buf; int len; len = WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(),0,text,wlen,0,0,0,0); if (len) { buf = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,len); if (buf) { WideCharToMultiByte(GetConsoleCP(),0,text,wlen,buf,len,0,0); WriteFile(output_handle,buf,len,&numwritten,0); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,buf); } } } } static void write_DWORD(DWORD value) { wchar_t buf[256]; wchar_t *d; d = buf + 256; *--d = 0; if (value) { DWORD i; i = value; while(i) { *--d = '0' + (i % 10); i /= 10; } } else { *--d = '0'; } write(d); } void listresultsW(EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *list) { DWORD i; if (sort) { sort_list = list; qsort(list->items,list->numitems,sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM),compare_list_items); } for(i=0;i<list->numitems;i++) { if (list->items[i].flags & EVERYTHING_IPC_DRIVE) { write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\r\n"); } else { write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\\"); write(EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME(list,&list->items[i])); write(L"\r\n"); } } PostQuitMessage(0); } // custom window proc LRESULT __stdcall window_proc(HWND hwnd,UINT msg,WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam) { switch(msg) { case WM_COPYDATA: { COPYDATASTRUCT *cds = (COPYDATASTRUCT *)lParam; switch(cds->dwData) { case COPYDATA_IPCTEST_QUERYCOMPLETEW: listresultsW((EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST *)cds->lpData); return TRUE; } break; } } return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } void help(void) { write(L"-r Search the database using a basic POSIX regular expression.\n"); write(L"-i Does a case sensitive search.\n"); write(L"-w Does a whole word search.\n"); write(L"-p Does a full path search.\n"); write(L"-h --help Display this help.\n"); write(L"-n <num> Limit the amount of results shown to <num>.\n"); write(L"-s Sort by full path.\n"); } // main entry int main(int argc,char **argv) { WNDCLASSEX wcex; HWND hwnd; MSG msg; int ret; int q; wchar_t *search; wchar_t *d; wchar_t *e; wchar_t *s; int match_whole_word = 0; int match_path = 0; int regex = 0; int match_case = 0; int wasexename = 0; int matchpath = 0; int i; int wargc; wchar_t **wargv; DWORD num = EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS; ZeroMemory(&wcex,sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(wcex); if (!GetClassInfoEx(GetModuleHandle(0),TEXT("IPCTEST"),&wcex)) { ZeroMemory(&wcex,sizeof(wcex)); wcex.cbSize = sizeof(wcex); wcex.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0); wcex.lpfnWndProc = window_proc; wcex.lpszClassName = TEXT("IPCTEST"); if (!RegisterClassEx(&wcex)) { write(L"failed to register IPCTEST window class\n"); return 1; } } if (!(hwnd = CreateWindow( TEXT("IPCTEST"), TEXT(""), 0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,GetModuleHandle(0),0))) { write(L"failed to create IPCTEST window\n"); return 1; } // allow the everything window to send a reply. user32_hdll = LoadLibrary(L"user32.dll"); if (user32_hdll) { pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx = (BOOL (WINAPI *)(HWND hWnd,UINT message,DWORD action,PCHANGEFILTERSTRUCT pChangeFilterStruct))GetProcAddress(user32_hdll,"ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx"); if (pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx) { pChangeWindowMessageFilterEx(hwnd,WM_COPYDATA,MSGFLT_ALLOW,0); } } wargv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(),&wargc); search = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,65536); if (!search) { write(L"failed to allocate "); write_DWORD(65536); write(L" bytes for search buffer.\n"); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } d = search; // allow room for null terminator e = search + (65536 / sizeof(wchar_t)) - 1; wargc--; i = 0; for(;;) { if (i >= wargc) break; if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-r") == 0) { regex = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-i") == 0) { match_case = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-w") == 0) { match_whole_word = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-p") == 0) { match_path = 1; } else if (wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-s") == 0) { sort = 1; } else if ((wcsicmp(wargv[i+1],L"-n") == 0) && (i + 1 < wargc)) { i++; num = wstring_to_int(wargv[i+1]); } else if (wargv[i+1][0] == '-') { // unknwon command help(); HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } else { // keep quotes ? q = 0; s = wargv[i+1]; while(*s) { if ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t') || (*s == '\r') || (*s == '\n')) { q = 1; break; } s++; } if ((d != search) && (d < e)) *d++ = ' '; if (q) { if (d < e) *d++ = '"'; } // copy append to search s = wargv[i+1]; while(*s) { if (d < e) *d++ = *s; s++; } if (q) { if (d < e) *d++ = '"'; } } i++; } // null terminate *d = 0; if (!sendquery(hwnd,num,search,regex,match_case,match_whole_word,match_path)) { // send query reports error HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 1; } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,search); // message pump loop: // update windows if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,0)) { ret = (int)GetMessage(&msg,0,0,0); if (ret <= 0) goto exit; // let windows handle it. TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } else { WaitMessage(); } goto loop; exit: if (user32_hdll) { FreeLibrary(user32_hdll); } return 0; } static int wstring_to_int(const wchar_t *s) { const wchar_t *p; int value; p = s; value = 0; while(*p) { if (!((*p >= '0') && (*p <= '9'))) { break; } value *= 10; value += *p - '0'; p++; } return value; } // // // source for everything_ipc.h // Everything IPC #ifndef _EVERYTHING_IPC_H_ #define _EVERYTHING_IPC_H_ // C #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // 1 byte packing for our varible sized structs #pragma pack(push, 1) // WM_USER (send to the taskbar notification window) // SendMessage(FindWindow(EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS,0),WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_*,lParam) // version format: major.minor.revision.build // example: #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MAJOR_VERSION 0 // int major_version = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MAJOR_VERSION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MINOR_VERSION 1 // int minor_version = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_MINOR_VERSION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_REVISION 2 // int revision = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_REVISION,0); #define EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_BUILD_NUMBER 3 // int build = (int)SendMessage(hwnd,WM_USER,EVERYTHING_IPC_GET_BUILD,0); // find the everything window #define EVERYTHING_IPC_WNDCLASS TEXT("EVERYTHING_TASKBAR_NOTIFICATION") // find a everything search window #define EVERYTHING_IPC_SEARCH_WNDCLASS TEXT("EVERYTHING") // this global window message is sent to all top level windows when everything starts. #define EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED TEXT("EVERYTHING_IPC_CREATED") // search flags for querys #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHCASE 0x00000001 // match case #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHWHOLEWORD 0x00000002 // match whole word #define EVERYTHING_IPC_MATCHPATH 0x00000004 // include paths in search #define EVERYTHING_IPC_REGEX 0x00000008 // enable regex // item flags #define EVERYTHING_IPC_FOLDER 0x00000001 // The item is a folder. (its a file if not set) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_DRIVE 0x00000002 // The folder is a drive. Path will be an empty string. // (will also have the folder bit set) // the WM_COPYDATA message for a query. #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYA 1 #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW 2 // all results #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS 0xFFFFFFFF // all results // macro to get the filename of an item #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEA(list,item) (CHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA *)(item))->filename_offset) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEW(list,item) (WCHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->filename_offset) // macro to get the path of an item #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHA(list,item) (CHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->path_offset) #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHW(list,item) (WCHAR *)((CHAR *)(list) + ((EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW *)(item))->path_offset) // // Varible sized query struct sent to everything. // // sent in the form of a WM_COPYDAYA message with EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY as the // dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct. // set the lpData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct to point to your EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // set the cbData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct to the size of the // EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct minus the size of a CHAR plus the length of the search string in bytes plus // one CHAR for the null terminator. // // NOTE: to determine the size of this structure use // ASCII: sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA) - sizeof(CHAR) + strlen(search_string)*sizeof(CHAR) + sizeof(CHAR) // UNICODE: sizeof(EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW) - sizeof(WCHAR) + wcslen(search_string)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) // // NOTE: Everything will only do one query per window. // Sending another query when a query has not completed // will cancel the old query and start the new one. // // Everything will send the results to the reply_hwnd in the form of a // WM_COPYDAYA message with the dwData value you specify. // // Everything will return TRUE if successful. // returns FALSE if not supported. // // If you query with EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW, the results sent from Everything will be Unicode. // typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW { // the window that will receive the new results. HWND reply_hwnd; // the value to set the dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct // sent by Everything when the query is complete. ULONG_PTR reply_copydata_message; // search flags (see EVERYTHING_MATCHCASE | EVERYTHING_MATCHWHOLEWORD | EVERYTHING_MATCHPATH) DWORD search_flags; // only return results after 'offset' results (0 to return the first result) // useful for scrollable lists DWORD offset; // the number of results to return // zero to return no results // EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS to return ALL results DWORD max_results; // null terminated string. arbitrary sized search_string buffer. WCHAR search_string[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW; // ASCII version typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA { // the window that will receive the new results. HWND reply_hwnd; // the value to set the dwData member in the COPYDATASTRUCT struct // sent by Everything when the query is complete. ULONG_PTR reply_copydata_message; // search flags (see EVERYTHING_MATCHCASE | EVERYTHING_MATCHWHOLEWORD | EVERYTHING_MATCHPATH) DWORD search_flags; // only return results after 'offset' results (0 to return the first result) // useful for scrollable lists DWORD offset; // the number of results to return // zero to return no results // EVERYTHING_IPC_ALLRESULTS to return ALL results DWORD max_results; // null terminated string. arbitrary sized search_string buffer. CHAR search_string[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA; // // Varible sized result list struct received from Everything. // // Sent in the form of a WM_COPYDATA message to the hwnd specifed in the // EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // the dwData member of the COPYDATASTRUCT struct will match the sent // reply_copydata_message member in the EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY struct. // // make a copy of the data before returning. // // return TRUE if you processed the WM_COPYDATA message. // typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW { // item flags DWORD flags; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (wchar_t *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->name_offset) DWORD filename_offset; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (wchar_t *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->path_offset) DWORD path_offset; }EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA { // item flags DWORD flags; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (char *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->name_offset) DWORD filename_offset; // The offset of the filename from the beginning of the list structure. // (char *)((char *)everything_list + everythinglist->path_offset) DWORD path_offset; }EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW { // the total number of folders found. DWORD totfolders; // the total number of files found. DWORD totfiles; // totfolders + totfiles DWORD totitems; // the number of folders available. DWORD numfolders; // the number of files available. DWORD numfiles; // the number of items available. DWORD numitems; // index offset of the first result in the item list. DWORD offset; // arbitrary sized item list. // use numitems to determine the actual number of items available. EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW items[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW; typedef struct EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA { // the total number of folders found. DWORD totfolders; // the total number of files found. DWORD totfiles; // totfolders + totfiles DWORD totitems; // the number of folders available. DWORD numfolders; // the number of files available. DWORD numfiles; // the number of items available. DWORD numitems; // index offset of the first result in the item list. DWORD offset; // arbitrary sized item list. // use numitems to determine the actual number of items available. EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA items[1]; }EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA; #ifdef UNICODE #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMW #define EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTW #else #define EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_COPYDATAQUERYA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAME EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMFILENAMEA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATH EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMPATHA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERY EVERYTHING_IPC_QUERYA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEM EVERYTHING_IPC_ITEMA #define EVERYTHING_IPC_LIST EVERYTHING_IPC_LISTA #endif // restore packing #pragma pack(pop) // end extern C #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif // _EVERYTHING_H_ so, the reason for this posting is: it can be implemented in AutoIt3 I personally can run es.exe and get the results from the command line, that is I, with my knowing, now, some of you can make a beautiful UDF ( and I say some of you, because, I would not know where to start ) I use everything for everything, very handy tool. If you ever get to see it work, you'll see how handy it is, mostly if you have many terabytes of files ( or just plain can't remember where a file is at )
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