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  1. Is there any way to send variables/values to a script via parameters during runtime? My current setup is to have a main script that always runs. This script basically sits in the background. After 1 minute, it reads text files (made via a second script), parses out the values, averages them per sensor, and posts to Thingpseak. The secondary script does not permanently run but instead runs via Eventghost when Eventghost gets GET requests from the sensors. I am looking to see if there is a way I could just have Eventghost send the parameter straight to the primary script while it is running, thus removing the need to write to files/have multiple scripts. EDIT: I just realized I could have Autoit process GET requests to do this. Doh. Point still stands though, is there a way to send values to a running script without inputboxes or reading from files?
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