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I'm try to add error handle after autoit error ( I don't want the autoit error message show up ) My intention is to move the file, record the error script line and restart the script's .exe file due to an unexpected error while reading file's content I tried to use the ObjEvent with AutoIt.Error, but not work do I misunderstand how the AutoIt.Error work ? 'cause PIP I can't provide the original script, here is sample script with similar logic I tried ( $FT_Name unexpected error, content without @ char ) Global $errorFlow_Global = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "error_Global") Global $File = "C:\Desktop\ABC.txt" Global $Name ; ============================== $Name = Fun_Test() ConsoleWrite("Name : " & $Name & @CRLF) Exit ; ============================== Func Fun_Test() Local $errorFlow_Local = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error", "error_Local") Local $FT_Fle = $File, $FT_Content, $FT_Name _FileReadToArray($FT_Fle, $FT_Content) $FT_Name = StringSplit($FT_Content, "@")[1] Return $FT_Name EndFunc ; ============================== Func error_Global($eG_Info) ConsoleWrite("Global, error Line : " & $eG_Info.scriptline & @CRLF) FileMove($File, "C:\ABC", 1 + 8 ) Run(@ComSpec & " /c timeout /t 3&&C:\Desktop\ABC.exe") EndFunc ; ============================== Func error_Local($eL_Info) ConsoleWrite("Local, error Line : " & $eL_Info.scriptline & @CRLF) FileMove($File, "C:\ABC", 1 + 8 ) Run(@ComSpec & " /c timeout /t 3&&C:\Desktop\ABC.exe") EndFunc
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Hey there, I didn't really know how to name the titel .. so let me explain it a bit further. You all might know that a compiled Autoit-Exe gives an error message containing the Error and the line when it crashes. Often those messages aren't usefull because it states the line in the compiled script is not the line in your script if you have used includes. Decompiling the exe often doesn't help either. Well .. I don't want to start a discussion about the benefits of those messages. I just want to disable them. I want my exe to just fail an crash and that's it. Nothing more. When there's an error there's an error. Autoit is the only language I have ever noticed those message boxes. I think now you can understand me .. Do you know any way to do this? Some compiler options or so? Or is it that deep implemented in Autoit that it can't be removed? Thanks for your help! Leo1906
Hi, My .ts ripping app works the first time it's executed, but then fails for some reason with an error. I can't figure out why I'm getting this message though. The variables used on line 55 should be declared. $TsPath is declared as a Global before the error is called. This is line 55... The error and source code (also attached)... ; ffmpeg info: ; also: ; ; ffmpeg -i test.ts -t 10 -b 1000k -vcodec libx264 output.mp4 ; MsgBox(0, "Debug", @ScriptDir) $ini_ffmpeg_location = IniRead("ts-ripper-config.ini", "Settings", "ffmpeg location", "NotFound") ; Get path of ffmpeg.exe from config file $ini_default_path = IniRead("ts-ripper-config.ini", "Settings", "Default location", @ScriptDir) ; Read last user defined location from the db. If FileExists($ini_ffmpeg_location & "\ffmpeg.exe") Then Call("PrepareRip") Else Call("LocateFfmpeg") EndIf Func LocateFfmpeg() ; locates the ffmpeg.exe if not found. Local $LocateFfmpegQuestion = MsgBox(1, "Whoops!", "ffmpeg.exe was not found." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Click Ok to search for ffmpeg.exe") Switch $LocateFfmpegQuestion Case 1; Ok Global $WhereIsFfmpeg = FileOpenDialog("Locate your ffmpeg.exe", @ScriptDir & "\", "Exe (*.exe)", 1 + 4) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "!", "No File chosen - I quit!") Exit ElseIf $WhereIsFfmpeg == 2 Then ; Cancelled MsgBox(0, "!", "No File chosen - I quit!") Exit Else $FfmpegFolder = StringLeft($WhereIsFfmpeg, StringInStr($WhereIsFfmpeg, '\', 0, -1) - 1) ; copy the folder only from $TsPath IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ts-ripper-config.ini", "Settings", "ffmpeg location", $FfmpegFolder) ; Write last user defined folder location of ffmpeg.exe the db. If FileExists($FfmpegFolder & "\ffmpeg.exe") Then Call("PrepareRip") Else Call("LocateFfmpeg") EndIf EndIf Case 2; Cancel -> Exit program MsgBox(0, "!", "No File chosen - I quit!") Exit EndSwitch EndFunc Func PrepareRip() ; locate the file to rip. Local $PrepareRipQuestion = MsgBox(1, "Step 1:", "Select your .ts video file") Switch $PrepareRipQuestion Case 1; Ok Global $TsPath = FileOpenDialog("Locate your .ts file", $ini_default_path & "\", "Video (*.ts)", 1 + 4) If @error Then MsgBox(0, "!", "No File chosen - I quit!") Exit ElseIf $TsPath == 2 Then ; Cancelled MsgBox(0, "!", "No File chosen - I quit!") Exit Else $TsFolder = StringLeft($TsPath, StringInStr($TsPath, '\', 0, -1) - 1) ; copy the folder only from $TsPath IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\ts-ripper-config.ini", "Settings", "Default location", $TsFolder) ; Write last user defined location from the db. Call("RipIt") EndIf Case 2; Cancel -> Exit program MsgBox(0, "!", "No File(s) chosen - I quit!") Exit EndSwitch EndFunc Func RipIt() ; Creates rip in same folder as original. $ffmpeg_command = $WhereIsFfmpeg & " -i " & $TsPath & " -b:v 1200k -vcodec libx264 " & $TsPath & ".mp4" ; The ffmpeg rip settings. Run($ffmpeg_command, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) ; the ffmpeg command. EndFunc Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks Source code.au3