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  1. Hi ppl, got a problem with this, It's for a small project i have, it was sugested that i should include an error check, but now im stuck here, if i only use one string to compare, it works, so im wondering am im missing some operator for this? I could do multiple checks with each of them, but this way it would be simpler, what am i missing here? $LastKey1 = ClipGet() $string = StringRegExp($LastKey1, "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" Or "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" Or "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Or "HKEY_USERS" Or "HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG", 0) If $string = 0 Then MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Clipboard content is not a registry key!") Exit ElseIf $string = 1 Then MsgBox(4096, "ClipGet", "Clipboard content is a registry key!") ;function EndIferror check.au3
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