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  1. _GetDuplicates.au3 Returns an array of duplicate values in a 2D or 1D array. on the occasion of the post ; https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/211972-get-the-duplicates-value-of-array/ ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Title...........: _GetDuplicates.au3 ; Description.....: Returns an array of duplicate values in a 2D or 1D array. ; AutoIt Version..: Author: ioa747 ; Note............: Testet in Win10 22H2 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Au3Check_Parameters=-d -w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 #include <Array.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> ;~ Global $aFilms[] = ["Rambo", "Rambo II", "Rambo III", "Rocky", "Rocky II", "Rocky III", "Rocky IV", "Possessed", "Edge of Tomorrow", "The Ghost Writer", "rocky ii", "RAMBO iii"] ;~ $aDuplicates = _GetDuplicates($aFilms) ;~ _ArrayDisplay($aDuplicates, "$aDuplicates") ; Display the unique array. ;~ Exit ; Find all Duplicates song from the "D:\Music\Bob Marley" folder Global $aFileInfo = _PropertiesListToArray("D:\Music\Bob Marley", "*.mp3;*.wma", "20, 14, 26, 21, 16, 28", 1) _ArrayDisplay($aFileInfo, "$aFileInfo") Global $aDuplicates = _GetDuplicates($aFileInfo, 4) _ArrayDisplay($aDuplicates, "$aDuplicates") ; Display the unique array. ConsoleWrite("Report Duplicates =============================" & @CRLF) Global $aDbl ConsoleWrite("Duplicates count: " & $aDuplicates[0] & @CRLF) For $i = 1 To $aDuplicates[0] $aDbl = StringSplit($aDuplicates[$i], ";") ConsoleWrite($i & ") " & $aFileInfo[$aDbl[1]][4]) ConsoleWrite(" - " & $aDbl[0] & " file(s)" & @CRLF) For $z = 1 To $aDbl[0] ConsoleWrite(@TAB & "found in " & $aFileInfo[$aDbl[$z]][0] & @CRLF) Next Next ; #FUNCTION# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Name...........: _PropertiesListToArray() ; Description ...: Lists files from specified path with Ext properties ; Syntax.........: _PropertiesListToArray($sFolderPath [, $sMask = "*" [, $sGetDetailsOf = "1, 2, 3, 4, 6" [, $iRecur = 0]]) ; Parameters ....: $sFolderPath - Initial path used to generate filelist. ; : $sMask - [optional] Filter for result. Multiple filters must be separated by ";" ; : $sGetDetailsOf - [optional] The Column of properties to return ; : $iRecur - [optional] 0=Do not search in subfolders ,1=Search in all subfolders ; Return value...: 2D Array ; Author ........: ioa747 ; Notes .........: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _PropertiesListToArray($sFolderPath, $sMask = "*", $sGetDetailsOf = "1, 2, 3, 4, 6", $iRecur = 0) Local $hTimer = TimerInit() Local $oShell = ObjCreate("Shell.Application") Local $oDir = $oShell.Namespace($sFolderPath) ConsoleWrite("$sFolderPath=" & $sFolderPath & @CRLF) Local $aFiles = _FileListToArrayRec($sFolderPath, $sMask, $FLTAR_FILES, $iRecur, $FLTAR_FASTSORT, $FLTAR_FULLPATH) If @error Then Local $sError = "Path not found or invalid;Invalid Include parameter;Invalid Exclude parameter;" $sError &= "Invalid Exclude_Folders parameter;Invalid $iReturn parameter;Invalid $iRecur parameter;" $sError &= "Invalid $iSort parameter;Invalid $iReturnPath parameter;No files/folders found" Local $aErr = StringSplit($sError, ";", 2) ToolTip($aErr[@extended] & @CRLF & " ", @DesktopWidth / 4, @DesktopHeight / 2, "Error:", 2) Sleep(4000) ToolTip("") Return SetError(1, @extended, "") EndIf Local $aColumns = StringSplit($sGetDetailsOf, ", ", 1) Local $aData[$aFiles[0] + 1][1] For $i = 1 To $aColumns[0] _ArrayColInsert($aData, $i) $aData[0][$i] = $oDir.GetDetailsOf($oDir.Items, $aColumns[$i]) Next $aData[0][0] = UBound($aData) - 1 Local $sDir, $sFileName, $oFile Local $iUnitCnt = 100 / $aFiles[0] ProgressOn("Progress...", "Search for " & $sMask & " files", "0%") For $i = 1 To $aFiles[0] $sDir = StringLeft($aFiles[$i], StringInStr($aFiles[$i], "\", 0, -1)) $sFileName = StringMid($aFiles[$i], StringInStr($aFiles[$i], "\", 0, -1) + 1) $aData[$i][0] = $aFiles[$i] $oDir = $oShell.NameSpace($sDir) $oFile = $oDir.Parsename($sFileName) For $c = 1 To $aColumns[0] $aData[$i][$c] = $oDir.GetDetailsOf($oFile, $aColumns[$c]) Next ProgressSet($i * $iUnitCnt, Round($i * $iUnitCnt, 0) & "%") Next ProgressSet(100, "Done", "Complete") ProgressOff() ConsoleWrite($aFiles[0] & " files processed in: " & Round(TimerDiff($hTimer) / 1000, 3) & " seconds " & @LF) Return $aData EndFunc ;==>_PropertiesListToArray ; #FUNCTION# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Name...........: _GetDuplicates ; Description....: Returns an array of duplicate values in a 2D or 1D array. ; Syntax.........: _GetDuplicates($aArray, $iColumn = 0) ; Parameters.....: $aArray - The input array. ; $iColumn - [Optional] The column index to check for duplicates (default is 0). ; Return values..: An array of duplicate values. ; Author ........: ioa747 ; Notes .........: This function assumes that the input array is a 2D or 1D array. ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Func _GetDuplicates(ByRef $aArray, $iColumn = 0) Local $sStrIndex, $iDuplCnt Local $aDuplicates[] = [0] Local $aIndex[UBound($aArray)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aArray) - 1 If $aIndex[$i] = "Duplicates" Then ContinueLoop $sStrIndex = "" $iDuplCnt = 0 For $d = 0 To UBound($aIndex) - 1 Local $iColCnt = UBound($aArray, 2) ;ConsoleWrite("$iColCnt=" & $iColCnt & @CRLF) If $iColCnt > 0 Then ; if $aArray = 2D If $aArray[$i][$iColumn] = $aArray[$d][$iColumn] Then $sStrIndex &= $d & ";" $iDuplCnt += 1 If $iDuplCnt > 1 Then $aIndex[$d] = "Duplicates" EndIf Else ; if $aArray = 1D If $aArray[$i] = $aArray[$d] Then $sStrIndex &= $d & ";" $iDuplCnt += 1 If $iDuplCnt > 1 Then $aIndex[$d] = "Duplicates" EndIf EndIf Next $sStrIndex = StringTrimRight($sStrIndex, 1) ;ConsoleWrite("$sStrIndex=" & $sStrIndex & @CRLF) $aIndex[$i] = $sStrIndex Local $asplit = StringSplit($sStrIndex, ";") If $asplit[0] > 1 Then ReDim $aDuplicates[UBound($aDuplicates) + 1] $aDuplicates[0] += 1 $aDuplicates[$aDuplicates[0]] = $sStrIndex EndIf Next Return $aDuplicates EndFunc ;==>_GetDuplicates #cs $sGetDetailsOf - The Column of properties to return [0] = Name [1] = Size [2] = Item type [3] = Date modified [4] = Date created [5] = Date accessed [6] = Attributes [7] = Offline status [8] = Availability [9] = Perceived type [10] = Owner [11] = Kind [12] = Date taken [13] = Contributing artists [14] = Album [15] = Year [16] = Genre [17] = Conductors [18] = Tags [19] = Rating [20] = Authors [21] = Title [22] = Subject [23] = Categories [24] = Comments [25] = Copyright [26] = # [27] = Length [28] = Bit rate [29] = Protected [30] = Camera model [31] = Dimensions [32] = Camera maker [33] = Company [34] = File description [35] = Masters keywords [36] = Masters keywords [42] = Program name [43] = Duration [44] = Is online [45] = Is recurring [46] = Location [47] = Optional attendee addresses [48] = Optional attendees [49] = Organizer address [50] = Organizer name [51] = Reminder time [52] = Required attendee addresses [53] = Required attendees [54] = Resources [55] = Meeting status [56] = Free/busy status [57] = Total size [58] = Account name [60] = Task status [61] = Computer [62] = Anniversary [63] = Assistant's name [64] = Assistant's phone [65] = Birthday [66] = Business address [67] = Business city [68] = Business country/region [69] = Business P.O. box [70] = Business postal code [71] = Business state or province [72] = Business street [73] = Business fax [74] = Business home page [75] = Business phone [76] = Callback number [77] = Car phone [78] = Children [79] = Company main phone [80] = Department [81] = E-mail address [82] = E-mail2 [83] = E-mail3 [84] = E-mail list [85] = E-mail display name [86] = File as [87] = First name [88] = Full name [89] = Gender [90] = Given name [91] = Hobbies [92] = Home address [93] = Home city [94] = Home country/region [95] = Home P.O. box [96] = Home postal code [97] = Home state or province [98] = Home street [99] = Home fax [100] = Home phone [101] = IM addresses [102] = Initials [103] = Job title [104] = Label [105] = Last name [106] = Mailing address [107] = Middle name [108] = Cell phone [109] = Nickname [110] = Office location [111] = Other address [112] = Other city [113] = Other country/region [114] = Other P.O. box [115] = Other postal code [116] = Other state or province [117] = Other street [118] = Pager [119] = Personal title [120] = City [121] = Country/region [122] = P.O. box [123] = Postal code [124] = State or province [125] = Street [126] = Primary e-mail [127] = Primary phone [128] = Profession [129] = Spouse/Partner [130] = Suffix [131] = TTY/TTD phone [132] = Telex [133] = Webpage [134] = Content status [135] = Content type [136] = Date acquired [137] = Date archived [138] = Date completed [139] = Device category [140] = Connected [141] = Discovery method [142] = Friendly name [143] = Local computer [144] = Manufacturer [145] = Model [146] = Paired [147] = Classification [148] = Status [149] = Status [150] = Client ID [151] = Contributors [152] = Content created [153] = Last printed [154] = Date last saved [155] = Division [156] = Document ID [157] = Pages [158] = Slides [159] = Total editing time [160] = Word count [161] = Due date [162] = End date [163] = File count [164] = File extension [165] = Filename [166] = File version [167] = Flag color [168] = Flag status [169] = Space free [172] = Group [173] = Sharing type [174] = Bit depth [175] = Horizontal resolution [176] = Width [177] = Vertical resolution [178] = Height [179] = Importance [180] = Is attachment [181] = Is deleted [182] = Encryption status [183] = Has flag [184] = Is completed [185] = Incomplete [186] = Read status [187] = Shared [188] = Creators [189] = Date [190] = Folder name [191] = Folder path [192] = Folder [193] = Participants [194] = Path [195] = By location [196] = Type [197] = Contact names [198] = Entry type [199] = Language [200] = Date visited [201] = Description [202] = Link status [203] = Link target [204] = URL [208] = Media created [209] = Date released [210] = Encoded by [211] = Episode number [212] = Producers [213] = Publisher [214] = Season number [215] = Subtitle [216] = User web URL [217] = Writers [219] = Attachments [220] = Bcc addresses [221] = Bcc [222] = Cc addresses [223] = Cc [224] = Conversation ID [225] = Date received [226] = Date sent [227] = From addresses [228] = From [229] = Has attachments [230] = Sender address [231] = Sender name [232] = Store [233] = To addresses [234] = To do title [235] = To [236] = Mileage [237] = Album artist [238] = Sort album artist [239] = Album ID [240] = Sort album [241] = Sort contributing artists [242] = Beats-per-minute [243] = Composers [244] = Sort composer [245] = Disc [246] = Initial key [247] = Part of a compilation [248] = Mood [249] = Part of set [250] = Period [251] = Color [252] = Parental rating [253] = Parental rating reason [254] = Space used [255] = EXIF version [256] = Event [257] = Exposure bias [258] = Exposure program [259] = Exposure time [260] = F-stop [261] = Flash mode [262] = Focal length [263] = 35mm focal length [264] = ISO speed [265] = Lens maker [266] = Lens model [267] = Light source [268] = Max aperture [269] = Metering mode [270] = Orientation [271] = People [272] = Program mode [273] = Saturation [274] = Subject distance [275] = White balance [276] = Priority [277] = Project [278] = Channel number [279] = Episode name [280] = Closed captioning [281] = Rerun [282] = SAP [283] = Broadcast date [284] = Program description [285] = Recording time [286] = Station call sign [287] = Station name [288] = Summary [289] = Snippets [290] = Auto summary [291] = Relevance [292] = File ownership [293] = Sensitivity [294] = Shared with [295] = Sharing status [297] = Product name [298] = Product version [299] = Support link [300] = Source [301] = Start date [302] = Sharing [303] = Availability status [304] = Status [305] = Billing information [306] = Complete [307] = Task owner [308] = Sort title [309] = Total file size [310] = Legal trademarks [311] = Video compression [312] = Directors [313] = Data rate [314] = Frame height [315] = Frame rate [316] = Frame width [317] = Spherical [318] = Stereo [319] = Video orientation [320] = Total bitrate [321] = CMYK Profile [322] = Primary color mode [323] = Colors [324] = Effects [325] = External bitmaps [326] = Fills [327] = Fonts used [328] = Fonts embedded [329] = Grayscale Profile [330] = Languages [331] = Layer names [332] = Object count [333] = Object names [334] = Objects [335] = Outlines [336] = Page names [337] = Paper orientation [338] = Paper size [339] = Color palettes [340] = Rendering intent [341] = RGB Profile [342] = Spot colors [343] = Styles [344] = Bitmap compression [345] = Compression ratio [346] = Graphic compression [347] = Color mode [348] = Color Profile [349] = Audio tracks [350] = Bit depth [351] = Contains chapters [352] = Content compression [353] = Subtitles [354] = Subtitle tracks [355] = Video tracks #CE $sGetDetailsOf - The Column of properties to return Please, every comment is appreciated! leave your comments and experiences here! Thank you very much
  2. Hello everyone , Let's say I have an array that contains these numbers: 2,5,7,2,25,6,31,1,24,5,7,8,7,99 How would I make my program be able to tell me something like "There are three 7's". Is it possible to make an array detect duplicates and notify you? Thanks, Brian
  3. Referring to a question posted here, this is a possible SQL query that should do: supposed you have an sqlite table named 'multimedia' with a column named 'sha1_hash', and you want to see only rows with the 'sha1_hash' value that appears more than one time within the table, you could use an SQL query like this: SELECT sha1_hash, COUNT(sha1_hash) AS sha1_sum FROM multimedia GROUP BY sha1_hash HAVING sha1_sum>1 ORDER BY sha1_sum DESC; this query should show only records with the value of sha1_hash that appears more times also in other records, showing it only one time, with a column indicating how many occurrences are present, ordered from the most recurring to the least recurring one. I don't know if this query can be simplified a bit...?, .... if there is a simpler way I would like some hint, Thanks
  4. Hello everyone, I just have a beginner question: is there a way to count duplicates in an array? If you don't see what I mean, here is an example of what I mean: $arr[5] = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'] ; the array countDuplicates($arr); Representing the data in a bidimensionnal array, this would return: #cs ['a'][2] ['b'][2] ['c'][1] Of course this is a bit messy, but that's just for you to get the idea #ce I'm trying to achieve this to check whether yes or no an array has more or same amount of occurrences of a character than another array. Am I doing this the right way? Does such a function exist? Thanks for everything
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