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  1. A simple function to print a DllStruct on AutoIt. #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <Array.au3> Func DllStructPrint($str, $tag) Local $ret = "" If IsDllStruct($str) Then $tag = StringLower($tag) Local $arr1, $arr2 $arr1 = StringSplit($tag, ";", $STR_NOCOUNT) Local $aLabel[1] For $ii = 0 To UBound($arr1, 1) - 1 If Not ($arr1[$ii] = "struct") And Not ($arr1[$ii] = "endstruct") Then $arr2 = StringSplit($arr1[$ii], " ", $STR_NOCOUNT) If IsArray($arr2) Then _ArrayAdd($aLabel, $arr2[1]) EndIf Next For $ii = 1 To UBound($aLabel, 1) - 1 $ret &= $aLabel[$ii] & "=" & DllStructGetData($str, $aLabel[$ii]) Next ElseIf IsArray($str) Then $ret &= "[" & @LF Local $iSize = UBound($str, 1) - 1 For $ii = 0 To $iSize $ret &= " " & DllStructPrint($str[$ii], $tag) & ($ii = $iSize ? "" : ",") & @LF Next $ret &= "]" & @LF EndIf Return $ret EndFunc ;==>DllStructPrint Local $tag = "Struct;byte key;EndStruct" Local $str1 = DllStructCreate($tag) $str1.key = Random(100, 999) Local $str2 = DllStructCreate($tag) $str2.key = Random(100, 999) Local $str3 = DllStructCreate($tag) $str3.key = Random(100, 999) Local $arr[2] $arr[0] = $str2 $arr[1] = $str3 Local $var1 = DllStructPrint($str1, $tag) ConsoleWrite($var1 & @LF) Local $var2 = DllStructPrint($arr, $tag) ConsoleWrite($var2 & @LF) OUTPUT: key=189 [ key=155, key=62 ]
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