I wrote a routine that collects data from window by double-clicking a specific address and copying the selection to the clipboard. The cliboard contents then go to an array as a new element.
I need a way to send the selection directly to the array without copying it to the clipboard (to save resources).
$text = WinGetText("[MyWindow]", "") does not work because the window is from a legacy database run in a mainframe.
Here is a sample of my code:
; move and size the window
WinMove("MyWindow", "", Default, Default, 800, 500) MouseClick("", 489, 129, 2)
; Copy the selected text
$XLArrayMyText = (_ClipBoard_GetData())
I would like to get rid of the last two lines and make the selection an array element without copying it into the clipboard.
I have not found this topic in the forum.
Thank you.