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Found 5 results

  1. I am assigning the current time stamp to a variable $strtTime and holding the execution for 5 seconds with Sleep and calculating the current time stamp. Ideally, the _DateDiff should give 5 seconds as output as i gave the parameter as s.But it is giving zero 0. Any suggestions....! Global $startTime = _Date_Time_GetLocalTime() $startTime = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($startTime) Sleep(5000)     $tCur = _Date_Time_GetLocalTime()     $tCur = _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr($tCur) $iDateCalc = _DateDiff('s', $startTime, $tCur)     MsgBox(0,"$iDateCalc",$iDateCalc)     FileWrite ($QTPfile,CHr(34) & $tCur & CHr(34) & Chr(44) & """" & $iDateCalc & """,")
  2. wakillon




    A simple script for get differences between 2 "Text" files. The different parts are highlighted and a double click on a line of listviews located to the bottom of the Gui permit to access to the line in the Text
  3. Well Hello, I currently a bit sad because i can't find anywhere in helpfiles and google away in autoit to check if a number between another number is the same as 4 variables which is checking if the main variable got the same princip of looking >.<.( I really can't explain it at all) Case $Send2Box $ReadText2Box = GuictrlRead($Text2Box) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText($Console, $ReadText2Box & @CRLF) If $ReadText2Box = '/ping ' & $ip1 & '.' & $ip2 & '.' & $ip3 & '.' & $ip4 Then $IP = StringRight('/ping ', 1) $Ping = Ping($IP) _GUICtrlEdit_AppendText($Console,'Ping is: ' & $Ping & 'ms') GUICtrlSetData($Text2Box,'') EndIfNext try to explain ^-^ i want to check if the text in the inputbox($Text2Box which is read from $ReadText2Box) the same looking like a ip but with a '/ping ' before and i don't know how to make the variables to check this.. and getting after it checked that it is truly a IP to ping it and send it to $Console to display the ms I hope i could explained it anyway to understand it(if i write more i am getting more confused) Thanks to everyone who try's to help me
  4. A simple script for get differences between 2 "Text" files. The different parts are highlighted and a double click on a line of listviews located to the bottom of the Gui permit to access to the line in the Text. Its defects : Using _ArraySearch, it's a bit slow and hungry on cpu usage. Previous downloads : 69 source and executable are available in the Download Section Hope it can help !
  5. I think there's only a little difference when you create a GUI program with AutoIt from developing a GUI program by writing it in C++, mostly, if you're including cURL in your project.. Because sometimes, I feel that I can write my AutoIt script in C++ programming language. But of course, using AutoIt language is much easier (artificially).. Any thoughts (in detail) about it? And about their differences?
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